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5th May 2014 02:52 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

You need to complete your graduation degree in regular stream as a strict eligibility part. UPSC comprises of three sections Preliminary Examination which covers objective type questions, Mains which is subjective type questions and personal interview questions. For eligibility part, aspirant’s age limit should be between 19 to 40 years. Relaxation is also given for SC/ST candidates of 2 years as per the government norms. Also candidate should be Indian and must possess a graduation degree.
28th February 2013 10:53 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
For applying to IAS you can do it on after the notification is issued.

For preparation here are some basic tips:

* Read newspaper daily.
* Read books of ncert class 6th till 10th.
* Prepare aptitude from RS aggarwal.
* Study daily for 4-5 hrs.
* Practice good english books.

LOT more to do....Work Hard.
28th February 2013 10:05 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
Yes Off Course,your eligible to apply for IAS Entrance Examination after Completing your MBA Course ..

::: Information About IAS Exam :::

IAS stands for Indian Administration Service Examination and this is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission

IAS Examination is Under This Civil Services and this Examination held every Once in a year . The Applicant who aspiring to become an Collector than the applicant shuld Appear in this IAS Examination .

Eligibility Criteria for IAS Examinaiton :-

This Examination require Educational qualifications , The Applicant must Qualified in Any graduation Course from recognized university and there is No Percentage of marks require for this Examination .

The Applicant age should be minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years and Upper age relaxation will applicable for the candidates who belong from sc/st and obc candidates .

The Applicant must be citizen of india.

Number of Attempts :-

-For General candidates :- 4 Times
-For OBC candidates :- 7Times
-For SC/ST :- No Limit

::: Selection Procedure :::

The Selection procedure for this Examination is divided into Preliminary Examination /Main Examination and Interview .

::: Apply Procedure :::

===>> You have to through the website :

===>> You have to Observe the IAS requirements option, and then click on it.

===>> Finally challen generated download it.

Reference Books for IAS Entrance Examination :-

~~ Objective General Studies For UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination by A. R. Khan
Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
Price: Rs. 180

~~ Basic Numeracy by Upscportal
Publisher: UPSC Portal
Price: Rs. 240

~~ UPSC Portal: General Mental Ability Logical Reasoning & Analytical Ability by Sachchida Nand Jha
Publisher: UPSC Portal Publications
Price: Rs. 230

~~ IAS PRE: Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency by Upscportal
Price: Rs. 225

~~ UPSC IAS PRE: English Grammar and Usage by Upscportal
Publisher: UPSCPORTAL Publications
Price: Rs. 220

~~ UPSC PORTAL: English Language Comprehension Skills by UPSCportal Editorial Board
Publisher: Upsc Portal
Price: Rs. 150

~~ UPSC Portal General Knowledge Manual by UPSCportal Editorial Board
Price: Rs. 150

~~ Indian Polity for Civil Services Examinations by M. Laxmikanth
Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
Price: Rs. 410

~~ Modern Indian History by Tarique Mohammad
Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education Private Limited
Price: Rs. 250
30th November 2012 12:18 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

I m completed msc in computer science now can I apply for ias
10th August 2012 05:17 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
::: Information About IAS Exam :::

IAS stands for indian administration service exam and this is conducted by the union public service commission under the civil services examination every year once for requiting the dist collector post.

For writing the IAS exam, you need to qualify the required requirements they include educational qualifications and required age limit and selection procedure are given bellow.

::: Required Requirements :::

For attending the IAS exam required educational qualifications are you must completed the ANY GRADUATION from recognized university and here not required any percentage.

Secondly required minimum age limit should be 21 years and maximum should be 30 years and here upper age limit for reserved category candidates as per govt rules such as 3 years for OBC category candidates and 5 years for SC/ST category candidates.

Third one is you must be citizen of india.

Remember, you can apply only 4 times for civil services exams. If you are OBC candidate and then you can apply 7 times and NO limit if you are SC/ST candidate.

