Thread: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered? Reply to Thread

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30th March 2015 01:28 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

I m student of maths science . I m not interested in engineering. I want to do BBa . tell me the best college & university I should prefer.
16th May 2014 01:50 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Hello ,
I have given 12th this year and waiting for the result and I have to do MBA in HR what Should be my basic COurse BBA or BMS
10th June 2013 07:25 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

best BBA college in mumbai plz tell me
21st December 2012 08:31 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?


Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered-------------------

1.pondicherry univ.
2.alliance business academy
3.dr. b.r ambedkar univ. ghasidas univ.
5.apeejay school of mgmt.
6.amity school of business mgmt.
7.accord school of business
8.gems b-school
9.mount carmel coll. coll.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29th November 2012 06:17 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Best colleges for BBA

some list of best colleges in india..
Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore Karnataka
Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
Pondicherry University Pondicherry
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Business Management, Sector-44, Noide Uttar Pradesh

good luck
5th February 2012 10:09 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Career opportunities available for a student who wants to purse career with english literature ?
31st January 2012 10:53 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

I completed my 2 exam from science with 47% of marks . now i m doing bba from birdwan university which i like but a little probleum arise my college offers us to take specilisation subject in marketing,finance and HR. i am totally confussed what should i have to take . i am requesting you to please help me in this probleum. also told me about the scope in every specialisation and what are the courses after bba ?
9th August 2011 10:30 AM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Hi dear,
well i have some list of best colleges in can try in this colleges..

Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore Karnataka
Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
Pondicherry University Pondicherry
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Business Management, Sector-44, Noide Uttar Pradesh

you can try in this colleges and there is no entrance exam for opting bba course...

best of luck

1st June 2011 02:34 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

hi i m appearing 12 this year from commerce stream without maths and i wanna knw all the information about enterance exam of bba and some colleges in mumbai
27th May 2011 03:45 PM
united india
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

You need to pass the entrance exam conducted by colleges/institutes offering BBA courses. Once you pass the entrance test you need to undergo Personal Interview. In your board exam you'll have to score a minimum of 55% with english as one of your main subject.

Nowadays almost all institutes/colleges are providing BBA course. To name some :

1.BLB Istitute of Financial Markets( BIFM)
4th Floor, Gulab Bhawan, 6, Bahadur shah zafar Marg
New Delhi-110002
Tel:- (011) 43702201-02

2.Binary Institute of Management & Technology
2 Circus Market Place
Ph:- 98302 88885 / 9433775951 / 033 400194490 /

3.Academy for Professional Excellence (APEX)2/1C,
Townshend Road,Kolkata- 700025. Kolkata-700025,India
033- 40227000

4.Guruwar peth,
near Shitaladevi chowk Pune-400071,India
9921128996, 020-244946
57, 020-24482678

5.Prestige Point, 283 Shukrawar Peth,
Behind BSNL Telephone Exchange,
Bajirao Road,Pune-411002,India
2024444999, 9764445481

6.Acharya Institute of Sciences
#3, Lingadheeranahalli, Off Magadi Road,
Karnataka Bangalore-560091,India
Telephone No:+91-80-2324 5515, 2324 5516 , 2324 5517 , 2324 5518
Fax:+91-80-2324 5519

7.Audyogik Shikshan Mandal's
C-4, Wagle Industrial Estate,Near Mulund (W) Check Naka,
Opp. Aplab, Thane (W), Mumbai 400604.
Tel#: 022-25832466 / 25834443. Fax : 022-25832453

8.Garden City Education Trust (R)
No 628/C ,11th Cross,
Indiranagar 1st stage,
(91-80) - 25288831, 22972754, 66487500

9.Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University
Kashmere GateDelhi - 110403
01123900166, 1123900167, 1123865941

10.MassCoMedia Pvt. Ltd
A 94-3, Sector 58, Noida - 201 301, U.P., India
Call. : 0120 2519000

11.The Oxford Educational Institute
C.A. Site No. 40,
1st Phase, J.P. Nagar,
Bangalore - 560 078,
Tel.: 080-26630855

