Thread: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students Reply to Thread

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12th February 2016 07:23 PM
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

You can apply for the post if you have the degree qualification in forestry. If you think that your qualification is not listed in the eligibility criteria then also you can apply and leave the rest till document verification.

Normally, a related field like forestry will be accepted at later stage for IBPS specialist officer post. Hence, just try to qualify the written exam and leave the rest.
12th February 2016 03:30 PM
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

You can apply for Agriculture fieldy Officer as per your degree qualification in forestry.
You are eligible to appear in IBPS SO examination 2016.
You need to fulfill the eligibility criteria of age that should be in between 21 to 30 years and relaxation is given to reserved categories as per government rules.
12th February 2016 03:15 PM
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

Eligibility criteria:

There are various posts under specialist officer vacancies and all of them will have different academic qualification .

A candidate must have age between 21 to 30 years where as relaxation of 5 years is given to SC category, 3 years to OBC and 10 years to Physically Handicapped Candidates.

As per your degree qualification in Forestry you can apply for Agriculture Field Officer.
12th February 2016 02:39 PM
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

No, you are not eligible to apply for IBPS Special officer.

The minimum eligibility criteria required to apply for IBPS SO (Agriculture special officer)is that the candidate must have passed graduation in agriculture/ Animal husbandry/ Horticulture/ Veterinary science/ Pisciculture/ Fishery science/ Dairy science/ Agriculture engineering/ Agriculture marketing and cooperation/ Cooperation and banking/ Agroforestry.

The candidates who have pursue B.Sc forestry are not eligible to apply for IBPS Agriculture special officer post.
12th February 2016 12:11 PM
pabolu srivalli
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

IBPS is the Institute Banking Personnel Selection which conducts the recruitment for various banking sector recruitment and there are different posts under the IBPS Special Officer selections such as
  • IT Officer
  • Law Officer
  • Agriculture Field Officer
  • HR Officer
  • Rajbasha Adhikari
  • Mrketing Officer
These are the various vacancies which are available through the IBPS Special Officer recruitment and as you are of the B.Sc Forestry,you are not eligible for this Agriculture Officer vacancies

Some of the Eligibility conditions for the Agriculture Field Officer are
  1. Should have done 4 years graduation degree in Agriculture | Horti Culture|Agri Engineering | Fishery Science | Animal Husbandary|Psciculture | Dairy science | Vertinary Science| Co-operation and Banking | Agro Forestry|Agro marketing
  2. Should have attained 20 years and not exceed 30 years of age limit and relaxations are available as per the government specifications

These are the main eligibility criteria for the IBPS Special Officer vacancies
12th February 2016 11:15 AM
Re: Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

IPBS entrance exams is conducted for the selections of a condidates for the clerk or PO posts,and the full form IBPS is INSTITUTE OF PERSONAL BANKING SELECTIONS.

If you have completed your graduation degree then you are educational criteria for IBPS SO 2016 is correct. But some other criteria are as below :

Eligibility criteria for clerk
You have a graduate degree from a approved university OR 60% in 12th.
Age limit- 18 to 27 years.

Eligibility criteria for Bank SO
You have a graduate degree from a approved university.
Age limit- 21 to 30 years.This may be relexed upto 5 yefor reserved categories.
12th February 2016 01:42 AM
Eligibility of IBPS SO 2016 for B.Sc Forestry students

I heard lots of rumors about eligibility of forestry students for the post of "Agriculture field officer". I am also forestry student, the latest notification which released for IBPS SO in 2016 I think, does not included B.Sc Forestry, it is still Agro-forestry. Some people saying that I am eligible but others saying that IBPS later removed forestry students after the news came (Which is the forestry students are eligible for SO) I want to know exactly that am I eligible or not. Please inform. Thank You.

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