::: Selection Procedure :::

For become a IAS officer the selection procedure is based on the preliminary examination and main examination and interview. Apart from first conducted the preliminary examination and this containing the 2 papers and after qualifying called for main examination and this containing the 6 papers and after qualifying directly called for interview.

::: Apply Procedure :::

1. First of you need to go website :

2. And the you need to observe the new window,

3. In that observe the IAS requirements option, and then click on it.

4. After that you need to click on the part 1 registration.

5. And then it will open the registration form and here you need to fill all correct information like Personal Details and Educational Qualification and Address.

6. And then click on continue button bellow.

7. After that it will open the second page in that you need to enter all information.

8. And then click on continue button bellow.

9. After that it will open the third and fourth page in that you need to enter all information.

10. Finally challen generated download it.

11. After that go to any normalized bank and pay application fee or pay online only by using the credit card.

12. And then again repeat 1, 2, 3 steps and after that click on the part 2 registration and here you need to upload your photo and signature and etc information correctly.

13. Finally click on submitted button given in bellow.

14. That's it.

~~ Regards
10th August 2012 02:46 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) is that you need to complete your under graduation course and your age group must be between 21-30 years.

Since,you have completed your MBA you can definitely go through the CSAT examination.

As CSAT is one of the prestigious exam conducted by the UPSC board hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city.The test is basically held in two stages i.e preliminary test and mains.

The preliminary stage consists of two papers,200 marks and 2 hours for each exam.

The first paper basically consists of History of India,Current events,Indian and World geography,Economic and Social development and general science.

The second paper basically consists of English part i.e Decision making and problem solving,mental ability and basic numeracy.

9th August 2012 11:30 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

sir i persuing pgdm from iittm gwalior i want to doing IAS PLG SUGGESSD
16th June 2012 03:46 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
First of all i wish you all the best because IAS is the one of the Good Post in India.

IAS stands for Indian Administrative Service Exam this exam is conduced by Union public Service Commission For Every year.

Eligibility Criteria:-
>>You should be complete the bachelor degree or Engineering degree in any stream from recognized university's.
>>You should be complete the age of 21years and not above 30 years.
>>You should be citizen of india.

IAS Examination Have Three Stage's:-
>>Preliminary Exam
>>Main Exam and

Number of Attempts:-
>>General Candidates for 4 attempts
>>OBC candidate's for 7 attempts
>>SC/ST candidate's No limit's For attempts.

How To Apply?
You can Apply in IAS Entrance Exam in two way's
>>Online:-In Online You go this website and fill up the form and the form.

>>Offline:-In offline You can go to post office then purchase the IAS entrance exam form and then fill up the details to send the Union public service commission address.

For More details Please visit on official website:-
16th June 2012 01:39 AM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

hi dear,
The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) is that you need to complete your under graduation course and your age group must be between 21-30 years.Since,you have completed your MBA you can definitely go through the CSAT examination.

As CSAT is one of the prestigious exam conducted by the UPSC board hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city.The test is basically held in two stages i.e preliminary test and mains.

The preliminary stage consists of two papers,200 marks and 2 hours for each exam.
The first paper basically consists of History of India,Current events,Indian and World geography,Economic and Social development and general science.
The second paper basically consists of English part i.e Decision making and problem solving,mental ability and basic numeracy.

You can get the notification and other such details in the official website of the UPSC i.e

16th June 2012 12:33 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

HI dear,

The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) is that you need to complete your under graduation course and your age group must be between 21-30 years.Since,you have completed your MBA you can definitely go through the CSAT examination.

As CSAT is one of the prestigious exam conducted by the UPSC board hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city.The test is basically held in two stages i.e preliminary test and mains.

The preliminary stage consists of two papers,200 marks and 2 hours for each exam.
The first paper basically consists of History of India,Current events,Indian and World geography,Economic and Social development and general science.
The second paper basically consists of English part i.e Decision making and problem solving,mental ability and basic numeracy.

