Thread: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship? Reply to Thread

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13th July 2019 12:12 AM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

My son is a student of an Engg College 3rd year B.Tech. He is searching co. for summer internship without any financial implication on the part of co. Please send the names.
10th April 2016 11:28 AM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Hello Sir/Maam ,I am pursuing my MBA 2nd sem from SRM Business School, Lucknow and looking for summer internship in Finance related job in Delhi NCR for 1 n half mnths(june-july).Please tell me the procedure how to apply in MNC and which MNC is best for summer internship in Finance in Delhi NCR.
4th February 2016 02:01 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Hello sir,
i am student of MBA Sem-2. I want to do 2 months summer internship in Finance (muthoot finance ) in gujarat. please tell me the procedure how to apply for SIP.
Email id: [email protected]
25th January 2016 10:42 AM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Sir, I am student of computer science & I want to do 6 month internship from MNC in India Sir please please tell me the procedure how to apply for internship.

my email id :- [email protected]
21st October 2015 01:59 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Sir, I am having student of B.Tech in Computer Science and I want summer internship training programme in MNC in India
please guide me and my email is : [email protected]
26th July 2013 08:47 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

i'm pursuing my final year.. i want to do a 2month intership in mnc's.. i want to know the clear procedure how to apply for the mnc's intership.. thanks in advance for your info.. :)
8th April 2013 09:12 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

hello fnds....
my name is anil kumar and i am pusuing M.B.A nd i want to do internship in finance please anyone tell me which can companies can offer internship for m.b.a
nd my no is 9912034432
mail id: [email protected]
please guide me fnds
28th January 2013 08:37 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Hello Sir/Maam ,I am pursuing my MBA(HR) 2nd sem from Amity University and looking for summer internship in HR related job in Delhi NCR for 2mnths(may-june).Please tell me the to apply in MNC.
12th May 2012 06:33 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

i am looking for summer internship in web designing in Mumbai fro 1st june for a month or 45 days. can anyone tell, how to go ahead in MNC. Naresh
10th January 2012 07:32 PM
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Originally Posted by geetaaggarwal View Post
hello sir/ mam
i am mba 2sem student and want to know the procedure for applying in MNCs companies for summer internship. kindly tell me how i can apply for that and when these cos. hire student.
dear friend,

See there are simply two way to apply in MNCs for summer internship. These are :

1. You apply yourself,
2. Through your Institute.

1. You apply yourself :

See you must have took some information from you institute or Internet or some official site of some MNCs. By seeing these advertisement you have to apply. If the company select you then they will send you a confirmation letter and before joining you have to print this out and then you get join in the company for summer internship.

2. Through your Institute :

If your institute is eager to send their students then they can easily send you people my friend. But most of the time they did not send their students some good MNCs. But if you do it through your institute then it will be good for you.

good luck.
10th January 2012 03:28 PM
sahaja mallarapu
Re: Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

Hi Geeta,

after 2nd sem only companies start hiring students for Summer internship.

for this you need to take a letter from your college placement cell stating that they will refer you for summer internship programme in MNC's.
you also take a reference letter from your HOD which will be benificial.
with these letters and your resume you can apply for many comapnies.
you need to post your resume in companies official web sites.
if you know any one working for the company to which you are applying for,
then take their reference also.

if your resume get shortlisted then the company HR will call you for interview and further process.
if you clear this then they will hire you as intern.

All the Best
10th January 2012 10:19 AM
Procedure to apply for Summer Internship in MNCs? When the companies will hire students for Summer Internship?

hello sir/ mam
i am mba 2sem student and want to know the procedure for applying in MNCs companies for summer internship. kindly tell me how i can apply for that and when these cos. hire student.

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