Thread: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class? Reply to Thread

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27th July 2020 01:54 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

After passing 10th it is not possible to become IAS officer as the minimum academic qualification for this is Graduation. IAS - Indian Administrative Service and to become an IAS officer one has to apply, appear and crack Civil Service Exam conducted by UPSC once every year
30th July 2015 01:24 PM
channu tiwari
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

Dear all,
Kindly note that the field of civil services is extremely uncertain one. so one should always have a backup plan. So firstly you should complete your graduation with any job oriented field, it will certain your employability. Thereafter start preparing for IAS. Or you can start preparing along with your college.
That's all. What you can do now is to read newspaper regularly and watch television news channels.

1st July 2015 02:23 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I am a class12student of science non medical groupnow. Full of passion to be an ias officer in the near future, coming to what to take in graduation I want to take up arts as theze subjects would be of great help and I will also have time for taking coaching.But many people advice me to take up a proffesional course like btech as it eill have job security unlike arts incase I will not be able to crack civils..please help me clear this dilemna.
24th March 2015 01:50 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

1)first of all remember that getting selected to IAS is not that easy .it need lot of hard work and determination and confidence
2)as you completed tenth right now its better if you start preparing for it right now by joining any good coaching classes
3)the eligibility conditions required to become a IAS are
=> you should be a citizen off india
=>you should have minimum of 60% marks in your graduation
4)so try get more than 60% marks in your graduation and while you are in final year of graduation apply for civils exam when the notifications are out
5)first there will be prelims for this exams and next mains exams .if you qualify in both these exams you will be called for interview
6)if your selected in interview then you will be given training and will be giving the job

thank you
26th August 2014 09:29 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

Now I m in 10th in icse board what I may do in 1 medical non medical commerce or arts to hecome ias officer in future?
9th August 2014 09:26 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

my aim of becoming an IAS officer arises from the age of 9 right now I am in 8 std and is alike with the subject social studies but not maths can u help me
14th June 2014 05:27 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

Now I am in 9th . My only aim is to become IAS Officer, but I want to know which group should I select in 1 and in which subject I should have more knowledge! So please help me !!..
4th May 2014 04:03 AM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

What can l do after 10th of percentage 95 uf l wish to be an ias officer as well as scientiest
29th April 2014 03:59 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

i want to be an ias officer but i dnt know what is the process to became an officer like how many will be exam, which is the subject etc?? so plz tell me after graduation what should i do??
14th February 2014 01:54 PM
[email protected]
What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I want to become a successful IAS Officer in my future .
Right now i am in 10th and i want to start preparations for my future .

So can you help me by telling me what should i do after 10th ?
And a proper schedule that i should follow

In short , can you people help me in my future planning of being a successful IAS Officer.
20th November 2013 07:26 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I am in class 11 and I want to chase my target (IAS)
15th October 2013 02:32 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

[QUOTE=Gundeep04;2524313]I want to become a successful IAS Officer in my future . Right now i am in 10th and i want to start preparations for my future . So can you help me by telling me what should i do after 10th ? And a proper schedule that i should fol
25th June 2013 04:51 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

What is the starting monthly salary of a new IAS officer
10th June 2013 06:36 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I want to become ias officer so which field I choose in commerce
8th June 2013 11:34 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I am in X standard right now and i want to be an IAS officer...
Can any one please suggest me any book to start with as i want public administration as my optional subject...
It wud be a plsr if any IAS Officr cncts me on fb..
([email protected])
thanx a lot...
5th June 2013 08:44 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

which is best either cec hec heg mpc for becoming ias
13th May 2013 12:01 AM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

l want to do the practice of an IAS after completion of 10 class and i had choosen commerce with computer as my subject so plz tell me is it right stream n what to do
2nd April 2013 04:43 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

what about commerce stream, what are d optional subjects..
20th February 2013 09:31 AM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

After 10th you need to opt for graduate degree and you can chose any field for your graduation but it should be from recognized university and the other eligiblity criteria is as follows:
1.You should be graduate from recognized university
2.Age limit are as follows
1.For gneral 21-30 yrs
2.For obc 21-33 yrs
3.For sc/st 21-35 yrs

And the no. of attempts are as follows:
1.For general 4 attempts
2.For obc 7 attempts
3.For sc/st any no. of attempts
15th February 2013 10:08 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

after 10th class which group is nice to become ias
11th December 2012 06:50 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

i m very much confuse that which field should i choose after 10th . i want to become ias.
3rd August 2012 02:58 AM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

hello dear,

(i) Age limits:
21-30 years as on 1.7.2012.

(ii) Educational Qualifications :
Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification ..

best luck..!!
2nd August 2012 07:31 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

Originally Posted by Gundeep04 View Post
I want to become a successful IAS Officer in my future .
Right now i am in 10th and i want to start preparations for my future .

So can you help me by telling me what should i do after 10th ?
And a proper schedule that i should follow

In short , can you people help me in my future planning of being a successful IAS Officer ?
You can give the IAS exam after completion of graduation course only. So you have many years yet to prepare for the exam.

The way you study is a very important thing.
First of all you must start studying with highlighter. You may forget what you read or learn in such a case you cannot go through the whole books over and again.

You will have to give a prelim exam first which will include one paper on General studies so you must concentrate on social studies subjects. Also you must keep yourself updated with newspapers , television , magazines etc.

Develop a habit of reading English newspaper. Even half an hour per day will be enough if you do not have much time for the same. This will not only make your General studies section stronger but will also improve your language skills which will be helpful for the paper 2 of Prelims.

General studies paper will also be included in Main exams (two papers of 300 marks each ) So you must understand that this is a very important section.

General studies subject is prepared with NCERT books upto the level of 10+2
And English language paper will consist of questions from 10th and below classes level.

You will also have to give an english language paper and an Indian language paper in Mains but these will be qualifying papers.

Then there will be 4 papers of the 2 optional subjects chosen by you (2 papers of each subject) The following are the optional subjects -

Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce & Accountancy
Political Science & International Relations
Indian History

You will have to choose a stream out of Arts, science and commerce in 11th So choose the stream wisely keeping in mind your graduation course and these optional subjects.

Usually social science subjects - geography and history turn out to be the most scoring ones and even mathematics.
While it may be hard to prepare the syllabus for engineering subjects.

So you must choose the optional subject after checking the syllabus only.

And lastly there are many years left yet so you must keep your self updates about the IAS exam and changes in its pattern etc.
2nd August 2012 05:35 PM
Re: What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

Well, my friend you should stuck to your 11th standard preparation right now.
Try to focus in your PCM specially + your language also counts.

Side by Side do coaching from a well known institute if possible else wise buy an original correspondence course of "RESONANCE" to prepare for upcoming competition exams.

Try to achieve a good position in IIT or AIEEE + your 12th board.

Have a good college for your B. Tech after your intermediate. After doing your B. Tech(4 years program) give the exam for IAS.

It's a long procedure. Try to avoid bad friend circle in the next 2 years of school and be practical to your thoughts. Don't envisage.

Best of luck.
2nd August 2012 02:22 PM
What shall I do to become an IAS Officer after completion of 10th Class?

I want to become a successful IAS Officer in my future .
Right now i am in 10th and i want to start preparations for my future .

So can you help me by telling me what should i do after 10th ?
And a proper schedule that i should follow

In short , can you people help me in my future planning of being a successful IAS Officer ?

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