You can get the notification and other such details in the official website of the UPSC i.e
13th June 2012 05:18 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

To become an IAS officer you have to apply an entrance exam, this exam is conducted by the UPSC(Union Public Service Commission) once in a year.

Eligibility criteria:
The candidae should be complete graduation in any stream from a recognised university of india.

Percentage is not revised for this exam.

Final year appearing candidates may also eligible.

A citizen of india.

Age criteria:
The candidates age should be in between 21 years to 30 years,

For OBC candidates age should be in between 21 years to 33 years,

For SC/ST candidates age should be in between 21 years to 35 years.

Selection procedure:-

Civil services preliminary exam,

Civil services mains exam,

Personal interview.

No.of attempts:-

4 times for General candidates,

7 times for OBC candidates,

No limit for SC/ST candidates.

For more details visit UPSC website

All the best.

1st June 2012 01:32 AM
ranjeet kumar sanjeet
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

dear friend.
eligibility criteria for upsc is:
1. passed in graduation with minimum 50% of marks.
2. must be a citizen of india.
number of attempts:
number of attempts is fixed for general and obc category.
for general category- 4.
for obc- 7.
for sc/st- no maximum of limit.
first of all you need to appear in prelims exam of upsc (csat)- this is objective test.
this test is divided into two parts. paper1 and paper2. each paper contains 100 number of question.
after clearing prelims you will have to appear in mains- this is a subjective test of two paper which you have been elected.
and after mains you will be called for interview and after getting success you will get the job based on your ranking.
all the best.
29th May 2012 09:01 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

hello sir,
I am geetha completed my degree and I got second class whether i am eligible for applying IAS. my caste (MBC). please guide me sir.......
14th May 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

wat is the time period of ias exam?
25th April 2012 11:54 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam


IAS (Indian Administrative Service) the exam is conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) once in a year.

-> The candidate should be complete graduation from a recognised university.
-> Final year candidates are also eligible.
-> Age limits is 21 years to 30 years, 3 years age relaxation for the OBC candidates, 5 years age relaxation for the SC/ST candidates.
-> Candidate should be a citizen of india.

* Preliminary exam,
* Main exam,
* Interview.

For more details visit
10th November 2011 11:33 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

how to apply ips exm 2012
6th September 2011 03:13 AM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

dear friend ,

to apply for the ias exam candidate must have to complete the graduation from the recognized indian university and his or her age should be in between 21 to 30 years.

general and obc category candidates are allowed to attempt 4 and 7 attempts respectively for this exam. whereas sc/st category candidates can attempt for this exam for unlimited times.

this exam is consist of the three parts
1) preliminary exam
2) main exam
3) interview

the final all india rank will be determined by the aggregate score of these all three exams.

to apply , for latest notifications about this exam , previous year question papers kindly visit the website

28th July 2011 10:45 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

1st June 2011 03:19 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Hi, I am doing my, I am in final year but I have back log in Second year of my degree, can i apply for IAS preliminary exams, please guide.... I really want to become an IAS officer & serve for my country.
19th April 2011 03:14 PM
Sachin Narayan
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

IAS exam is conducted by upsc.

You need to have a total command on your subjects that you select for the IAS examination that is the only key for the success.

Following is the eligibility Criteria for IAS examination

1. Age- 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (relaxation for SC/ST candidates- 5 years, OBC- 3 years)

2. Eduacational Qualification- Bachelor's degree from a recognised university.

3. Number of permissible attempts- General category-4
OBC- 7
SC/ST- No limits

4. Nationality- Indian

5. Gender- applicable for both men and women
18th April 2011 05:03 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

It is good that you are opting for IAS as it is a very promising career.

Look to become an IAS, you need to appear for the Civil Service Exam conducted by the UPSC.

The exam in conducted in 2 papers, namely:

1.Preliminary exam
2.Main Exam

Candidate who qualify in the preliminary exam, are eligible to sit for the main exams.

