Thread: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board? Reply to Thread

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26th May 2017 08:10 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

If I have got less marks in mathematics in 10 CBSE board can I become a software engineer
25th May 2016 10:26 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

I am very good at computer it is my fist dream to become software engeener plz quide me i shall do that
23rd May 2015 01:26 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

B.E or B.Tech Which one is better to become an successful software engineers ?
19th March 2015 03:33 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

The procedure to become a software engineer is that you shall first complete 12th grade and try to get good marks in the board exams as well as all the entrance exams that you give which depends on what institutes you intend to go into.

As Computer Science is in most demand you will always in all the exams have to be on the higher side of the marks.

You may also opt to study abroad by giving SAT and TOEFL.
2nd January 2015 09:36 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

After 12 which subject is take for become a software engineer I take maths science or computer science.
24th August 2014 11:19 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

i am in class 10th which stream should i take science or commerce for software developers
30th May 2013 10:33 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

Subjects for software studies after 10 pass
16th May 2013 09:03 AM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

what to do from becoming software engineer while studying (in class 9, 10, 11 or 12) form CBSE board ?
30th March 2013 10:38 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

I passed Tenth !!
So I Taked cOMMERCE FOR MY hIGHER STUDIES ,wHAT i do after plus two to Became a Soft. Engineer ??????
4th January 2013 02:59 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

sir i m student of X11 with comm. stream nd i want to become a software engeenier so what can i do to become a S.E?
31st July 2012 03:20 PM
Re: Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

After 10th you can join 12th with Science or computer as the main subject. After completion of the course, you can either join diploma in CSE or for a B.Tech course. Engineering is comparatively a better option and this will help you to make a good career. Admissions are offered on the basis of entrance tests. After completing the course, you can search and apply for software engineering jobs.
26th June 2012 11:02 AM
Procedure to become a Software Engineer after completion of 10th Class from CBSE Board?

I want to know that what to do after passing tenth from cbse board to become a software engineer

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