Thread: Difference between ME and M.Tech.? Reply to Thread

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10th November 2013 05:01 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
ME/M.TECH both are same but only differ in universities.
they are as same as BE/B.Tech.
24th July 2013 11:44 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?

Dear Aspirant,

M.E stands for the Master Of Engineering and M.Tech Stands for the Master of The Technology.....

Both the degree are master's Degree in the Field of Engineering and both are the same just name are different.....

A candidate who have completed their Bachelor as B.E (Bachelor if Engineering) (OR) B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) can apply for Higher study through GATE Examination.....

The Degree of M.E is Approved by the AICTE whereas M.Tech degree is Given by the Self or Semis Self Finance Colleges.....

M.Tech Degree is Recognized by the various National Institute of Technology (NIT) and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).....

In short both have the same value but, this shows the Reputation of the Universities where you have completed it......

With Regards......
23rd July 2013 10:09 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Dear friend,
There is no difference between ME and M.Tech
both have the same values.....
some universities give ME and some gives M.Tech...
but their values are same.....
such as WBUT gives M.Tech but Jadavpur university gives M.E.
but they have no any difference.
hope you understood my reply...
Thank You...................
23rd July 2013 06:17 PM
No 1
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

ME stand for - Master of Engineering.

( You can apply ME after complete BE )

M.Tech stand for - Master of Technology.

( You can apply for M.Tech after B.Tech or B.Sc or MCA complete )

All the best..........
23rd July 2013 06:15 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

ME : Master of engineering
M.TECH : Master of technology

Both the field is important in the every field but as per now a days M.Tech is very much important in the every field. so i can choose only M.Tech.

M.Tech is a superior Engineering Degree as compared to M.E as it was started by IITs with the aim of producing Research Engineers who can get the position of "Technologist" as well in the Industries and Research Institutes.
23rd July 2013 05:39 PM
vishnug nath
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

We can't compare ME and M.Tech.
ME means Master of Engineering.
M.Tech means master of technology. Eventhough employees hire M.Tech students more, but ME students can do same jobs that depend upon your skill.
Best of luck
23rd July 2013 05:24 PM
jayshree bacchav
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
Hello friend,

There is no much difference in M.E and M.Tech.

Its just IIT,NIIT and some reputed universities offer the M.Tech course and M.E is offered by State level universities like Mumbai University, Pune University, Uttar Maharashtra University and many more.

Both The courses are almost same.
23rd July 2013 04:58 PM
challa ravali
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

ME----Master of Engineering and it is for employment rather than graduation.It is valuable degree.
*For joining ME you have to attempt CET,AIEEE exams.

M Tech-Master of Technology ,Now this course is in high demand.It provides you the basic practical skills with theory and it develops rasoning and thinking power in you. More over it helps you to think in technological way, It shows a way to the research field.
It takes you to the position of "Technologist".
*For joining M.Tech you have to written GATE exam.

So based on the above information and your interest ypu can choose either ME or MTech

All The Best for your bright future.
23rd July 2013 02:48 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

First please note that there is no
difference between these degrees in
terms of value and scope. BE and
B.Tech have smilar scope and future
and on the same time ME and
M.Tech have same scope future.
23rd July 2013 02:34 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
the difference is:
M.E is master of engineering..
M. Tech is master of technology..

M.E and M. Tech are two year course..
both are almost same, but vary little with syllabus pattern..

M. Tech is comparatively better than M.E. it is because, M. tech deals with practical in technology.. you will under go with many seminars and research..
M.E is not much dealt with research programs.. its simply like a degree.. but, have equal value of M. Tech..
23rd July 2013 01:55 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
what is difference between me & mtech?
Which one is better?
me is ehuivalent to the m.tec..but in
me:->the students get more ammount therotical knoledge....and
in>the students get large ammount of paractical knoledge.....
22nd July 2013 11:03 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
M E is Master of Engineering and M. Tech is Master of Technology.
You can pursue M E only after B E.
But , you can take M. Tech after B. Tech degree and after Post graduation in Science, MSc.
This is the main difference between the both.
22nd July 2013 04:57 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?


there is no difference as such but its the perception of people which makes it so.

