Thread: How to get a job in Core Companies? Reply to Thread

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13th June 2013 10:10 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i am 2013 to get a core company 78% now...............plz refer me.............
15th August 2012 09:57 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

It is not so difficult to get some good job in core companies .i am providing you some tips which can be really helpful :

(1)your communication skill should be good as it is one of the important thing to get job.
(2)you should have better practical knowledge than theoretical because in companies there is practical knowledge which makes you impressive.
(3)Always apply in the field of your subject . don't try to make experiment.
(4)develop good presentation ability.
(5)for interview look at each topic of yourself because questions there are asked just to judge you and your confidence so be confident.

rest of all is good .you will definitely get a good job.

Good luck
11th August 2012 05:31 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i completed my frm ece branch i secured only 63%, can i get a job in any core industries...? plz any one reply me to this my mail id [email protected]
15th July 2012 11:43 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Which are the core company for the mechanical students?
21st February 2012 05:01 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

can u give the list of core companies for EEE and the process to attend them?
18th December 2011 02:06 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i m a student of 3rd year mechanical branch & my % is 70%. how can i get job in core companies
14th December 2011 08:56 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Basically the core companies would extract your basic knowledge from you for their own company good and welfare. In return they would provide you a good standard of living accordingly.

Now some of the private companies organize their own placement tests and recruit candidates via campus after a round of personal Interview.

Many students aim for the PSU ( Public Sector Union ) companies, and so from this year they would have to sit for the GATE ( Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering ) if they are to find a post in these companies.

Some of the top PSU's in India are : NTPC, BHEL, SAIL, ONGC, Power Grid, ISRO... and many more.

If you are from EE,ECE, ME streams then I am uploading the recruitment advertisements for the NTPC 2012, and BHEL 2012.

4th December 2011 02:31 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?


Since you have not mentioned anywhere which stream you belong to, I do not know which is your core field.

However to get a job in the core field a candidate must be very competitive and knowledgeable.

Suppose you are from Computers or IT stream, so you have to hold the basic concepts of the CS, or IT engineering to your roots, so that you can find a job in your core stream.

Basically the core companies would extract your basic knowledge from you for their own company good and welfare. In return they would provide you a good standard of living accordingly.

Now some of the private companies organize their own placement tests and recruit candidates via campus after a round of personal Interview.

Many students aim for the PSU ( Public Sector Union ) companies, and so from this year they would have to sit for the GATE ( Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering ) if they are to find a post in these companies.

Some of the top PSU's in India are : NTPC, BHEL, SAIL, ONGC, Power Grid, ISRO... and many more.

If you are from EE,ECE, ME streams then I am uploading the recruitment advertisements for the NTPC 2012, and BHEL 2012.

Also I am uploading some Logical Reasoning and Aptitude Questions which are very frequently put up in placement papers of the private companies like :

TCS, Wipro, Infosys, Accenture, Cognizant, Syntel etc

Do go through these and refer for your preparations.

All the best

26th November 2011 06:03 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

my suggestion is that go into software as it is not so tough to switch from electrical background.
and there are lots of openings for java and .net.
but there are less opportunities in electrical as compared to software.go for it.
TCS etc....
7th September 2011 02:07 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i am B.E. Mechanical 2011 passout with 73% of aggregate marks plz suggest be how i can get job in my core companies? please suggest email id is [email protected]
31st July 2011 08:41 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i have 68 agrigrade so i eligible for this job
8th July 2011 07:40 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

can i get job for core companies after completing my BE (mechanical) ? what they are wants
8th July 2011 07:38 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

can i get goverment job after completing my BE ? what they are wants
25th June 2011 01:26 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i am a final year student doing ece.will i get a job in core companies
17th June 2011 01:05 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can any one of u tell me the website for searching electronics aptitude?

