Thread: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job? Reply to Thread

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9th October 2014 09:52 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

Hi Sir,
I am pursuing my B.Tech in electrical branch, I obtain 55% marks in 12th class due to some reason, but I obtained above 70% marks in all semester .Am I eligible for NTPC job and if yes for which designation/post.

thanks & regards,
Nandini Singh
21st December 2012 04:15 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

Hi Sir,

I am pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science, am i eligible for NTPC job and if yes for which designation/post.

Thanks & Regards,
1st May 2012 11:31 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

i am student of electronics,when i complet my grduation ,can i apply for NTPC
27th April 2012 09:51 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

My vison is 6/6and 6/66 with glass of 4.5 and 5.5 respectively.having squint also in worse eye only
am i handicaped????????????mean more than 40% handicaped . If not ,am i eligible to recruit in public sector cmpny?
18th November 2011 09:00 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

wat all technical skills required ?
21st October 2011 02:12 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

dear sir,
I am a final year student of B-tech,Mechanical there any elligibility for the final year student to apply for job in NTPC?????
8th October 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

i hv pursued in EIE
my father is an executive in NTPC...will i get some preferences in getting job in ntpc????
29th September 2011 09:19 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

can degree holders apply for post dipolama trainee 2011
25th September 2011 11:45 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

dear friend,
Eligibility for NTPC:-

1.One must have complete the course in the stream like - Electronics/Electrical/Mechanical/civil/computer science..

2.One must have 60% aggregate through out the career for general and OBC category.
For SC/ST the percentage criteria is 50%..

3.The age should be in between 21-30 years..
For SC/ST the upper age relaxation is 5 years and for OBC the upper age relaxation is 3 years.

So, if you fulfill these criteria then you are eligible for the written test of NTPC..

You will get a job in NTPC in the post of Engineer Trainee...

So, go for it....
All the best...
25th September 2011 06:32 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

i am working in a private company.I plan to write GATE2012 in mechanical engg stream.i'm under OBC(non creamy layer)
and i finished my also.but my age is 30. Is it possible to apply to NTPC in this time through GATE 2012.
24th September 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

any job for I.T.I. HOLDER BOY
22nd September 2011 10:24 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

I have 69.69 % in my polytechnic diploma in civil engg,can i apply for post in diploma tranee 2011?
17th September 2011 01:19 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

is there any quota for job in NTPC..??
10th September 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

Iam chemistry. How can i get job in NTPC. ihave secured 78% in msc.
17th April 2011 01:52 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC Executive Trainee exam pattern is fixed & you must take a look in order to get through the test.

NTPC ET Test Eligibility Criteria : One should fulfill the certain criteria before applying for the same. This is as follows :

1. Age limit :
A. Engineering Executive Trainee (EET) : The candidates should not be more than 27 years as in the year of applying. Those who have post graduation degree are given 2 years relaxation.

B. Executive Trainee – Human Resource (ET HR) & Executive Trainee – Finance (ET-Fin) : The candidates should not be more than 29 years at the time of applying.
2. Educational Qualification :
A. For Engineering Executive Trainee (EET) : The candidate should have Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology with at least 65% aggregate marks. The aggregate should be calculated by taking average of all the semester/ year. You should have the degree from a recognized Indian University.

B. For Executive Trainee – Human Resource (ET HR) : The candidate should be a Graduate with at least 2 yrs of full time post graduate degree / Post graduate diploma/ Post graduate program in Management with specialization in Human Resource / Industrial relations / Personnel Management or Masters in Social work. All the degree should be from a recognized Indian university. You should have at least 65% aggregate marks in the qualifying exam.
16th April 2011 10:23 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

dear friend, the only requirement is that you should have more than 65% marks in your engineering career....then you are eligible to appear the written exam ....

good luck
16th April 2011 10:20 PM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

dear friend, the only requirement is that you should have more than 65% marks in your engineering career....then you are eligible to appear the written exam ....

good luck
16th April 2011 03:08 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?


Age limit :

A. Engineering Executive Trainee (EET) : The candidates should not be more than 27 years as in the year of applying. Those who have post graduation degree are given 2 years relaxation.
B. Executive Trainee – Human Resource (ET HR) & Executive Trainee – Finance (ET-Fin) : The candidates should not be more than 29 years at the time of applying.

Educational Qualification :

A. For Engineering Executive Trainee (EET) : The candidate should have Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology with at least 65% aggregate marks. The aggregate should be calculated by taking average of all the semester/ year. You should have the degree from a recognized Indian University.
B. For Executive Trainee – Human Resource (ET HR) : The candidate should be a Graduate with at least 2 yrs of full time post graduate degree / Post graduate diploma/ Post graduate program in Management with specialization in Human Resource / Industrial relations / Personnel Management or Masters in Social work. All the degree should be from a recognized Indian university. You should have at least 65% aggregate marks in the qualifying exam.

The kind of job is sort of Asst. Manager in power plant and its associated sections
after training/probation period.

16th April 2011 02:21 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC stands for National Thermal Power Corporation which is now NTPC Limited.

According to vacancy available recruitment is conducted for different post.

Every year recruitment is conducted for Executive Trainee post in core engineering

stream and management stream.

This year the recruitment is to be conducted for

Engineering Executive Trainees: Electrical, mechanical, civil, instrumentation and control engineering.