M.E is Masters of Engineering
M.Tech is Masters of Technology,

Not every college can give M.Tech.

College giving M.Tech have good infrastructure for practicals. Thus is more practical oriented course where what ever you study, you see it by performing practical.
All IIT and NIT has better infrastructure and thus provide good labs

Same goes with BE and B.Tech

All the best
31st March 2013 03:04 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

what is difference between AICTE and UGC University for ME/M>tech
3rd October 2012 05:18 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Which stream in M.E is good after completing B.E CSE with 78%..???
7th September 2012 07:03 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

29th August 2012 06:39 PM
Sathya muran
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Both degree take 2 yrs to complete all knw, askd diff only for both.
25th July 2012 03:22 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

after BE which is best ME or M.TECh? does RGPV univercity gives the degree of
18th June 2012 02:32 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?

First please note that their is no difference between m.e and . both m.e and have similar value and scope in the future .

but let me now tell you that inspite of having same value and scope why they are named different

> right after independence of india we have two types of university ,

1. one that offer degree in many fields like arts , science , commerce

2. and second the set of universities who only offered the engineering degree

so, the colleges which offered engineering degree along with other degrees named their degree as B.E ( bachelors of engineering )

and the institution which only offered the engineering degree named it as B.TECH ( bachelors of technology ).

therefore no one is superior to each other in terms of experiment or theory , both of them are equal and having a similar scope.

so when some notification came for b.e , then students can also apply and vice versa

.... hope it cleared your doubt...
18th June 2012 12:39 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Dear friend,

There is no big difference between ME and M.Tech.

ME is practical oriented and full of engineering.
M.Tech means research oriented and technology based.
Most of the colleges which give M.Tech degree is just dummy.
Only premier institutes like,
IIT's can provide you an MTech degree others are all just for names like.
In other college you want do any research and just it will be like ME.
So you make take any one of the two courses for you.
Both have the opportunities and good earning potentials.

All the best.......................
17th June 2012 10:01 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

15th June 2012 12:54 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?


A Master of Engineering (Magister in Ingeniaria) (abbreviated M.Eng, ME or MEng) or Master of Technology (abbreviated M.Tech or MTech) or Master of Science in Engineering (abbreviated M.Sc Engg or MSc(Engg)), can be either an academic or professional master's degree in the field of engineering.

so, there are no difference between me and m tech.

both are same.

me is master in engg.
m tech is master of technology.
m tech is superior than me
thank you
11th June 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

after m.e or which criteria for job?
after can we go for research ?
14th April 2012 10:43 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

which is the entrance exam to be given for doing ME??? also please let me know the colleges offering M E course...
27th March 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

M.E. is Master of Engineering which gives you somewhat theoretical knowledge.
Study the subjects with less efforts, give papers and score a good result.
M.Tech. is A Master of Technology.
It deals with the technology and hence need to study a lot, thorough and deep, aquire good understanding about each subject and score a good result.
The total number of subjects for M.Tech. are more than that of M.E.
The practical exams are also there for M.Tech.

To aquire masters degree M.E. is good.
But to aquire a knowledge base M.Tech is the Best Choice.
18th March 2012 12:11 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

HI i m raj gosliya
i have scored 94% in gate..
will i get any nit for cse mtech...
if yes which 1 should i try for
15th March 2012 05:11 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Sir.I have 71.08 percentile my gate marks are 15 in electronics obc quota will I gate admission on this basis to any govt. institutes.My AIR is 51117..
9th February 2012 12:06 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

9th January 2012 08:00 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have done in electrical & electronics engineering. Which pg course should i do M.E. or
Dear Friend:
in my suggestion you have to done the same subject on M.E also
22nd December 2011 05:58 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

after completing M tech production in which company job will get
13th November 2011 04:15 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Frndz,, Ok i agree M.E or M.Tech are almost same.BUT DO YOU KNOW ONETHING?

M.E Degree gives only AICTE approval institutions like(anna university and anna univ aided colleges).This is the Pure Engineering Degree.It also gives M.Tech

At the same time most of the NON-AICTE approval universities gives only there is no aicte approval.its not engneering degree.its just like a degree.and then if u go an abroad for ur higer studies in engineering is must aicte approval degree.

so dnt confuse If u doing M.E or degree do with only AICTE approval university.Dnt persue the DEEMED university.