Now basic eligibility criteria is as follows:

Educational Qualification:

Candidate must be a graduate from any field from a recognized university.Students in the final year of graduation can also apply.

Age Limit:

Candidate must have attained minimum 21 years of age as in 1st August of the year of exam.
Upper age limit is 30 years(relaxations for SC/ST, OBC).

For further details, visit:
18th April 2011 05:01 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

It is good that you are opting for IAS as it is a very promising career.

Look to become an IAS, you need to appear for the Civil Service Exam conducted by the UPSC.

The exam in conducted in 2 papers, namely:

1.Preliminary exam
2.Main Exam

Candidate who qualify in the preliminary exam, are eligible to sit for the main exams.

Now basic eligibility criteria is as follows:

Educational Qualification:

Candidate must be a graduate from any field from a recognized university.Students in the final year of graduation can also apply.

Age Limit:

Candidate must have attained minimum 21 years of age as in 1st August of the year of exam.
Upper age limit is 30 years(relaxations for SC/ST, OBC).

For further details, visit:
18th April 2011 10:32 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam


1)A pass in a degree from any University,

2)For IAS and IPS the candidate must be a citizen of India,

3)For other services a candidate can be either a citizen of India,a subject of Nepal,a
subject of Bhutan or a Tibetian refugee


1)21 years must be completed by the 1st AUGUST of that year,


Applying procedure

The UPSC has developed an application form common for all its examinations, which will be processed on computerised machines. This application form along with an Information Brochure containing general instructions for filling up the form, an acknowledgement card and an envelope for sending the application is obtainable from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout the country as against cash payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only).

Form should be purchased from the designated Post Offices only and not from any other agency. This form can be used only once and for only one examination. Candidates must use the form supplied with the Information Brochure only and they should in no case use a photocopy / reproduction / unauthorised printed copy of the Form. Since this form is electronically scannable, due care should be taken to fill up the application form, correctly.

While filling up the application form, please refer to detailed instructions given in the Notice.
18th April 2011 09:56 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
To become an IAS officer a candidate has to apply for the civil service
examination. This examination is conducted by the UPSC every year.
The eligibility criteria required for this examination is given below:

Education Qualification
To apply for this examination a candidate should be graduate in any
discipline from a recognized university.
Those appeared in the final year examination are also eligible to apply
for the civil service examination.

Age Limit
For the civil service examination candidate age should be between
21 to 30 years.

For more information on civil service examination visit the UPSC web site
17th April 2011 04:53 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

dear friend, age limit for IAS: 17-30 years

qualification : Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with at least one of the subjects namely Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics or in Engineering or an equivalent qualification

You can apply by filling a form of 100Rs.For more detail check following link

good luck
16th April 2011 07:38 PM
rajesh mishra
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) is that you need to complete your under graduation course and your age group must be between 21-30 years.Since,you have completed your MBA you can definitely go through the CSAT examination.

As CSAT is one of the prestigious exam conducted by the UPSC board hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city.The test is basically held in two stages i.e preliminary test and mains.

The preliminary stage consists of two papers,200 marks and 2 hours for each exam.
The first paper basically consists of History of India,Current events,Indian and World geography,Economic and Social development and general science.
The second paper basically consists of English part i.e Decision making and problem solving,mental ability and basic numeracy.

You can get the notification and other such details in the official website of the UPSC i.e

16th April 2011 01:19 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

age limit : 17-30 years

qualification : Bachelor’s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Chemistry, Geology, Mathematicsor in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification

You can apply by filling a form of 100Rs.For more detail check following link
16th April 2011 01:05 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam


Eligibility Conditions for IAS Exams

(1) Nationality
i. Only Indian nationals are eligible for IAS and IPS.
ii. For other services a candidate can be either of the following:

a. a citizen of India,
b. a subject of Nepal,
c. a subject of Bhutan

(2) Age Limit
i. A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.
ii. The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:

a. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
b. upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.
c. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate had been domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir during the period between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 1989.
d. upto a maximum of 3 years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled during hostilities with foreign countries or in a disturbed area and consequently released.
e. upto a maximum of 5 years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs / SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on August 1 of the year of examination and have been released:

f. upto a maximum of 5 years in the case of ECOs / SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment (5 years Military Service) as on
g. upto a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and orthopaedically handicapped candidates.