Stream wise eligibility

Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/Electrical, Instrumentation &
Control/Power Systems & High Voltage/Power Electronics/Power

Mechanical/Production/Industrial Engg/Production & Industrial
Engg/Thermal/Mechanical & Automation/Power Engineering
Dear friend,

Civil Engineering

Control & Instrumentation
Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunication/Electronics & Power/Power
Electronics/Electronics & Communication/ Electrical &
Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control

Executive Trainees - Finance (ET-Fin)
For this post CA/ICWA qualified candidates are eligible to apply.

The kind of job is sort of Asst. Manager in power plant and its associated sections

after training/probation period.
ok good luck
16th April 2011 02:01 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC stands for National Thermal Power Corporation which is now NTPC Limited.

According to vacancy available recruitment is conducted for different post.

Every year recruitment is conducted for Executive Trainee post in core engineering

stream and management stream.

This year the recruitment is to be conducted for

Engineering Executive Trainees: Electrical, mechanical, civil, instrumentation and control engineering.

Stream wise eligibility

Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/Electrical, Instrumentation &
Control/Power Systems & High Voltage/Power Electronics/Power

Mechanical/Production/Industrial Engg/Production & Industrial
Engg/Thermal/Mechanical & Automation/Power Engineering

Civil Engineering

Control & Instrumentation
Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunication/Electronics & Power/Power
Electronics/Electronics & Communication/ Electrical &
Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control

Executive Trainees - Finance (ET-Fin)
For this post CA/ICWA qualified candidates are eligible to apply.

The kind of job is sort of Asst. Manager in power plant and its associated sections

after training/probation period.
16th April 2011 01:56 AM
swati biswas
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC Exam Eligibility :

NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) is the biggest power company in the country. NTPC has just notified for 600 Executive Trainees from the following disciplines:

Engineering Executive Trainees (EETs): Electrical-160, Mechanical-220, Civil-60, Control & Instrumentation-90.

Executive Trainees - Human Resources (ET-HR): 30.

Executive Trainees - Finance (ET-Fin): 40.

NTPC Exam Eligibility:
Educational Eligibility: Min. 55% marks for SC, ST and Physically Challenged & 65% marks for others.

Age Eligibility
For EET: Max. 27 years as on 01/01/2010 i.e. examinees born before 01/01/82 is not qualified. This age limit is relaxed by 2 years for the examinees with Post graduation degree.
For ET-HR & ET-Fin: Max. 29 years as on 01/01/2010 i.e. examinees born before 01/01/80 is not qualified.
Max. age limit is relaxed through 5 years for SC/ST & 3 years for OBC.

How to Apply: Apply online at or Application forms with Demand Draft send to following address.

For more details NTPC Exam Eligibility visit here:

Contact Details
ET Recruitment Group, NTPC Ltd.,
Post Box No.004, Head Post Office,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi, Pin - 110003
16th April 2011 01:42 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

This is the job for Mechanical, Electrical,Civil,Electronics engineers. A computer sc/IT student can't apply for this jobs. This job is related to electricity board thats why a computer sc. student can't apply for this job.
For getting into this job you must complete your degree with the minimum percentage 60%.
16th April 2011 01:03 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC Syllabus & Pattern

NTPC i.e National Thermal Power Corporation Limited conducts Exam Every year.

Test pattern:-
It consists of 2 papers i.e Technical and Aptitude .

In Technical there will be 120 questions and 50 questions in Aptitude.

Exam Duration:- 2 Hrs.

Negative Marking ?? Yes it do have i.e 1/4 of marks will be deducted if you wrongly answer each Questions.

  • Technical Test
    • It Consists of Electrical , Control & Instrumentation, Hr and Other (See the attachments For sub Topics.)
  • Aptitude Test
    • It consists of Antonyms, Synonyms , Word Analogy etc..

Technical Test Consists Of follwing Sub Topics(see Attachment)

Aptitude Test consists Of Following Sub Topics
  • Interpretation of graphs and tables, Numerical ability,Quantitative aptitude,Vocabulary,Verbal comprehension, Reasoning ability to determine data sufficiency, etc.
16th April 2011 12:12 AM
Re: Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

NTPC stands for National Thermal Power Corporation which is now NTPC Limited.

According to vacancy available recruitment is conducted for different post.

Every year recruitment is conducted for Executive Trainee post in core engineering

stream and management stream.

This year the recruitment is to be conducted for

Engineering Executive Trainees: Electrical, mechanical, civil, instrumentation and control engineering.

Stream wise eligibility

Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/Electrical, Instrumentation &
Control/Power Systems & High Voltage/Power Electronics/Power

Mechanical/Production/Industrial Engg/Production & Industrial
Engg/Thermal/Mechanical & Automation/Power Engineering

Civil Engineering

Control & Instrumentation
Electronics/Electronics & Telecommunication/Electronics & Power/Power
Electronics/Electronics & Communication/ Electrical &
Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control

Executive Trainees - Finance (ET-Fin)
For this post CA/ICWA qualified candidates are eligible to apply.

The kind of job is sort of Asst. Manager in power plant and its associated sections

after training/probation period.
13th April 2011 02:13 PM
Eligibility for NTPC and nature of job?

what is the full form of ntpc?and who can be eligible to give this exam?what kind of job i can get by this exam?

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