12.St. Xaviers College - Mumbai
5, Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai-400001,India
02222620661, 2222620662

13.R.K. Institute Of Management and Computer Science
#13, Sy.No.19, Ambalipura,
Bellandur Gate, Sarjapur Main Road ,
Bangalore-560 102
(Karnataka State)
Tele : 080 4116 9181, 080 2843 9397
Mob : 98451 54344, 98450 53353, 99004 22872, 99454 24742

14.Mount Carmel College
No. 58, Palace Road,
Bangalore - 560 052.
080 - 22261759/ 080 - 22286386
[email protected]

15.Pioneer College of Management (PCM)
BD - 6, Sector - I
(Stoppage: BD Market)
Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700 064
Ph: (033) 2337 6964 (033) 2337 6965
Mob: 98302 94900

16.Lovely Professional University,
Lovely Campus, Jalandhar - Delhi G.T. Road (NH-1),
Phagwara, Punjab (India) - 144402

17.Amity International Business School
Amity Campus, Sector 44
Noida- 201303.
Ph:- 1800-11-00-00

18.Accord School of Business
BC-98, Sector-1, Salt Lake City,
Near Tank No. 3, Kolkata 700064,
West Bengal, India
Phone: +91 33 3201 6905,
Cell: +91 99032 15245, +91 98313 55395, +91 98303 29212

19.Lords School Of Management
'Trident', Bavdhan, Pashan,
Near Maharashtra Bank,
Pune 411021
Phone:- +91 (20) 3240 4050
Mobile:- +91 9372 450 427
Fax No: +91 (20) 3240 4051

Great Eastern Management School
Royal Cottage, The Bangalore palace,
Vasanthnagar, Bangalore – 560052
+91 99802 88869, 080 23560387, 23560389
20th May 2011 03:00 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

some good colleges for BBA are ::
1 Akbar Peerbhoy College of Commerce & Economics, Maulana Shaukatali Road, Mumbai - 400 008.
2 H R College Of Commerce & Economics, Dinshaw Waccha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020
3 People's Education Society's Siddharth College of Commerce & Economics, Anand Bhavan, Dr. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023
4 Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Finance & Management Studies, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 400 032
5 Bhavan's College, Hazarimal Somani College of Arts, Science & Jayaramdas Patel College of Commerce, Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007
6 Jai Hind College, Basantsingh Institute of Science & J T Lalwani College of Commerce, 23-24, Backbay Reclamation, 'A' Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020
7 Lala Lajpatrai College of Commerce & Economics, Lala Lajpatrai Marg, Haji Ali, Mumbai - 400 034
8 St. Xaviers College of Arts & Science & Commerce , Mumbai- 400 00
9 Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, 'B' Road, Churchgate Reclamation, Mumbai400 020
10 Wilson College, Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007.
20th May 2011 03:02 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

hi.........i wanna knw abt d entrance exams for bba admission frm science stream pls sugest me
19th May 2011 08:39 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

i'm 12th appeared commerce student giving dis yr. 12th xam widout maths plz suggest sum government clgs for bba nd dere procedure for taking admission nd d date of entrance....
mostly in kolkata nd delhi
19th May 2011 12:44 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

what is the difference between BBA and BMS?
9th May 2011 10:41 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

when the acadamic year will start
2nd May 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

wats the entrance date in the colleges of pune
2nd May 2011 08:10 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

For e.test preparation list of coaching classes in mumbai between bandra and i m non-mathematical commerce student can i apply for UGAT(B.B.A)?
29th April 2011 03:06 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

best college for bba in tamil nadu and fees ?
23rd April 2011 03:01 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Best placement college for BBA IN CHANDIGARH
23rd April 2011 11:28 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

There are some colleges which are good and they ask for entrances
*Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
*International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
*Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
*St. Xaviers College of Arts & Science & Commerce , Mumbai- 400 00
*Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, 'B' Road, Churchgate Reclamation, Mumbai400 020
19th April 2011 12:04 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi i am a 12th science student and i have left maths can i go for bba?
yes u can bt oly in selective colls. coz maths/statistics.. r required
13th April 2011 03:08 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

when r the bba enterance exams to b started ....what are the dates
11th April 2011 10:08 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

hey wats d entrance date
10th April 2011 02:06 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

i hve given 12th exams in march 2011..........can i able to give bba entrance exam in june 2011.................reply fast
8th April 2011 12:29 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

i want to know the entrance date of bba in delhi's colledge
5th April 2011 02:03 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