15th August 2011 11:41 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
Previously some universities gave ME as Master in engineering and some other unversities gave M.Tech (Master in technology) both post graduate degrees in engineering. Initially IITs gave B.Tech and M.Tech. Now every varsity gives that.Only the name matters. When I studied Keral University gave B.Sc (Engineering) for a five year course in engineering. Many people mistaken it as ordinary B.Sc.
M.E also means Master in engineering. Names does not matter. Only what you study matter.
15th August 2011 08:18 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
there is no difference between ME and M.TECH ,only the name varies depending upon the universities providing it.
so do not worry whether it is ME or M.TECH.
Good Luck.
9th August 2011 04:19 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

There are any difference between ME & M.Tech
7th August 2011 11:47 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

There is no as such difference in both the degrees. They both have same value and same opportunities in every field. These are just two different names for the same areas of qualification.

These are given different names because of the privilege coming from past times in the older engineering colleges. In previous times there, usually B.E. or M.E. degree was given to the engineering students for their undergraduation and post graduation in engineering. They both are master's degree in the fields of engineering.
7th August 2011 11:44 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

1st August 2011 05:37 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

ME is the best course to compare with M.Tech
15th July 2011 10:59 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

appearing for m.e. which exam is given to?
2nd July 2011 09:25 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

hom MS stand different from mTech
22nd June 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Do they both have the same values in the IT world(industries)..?
Do they (M.E. students) fit in the criteria for campus interviews..? or the lectureship is the only option for them?
18th June 2011 09:30 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

i have done in electrical & electronics engineering. Which pg course should i do M.E. or
18th June 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

which course (M.E most of the college offer?
4th June 2011 02:55 AM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Is the gate exam is only applicable to IIT madaras ha... or we can use it for the NIT and other deemed universitys.... need help..
1st June 2011 04:48 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

i hav done my B.E computer science ,i wanted to do pg course which is best ,either
M.E or M.Tech
26th April 2011 07:27 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

there is no big difference between ME and Mtech. ME is practical oriented and full of engineering . Mtech means research oriented and technology based. Most of the Colleges which give Mtech degree is just dummy. Only premier institutes like IITs or NITs can provide you an Mtech degree others are all just for namesake. In other coll you wont do any research and just it will be like ME
18th April 2011 08:05 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Pls anybody send the CS & E) II sem lab programs
20th March 2011 11:38 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?

There are no difference between ME & M.Tech. Both are equivalent course.
ME :- Master of Engineering.
M.Tech :- Master of Technology.
Both courses are master degree program. ME & M.Tech have same value and
scope. So don't confuse both are same courses.
20th March 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Previously some universities gave ME as Master in engineering and some other unversities gave M.Tech (Master in technology) both post graduate degrees in engineering. Initially IITs gave B.Tech and M.Tech. Now every varsity gives that.Only the name matters. When I studied Keral University gave B.Sc (Engineering) for a five year course in engineering. Many people mistaken it as ordinary B.Sc.
M.E also means Master in engineering. Names does not matter. Only what you study matter.

best of luck.............................
19th March 2011 01:10 PM
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Hello Friend,

Difference between M.E. and M.Tech. are as follows: -

M.Tech. OR M.E. both courses are same, only course name is different.

1. M.Tech. means Master of Technology and M.E. means Master of Engineering.

2. Both M.Tech. and M.E. are equivalent courses.

3. Course Duration for both M.Tech. and M.E. = 02 Years

4. After completing M.Tech. OR M.E. you are called Engineer.

5. After completing M.Tech. OR M.E., you can get a better job & handsome salary.

Best of Luck
18th March 2011 01:26 PM
vaibhav vasani
Re: Difference between ME and M.Tech.?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is difference between ME & MTECH?
Which one is better?
IITs, NITs and other deemed universities offers M.Tech
and state universities like Mumbai university, gujarat university offers M.E.
this is only difference but value for both is same.
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