16th April 2011 06:25 AM
Samad M
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Eligibility criteria for IAS exams is

The candidate must hold a degree from any of the government recognised and/or deemed universities or must possess an equivalent qualification. He must have completed 21 years of age in the year he is appearing for the exam. The maximum age limit is 30 for a general candidate, 33 for OBCs and 35 for SCs/STs. Ex-servicemen will get 5 more years exemption from the prescribed age limit. Similarly the number of allowed attempts is 4 for general category, 7 for OBCs and unlimited for SC/STs. Appearing for the preliminary exam or even one paper is counted as an attempt.Format of the Main Examination:there are 2 papers
One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 18 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Pape
300 Marks

English (Qualifying paper)
300 Marks
200 Marks.
Paper 4 & 5
General Studies (300 Marks for each paper)
600 Marks.
Paper 6,7,8 & 9
Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper)
1200 Marks.
Total Marks for Written Examination
2000 Marks.
Interview Test
300 Marks.
Grand Total
2300 Marks.
16th April 2011 02:52 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
For IAS you have to sit for UPSC exem.
age limit for this exem is 21 - 30 for general caste candidate,and also graduate student from any govt approved college or university with any stream student's can apply for this exem.
For more details visit the official webpage of UPSC...
16th April 2011 01:44 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Minimum education criteria = Graduate

He/She should be 21years to 30 yrs of age at the time of appearing

CSAT 2011 exams will be conducted on 12th June. and last date of applying for the same is 21st March...

please refer for further detail and to apply..

How to apply:-You have to apply for UPSC (Union Public Services Commission) exam.

This time UPSC pattern is changed and it is called as CSAT which is coming into effect from Civil Services Examination, 2011.and so there is no option subjects...

It consits of two paper and each paper of Two hrs..

(Paper 1) (200 marks) consists of
  • Current events.
  • History
  • Geography
  • Indian Polity and governance
  • Economic and social development
  • and General science.

It is of purely objective type and qualifying exam...

(Paper II) (200 marks)
  • Comprehension
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy(Class X level)
  • English language comprehension skills (Class X level)

It is of purely subjective type and followed by interview....
Based on the overall ranking and your choice of cadre, you will be provided IFS (Indian Foreign Service), IAS or IPS. The higher your rank, the choice is with you.
15th April 2011 09:55 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Eligibility criteria for IAS exam:

  • Any graduation degree qualification is accepted for the exam
  • Age should be between 21 to 30 years for General category,for obc 21 to 33 years and for sc/st candidates 21 to till the end of life.
  • candidate should have Indian citizenship card holder

Visit official website,fill the form and after submitting complete data,then they will issue a Reference file number and a/c number to pay the payment.
After paying the amount in the bank,he or she will giving one ID number,bring that number and enter the number in the required in the procedure.

For more information,check this attachment:
15th April 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

dear friend, The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Aptitude Test(CSAT) is that you need to complete your under graduation course and your age group must be between 21-30 years.Since,you have completed your MBA you can definitely go through the CSAT examination.

As CSAT is one of the prestigious exam conducted by the UPSC board hence you can get the application forms from the head/central post office of your city.The test is basically held in two stages i.e preliminary test and mains.

The preliminary stage consists of two papers,200 marks and 2 hours for each exam.
The first paper basically consists of History of India,Current events,Indian and World geography,Economic and Social development and general science.
The second paper basically consists of English part i.e Decision making and problem solving,mental ability and basic numeracy.

