Thread: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG? Reply to Thread

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5th April 2016 11:49 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

I have 89% percentage in diploma in mechanical, can I get a chance to join
29th May 2014 07:49 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

hi i have scored 97.785%in diploma can i get chance to join psg clg (mechanical)
kindly say me the answer
27th May 2014 02:30 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

hi,, i am a diplamo passed out canditate(2014) with cutoff 95.78%,L-scheme. am a bcm comunnity........ can i hav a chance to get a seat in goverment college.for(eee).
9th April 2014 04:51 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

My diploma cutoff is i can join in gct in this passible or not?
1st June 2013 01:25 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

how many percentage is required for getting seats in GCT lateral entry.
29th May 2013 09:58 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

what is the cutt off marks for ece to join in kct nd krishna
16th May 2013 08:06 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

what is the cut-off for diploma in automobile to join psg kct college?
8th May 2013 06:19 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

I have scored 99% in fifth sem diploma eee
and chancr to score 97% in sixth sem ... Am i eligible to be
a stufent of psg tech ???
30th April 2013 10:08 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

how much percentage needed to join in gct after completing diplomo ??
3rd April 2013 11:17 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

i have 96% in diploma in EEE stream .. is it possible 4 me to get seat in gct this year?
10th March 2013 12:38 PM
Re: Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

please tell me wat is the cutoff for lateral entry to join EEE stream in gct,psg,cit
15th September 2012 05:36 PM
Cutoff for diploma students to join B.E EEE in GCT or PSG?

What is the cut off for a diploma student (eee) requird tojoin b.e(eee) in either gct or psg?

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