it will be very handy if u search through google as it has been the finest search engines from the years past
14th June 2011 12:30 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Off-course, there are many jobs in core field,Its not so difficult to find best job in core companies .according to me there are some tips which can be really helpful :
(a) You should have a good knowledge in your field.
(b)your communication skill should be good as it is one of the important thing to get job.
(c)you should have better practical knowledge than theoretical because in companies there is practical knowledge which makes you impressive.
(d)Always apply in the field of your subject . don't try to make experiment.
(e)develop good presentation ability.
(g)for interview look at each topic of yourself because questions there are asked just to judge you and your confidence so be confident.
10th June 2011 09:30 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

hi i am doing 3rd year in B.E. ECE.i want to know what sort of questions do the interviewers shoot in the interview of a core company...
28th May 2011 09:05 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Hi,am doing my 3rd year now.i hv a doubt.why the software companies are recruiting other department students (ece,eee,e&i)
12th May 2011 11:17 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

how to get more knowledge in tehnical subjects? and how to learn english communication skills?
19th April 2011 03:25 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

sir ,
i completed b-tech in 2010 under branch ece with 72.13%,but iam unable to get job in core companies please help me by answering .....
i have good good knoledge regarding course.
i find one thing that i am not able to find core companes in aproperway ..
please how to visit or call them
my name is chitanya
email:[email protected]
mob: 919014913571
4th February 2011 12:49 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

can any one of u tell me the website for searching electronics aptitude?
31st January 2011 04:26 PM
yashwar sharma S.G.
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

hai dear,

For getting into core companies try to get a depth knowledge of your basics and strong in the fundamentals.Practise aptitude questions and reasoning questions alot. Improve your presentation and success will be yours.

All the best!!
31st January 2011 02:46 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

i am BE(ECE) FRESHER 2010 passout and i secured 74.2%i want job to get through core so plz help me out regarding getting jobcompany.
31st January 2011 12:54 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?


Actually to get a job in core company is a simple process... Because we can get job easily if we have Good communications skills, Good technical Knowledge, Attitude, Confidence....

If you dont have enough Communication skills then you can act like" I Can have good communication skill"...

Speak boldly in the Group Discussion... Dont get fear... Be confident to yourself...

Surely you will get a job from any company...


With Regards
31st January 2011 12:13 PM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

I think the best way to any core companies

-Keep your basics right
-Have extensive domain knowledge
-Always be ready to get hands on your key areas
31st January 2011 10:55 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Dear Friend,

Following Core Companies are as follows: -





5. NALCO ........... etc.

After completing your B.E. or B.Tech in ECE engineering, you can apply for above core companies and final year students can also apply.

All the Best
31st January 2011 08:50 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

It is not so difficult to get some good job in core companies .i am providing you some tips which can be really helpful :

(1)your communication skill should be good as it is one of the important thing to get job.
(2)you should have better practical knowledge than theoretical because in companies there is practical knowledge which makes you impressive.
(3)Always apply in the field of your subject . don't try to make experiment.
(4)develop good presentation ability.
(5)for interview look at each topic of yourself because questions there are asked just to judge you and your confidence so be confident.

rest of all is good .you will definitely get a good job.
31st January 2011 03:30 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Well to get a job in core field you need to apply to them separately, if they are not coming for campus.... many companies post jobs on their own site... visitin their sites is good idea..being compititive and learning field related software an courses makes sense.Be ahead of others
next about how to mould yourself .. you have work towards personality development.. aim for better personality in life.. it will reflect in your job success.. speak well have good manners, read a lot for knowledge
rem people achieve leadership through knowledge.
and be confident.
31st January 2011 03:11 AM
Re: How to get a job in Core Companies?

Dear Friend

It is a very simple process of getting a good job in core companies
provided that you make yourself such a person who is required in
the company and she is not desperate for the job.
How does it happen?
These days a company seeks those kind of engineers who are not
only engineers but those who can do anything other than engineering
too. So, one is required to be good speaker. One should also perform
well to show leadership quality, hard work, determination etc everything.
For being a good speaker you must be good in English and also your
way of speaking should be persuasive and real.
Being good in technical is the first requirement. Start revising all your
course content which you have studied till now.

According to present scenario the core jobs for Electronics graduate are
very rare. Software companies are recruiting in good numbers so there
is no problem of jobs there is problem in getting a job of your choice.
From my past experiences I have seen that generally core companies
put freshers into the kind of job which one does in software company
and according to one's performance and work one gets job in core
section of the company.
Therefore, for now I would recommend you to get a job somehow in any
company and then try to switchover after one or two year experiences.

Thank You
26th January 2011 06:49 PM
How to get a job in Core Companies?

hello sir,
i'm doing my 3rd ece...i'm interesting to work for core companies ,for that how to mould myself....plz suggest some solutions

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