You can get the notification and other such details in the official website of the UPSC i.e
all the best
15th April 2011 04:31 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

UPSC conducts entry to IAS through UPSC CS Exams
The eligibility criteria for UPSC CS Prelim Exam is
1. A Graduate in any discipline from recognised university of India
2. Age Limit is 21 to 30 Years.
3. A citizen of India.
15th April 2011 04:23 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

(i) Age limits : 21-30 years as on 1.7.2011. (Upper age limit relaxable for SCs/STs, OBCs and certain other categories as specified in Para 3(ii) of Notice). (ii) Educational
Qualifications : Bachelor’ s degree of a recognised university with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physcs, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor's degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Enginerring or an equivalent qualification (Para 3(iii) of Notice).
15th April 2011 03:36 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam


To become an IAS officer you must crack UPSC exam. To apply for UPSC

exam you must have completed a degree and your age must be from 21 yrs to

30 yrs.

You can apply for UPSC exam through online with the following website

You can apply for UPSC exam also in offline by getting the application

forms in head post office of your city and then apply with that form.
15th April 2011 02:18 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

the eligibility criteria for the IAS exam is that you should be a graduate with a minimum of the 60 % of the marks in the graduation , 12th and 10th board exam .....
age should be in between 21 yeras to 30 years for the general students .....

you can apply by filling in the form which can be purchased from the head post offices of your city and send it to the given address on the envelope of the form .....

after that based on the marks and the rank you will be called for the interview ......
15th April 2011 02:07 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
The eligibility criteria for IAS exams, which is conducted buy UPSC, is
You have a Graduation degree of a recognized board or University .
and have age limit between 21years-30 years ,
you also not have previously attempted IAS exam for more than 4 times.
Since,you have complited your MBA you can go through the CSAT exams to become an IAS.
15th April 2011 12:29 PM
swati biswas
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
Its a good decision to go with civil services

Eligibility Criteria for Civil Service Examination is

->you should have a degree from a recognized university.

->you should have minimum age of 21 years..

Relaxation for reserved category's in age

for OBC upto 33 years

for SC/ST/PD candidates upto 35 years

taking coaching depends on your personal interest ..

if you're dedicated hardworking and intelligent then no need of any coaching institutes..

so with all these once check out the following websites

15th April 2011 10:15 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

hello dear

definitely, you can do IAS after MBA.

as minimum qualification graduation is require to attain in the IAS exam.

and minimum 60% marks in graduation is require to attain in the IAS exam.

age limit for IAS exam is 21-29 years.

for more infoormation

all the best..............
15th April 2011 09:10 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam


Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam
IAS examination is conducted by UPSC every Year.
Eligibility criteria:-
a) Educational Qualification:
Must have graduation from recognized university.
b) Age limit:-
Minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years.
Relaxation for category holders:
1. For SC/ST 5 years.
2.For OBC 3 years.
c) Total Number of Attempts:
1. For General category 4 attempts.
2) For OBC 7 attempts.
3) For SC/ST unlimited till age limit.
You can apply either online or offline.
Apply online by using the website
Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country.
This year dates for filling up form for IAS examination is over. So try Next year.
For complete details please visit official website of UPSC
for any further details get into these links

good luck
15th April 2011 03:58 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
im currently in final year of btech in computer science... i want 2 b an ias officer...if their any scope for me as my btech subject do not constitue of any core subjects of ias.... and their is no subject related 2 computer science in ias...

hi friend,
IAS exam does not constitute of any technical subject
it mainly focus on these subjects...........
-G.K ,
-mathematics(up to 10+2 level)

minimum eligibility required is
1. A Graduate in any discipline from recognised university of India
2. Age Limit is 21 to 30 Years.
3. A citizen of India.

If you satisfy this criteria then you are eligible for the exam.
15th April 2011 03:49 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
hi friend,

eligibility criteria for IAS:
1) Should be a citizen of India
2)Graduate from a recognized university( any discipline)
3)Should be between 21 years to 30 years of age on the 1st of August of the
year of written exam

all the best.
15th April 2011 03:31 AM
rahul k
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
After graduation, candidates are eligible to apply for UPSC IAS examination. So, to appear in IAS Exams, you must have to attained the age of 21 years and not be over 30 years, only then you are eligible to appear in this exams.