What is to be prepared for BBA entrance exam????
5th April 2011 01:25 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

plz tell me
27th March 2011 07:00 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

hi i am a 12th science student and i have left maths can i go for bba?
13th March 2011 04:53 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

what is the criteria of admission for BBa and BMS in mumbai? what entrance exams are to b given.. and details related.. plz
4th March 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

can you plz tell me what are the best BBA colleges specifically in DELHI?What is the admission procedure?
16th February 2011 05:46 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

I have completed 12 Commerce, please tell me what is the procedure to take admission to BBA
8th February 2011 12:09 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

kub se exame hai s.m.collage ka
3rd February 2011 08:37 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Best colleges for BBA

some list of best colleges in india..
Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore Karnataka
Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
Pondicherry University Pondicherry
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Business Management, Sector-44, Noide Uttar Pradesh

good luck
23rd January 2011 04:21 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

im 12th science student planning 4 bba and can u plz tell me admission procedure 4 bba?????
13th January 2011 12:07 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Originally Posted by shiraj View Post
hello friend,
well i have some list of best colleges in can try in this colleges..

Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore Karnataka
Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
Pondicherry University Pondicherry
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Business Management, Sector-44, Noide Uttar Pradesh

you can try in this colleges and there is no entrance exam for opting bba course...

best of luck
If there are no entrances then admissons in these institutions are on what basis or criteria
9th January 2011 02:22 PM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Some good colleges for BBA are ::
1 Akbar Peerbhoy College of Commerce & Economics, Maulana Shaukatali Road, Mumbai - 400 008.
2 H R College Of Commerce & Economics, Dinshaw Waccha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020
3 People's Education Society's Siddharth College of Commerce & Economics, Anand Bhavan, Dr. D N Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023
4 Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Finance & Management Studies, Fort Campus, Mumbai - 400 032
5 Bhavan's College, Hazarimal Somani College of Arts, Science & Jayaramdas Patel College of Commerce, Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007
6 Jai Hind College, Basantsingh Institute of Science & J T Lalwani College of Commerce, 23-24, Backbay Reclamation, 'A' Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400 020
7 Lala Lajpatrai College of Commerce & Economics, Lala Lajpatrai Marg, Haji Ali, Mumbai - 400 034
8 St. Xaviers College of Arts & Science & Commerce , Mumbai- 400 00
9 Sydenham College of Commerce & Economics, 'B' Road, Churchgate Reclamation, Mumbai400 020
10 Wilson College, Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007.
9th January 2011 01:08 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Originally Posted by ami_07 View Post
Hi- I am maths-science srtudent and don't want to go for
engineering.So planing for BBA.=>plz suggest me some good colleges for BBA and about their entrance exams.
Hello Ami,

Some of the BBA colleges in India are:

BLB Institute of Financial Markets
Binary Institute of Management and Technology
Academy for Professional Excellence
Acharya Institute of Sciences, etc

All the best.
9th January 2011 12:40 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

hello friend,
well i have some list of best colleges in can try in this colleges..

Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore Karnataka
Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur Madhya Pradesh
International Management Centre, B-48, South Extension, Part-I, New Delhi Delhi
Apeejay School of Management, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi Delhi
Pondicherry University Pondicherry
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra Uttar Pradesh
Amity School of Business Management, Sector-44, Noide Uttar Pradesh

you can try in this colleges and there is no entrance exam for opting bba course...

best of luck
9th January 2011 12:29 AM
Re: Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Dear friend,
I think you should go for BCA,because you are from science stream with mathematices...
BCA would be more effective for your career then BBA...
8th January 2011 10:38 PM
Best colleges for BBA and which are the entrance exams to be answered?

Hi- I am maths-science srtudent and don't want to go for
engineering.So planing for BBA.=>plz suggest me some good colleges for BBA and about their entrance exams.

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