And If You Have Passed In your bacholar degree, then you are eligible to apply for The IAS Exams.

And If You Are In Final Year of Your Exams, then you are also eligible to apply for This Exams.

Number of Attempts -

4 attempts for general candidates

7 attempts for OBC candidates

and there is no limit for SCs/STs.

So, If You Want to Get More Information Regarding IAS Exams, Then Please Visit The Official Websites -
14th April 2011 06:32 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

IAS examination is conducted by UPSC every Year.

Eligibility criteria:-

a) Educational Qualification:

Must have graduation from recognized university.

b) Age limit:-

Minimum 21 years and maximum 30 years.

Relaxation for category holders:

1. For SC/ST 5 years.

2.For OBC 3 years.

c) Total Number of Attempts:

1. For General category 4 attempts.

2) For OBC 7 attempts.

3) For SC/ST unlimited till age limit.

You can apply either online or offline.

•Apply online by using the website

•Apply offline by purchasing the application form from designated post offices throughout the country.

This year dates for filling up form for IAS examination is over. So try Next year.

For complete details please visit official website of UPSC

All the Best...
14th April 2011 02:51 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

The eligibility criteria is as follows:

1.The age should be between 21-30yrs.

2.You should have a bachelor's degree from a recognized university.

You can fill the application form online.
14th April 2011 12:23 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
Hey friend,

As you have asked for the eligibility criteria for IAS exam, i have attached a file which describes about it.

Please refer.

Thank you.
12th April 2011 11:18 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

Originally Posted by msowmya View Post

I have completed my MBA i have interest to apply for IAS please guide me how to apply and how to prepare and achieve my target
Hey friend,
The procedure for writing the IAS exam depends upon the eligibility criteria,and the information for it is mentioned below:

Academic Eligibility for IAS Exams

1.A degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be a Deemed University under the UGC Act, 1956, or an equivalent qualification.

2.Candidates who have appeared or intend to appear for the qualifying examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to appear for the Preliminary Examination. All such candidates who qualify to appear for the Civil Services MainExamination must produce proof of having passed the said examination along with their application for the Main Examination.

3.The UPSC may in exceptional cases treat a candidate without the foregoing requisite qualification as an eligible candidate if he / she has passed an examination conducted by other institutions, the standard of which justifies his / her admission in the opinionof the Commission.

4.Candidates with professional and technical qualifications recognised by the Government as equivalent to professional and technical degrees.

5.Candidates who have passed the final year of MBBS or any Medical Examination but are yet to complete the internship can also appear for the Main Examination. However they must submit along with their Main Examination application, a certificate from the concerned authority ofthe University / Institution that they have passed the final professional medical examination. At the Interview stage they must then produce a certificate from a competent authority that they have completed (including internship) all the requirements for the award of the MedicalDegree.

Age Limit:

i. A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.

ii. The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:

a. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.

b. upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.

c. upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate had been domiciled in Jammu &Kashmir during the period between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 1989.

d. upto a maximum of 3 years in the case of Defence Services.

e. upto a maximum of 5 years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs / SSCOs.

Thank you.
11th April 2011 06:38 AM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

i am astudent of BSc Vth sem, my subjects are phsics, chemistry & maths, I would like to enter in the IAS examination please guide to me in the above matter
15th March 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Eligibilty criteria and procedure to apply for IAS exam

hello friend...

your interest regarding IAS is really appreciable.

Now briefly I'm going to describe you the Procedure for becoming an IAS officer..

the basic procedure to become an IAS officer is

First you have to have a graduation from any discipline..

but from an recognized Indian University.

next you have to have the minimum age of 21..

these are basic eligibility criteria for a candidate to appear for IAS examination

for any further details get into these links

all the best

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