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19th June 2013 07:04 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

shortcut methods for quantitative aptitude
8th December 2012 11:53 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

shortcut method for numerical ability
5th September 2012 10:39 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

please send aptitude shortcut methods to my mail: [email protected]
7th May 2012 01:18 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

which book is the quantitative aptitude in tamil version?
1st May 2012 10:55 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

please give the easy processes for time and work and time and distace
and ratio and proportion mail to [email protected]
5th October 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

without using shortcut we can not complete Quantitative Aptitude Questions. how can learn shortcut.?
14th August 2011 08:05 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Originally Posted by vinayak.k View Post
Can you please give me shortcut methods for bank clerks quantitative aptitude questions?

Please reply

20 man do a work in 36 days but per day 2 man decrease. so the last 2 man will do the remain work in how many days?
15th July 2011 08:23 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Dear Aspirant,
There is no tips or tricks in solving aptitude or reasoning problems. Only by practise , it makes perfect.
Prepare for all these types of questions.
1) Reasoning
2) Aptitude
3) Logical thinking
4) English etc.,

Also visit website

All the best.
7th July 2011 01:53 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

a person sell a product to 50 rupees,two persons taking 25 rupees each and buy the book.After that book shop owner came and say salesman to give 5 rupees discount to that book.sales man give 1 rupees to each persons and take three rupees to his 24 24 3=51 how it comes
25th June 2011 06:13 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

how far i know that there are some methods to solve them. people are saying R.S. grawal book for aptitude. even though it is good but it is lack of short cut methods. they are as lengthy as it was there in tenth class maths subject.
they will take much time to solve the problem. there are some tips for multiplying large numbers and a procedure for finding square root or cube root of a number as far as i know. YEs there are some important logics but u've to be patient to get that book.
good luck
7th June 2011 02:02 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

I can teach many short cut methods through online. contact at [email protected]

Originally Posted by sivaraj448 View Post
One of the main subjects in the bank exam is the quantitative aptitude test.

Most of the students find this section very hard and is considered to be the weaker portion in the entire test.

But there are many short cut methods which will help students to be masters in the quantitative exam.

As to learn the short cut method it is better to join a coaching center. Students will only understand this if it is taught to them.
7th June 2011 01:52 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

I can give online coaching on shortcut methods for a nominal fee.
2nd June 2011 10:15 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

One of the main subjects in the bank exam is the quantitative aptitude test.

Most of the students find this section very hard and is considered to be the weaker portion in the entire test.

But there are many short cut methods which will help students to be masters in the quantitative exam.

As to learn the short cut method it is better to join a coaching center. Students will only understand this if it is taught to them.
31st May 2011 11:44 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

1)To square any number ended wid 5
e.g. 65*65
solution: 1)Square R.H.S of given no.i.e. 5*5=25
2)Multiply the L.H.S no. by 1 more
3)concatenate answers of step2 and step1
i.e. 42 and 25 =4225
so SQUARE of 65 = 4225.
2)To square any number between 30 to 70
Square of 52
a)Subtract 52 from 50 i.e 52-50=02
b)Add it wid 25 i.e. 25 02 = 27
c)now square the result of step a
i.e. 02*02 = 04
d)Now merge the answer of b and c
i.e. 27 and 04 so it become 2704
square of 52 is 2704.
for number less than 50 only we have to change step b rather to add we subtract the result of step a by 25 in step b
note in case of 62 where
in step a) as 62-50 =12
step b)25 12 = 37
step c)12*12=144
step d) merge it as
answer is: 3844
3) How to multiply any no.with 11
23543456*11 = 258978016
a)write 1st and last digit as it is
b)now add all consecutive no. and write it in
between 1st and last digit also use concept of
carry add from right side of number
2(2 3)(3 5)(5 4)(4 3)(3 4( 1carry))(4 5( 1carry))
(5 6)6 = 258978016
perhaps i think u can understand the above trick or it will be in long term in ur mind.
2nd May 2011 03:48 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

you can download the number system concept book by clicking on the link below -

Just open this link in a different tab and download it.
27th April 2011 09:20 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

pls provide all maths, quantitative aptitude,reasoning all formulae at single page.
2nd April 2011 09:54 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

There are no traditional or fundamental short cut methods to solve the aptitude questions in bank clerk exams or any other competitive exam.
Short cut method in the sense solving the problem in quick span of time or just by mind calculation which you can get that by practice.
Practice,practice,practice. The more practice you have, the less time it will take for you to solve the problem. Practice brings accuracy while solving the problems.
R.S.Agarwal is the good book in order to prepare for the quantitative aptitude for bank clerk exams.
If you are not able to solve problems on your own or you find it difficult, then try to join in any good coaching institute.
They will let you know how to solve the problem and the various ways in which a similar problem is being asked and many other aspects.
1st April 2011 10:30 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

One of the main subjects in the bank exam is the quantitative aptitude test. Most of the students find this section very hard and is considered to be the weaker portion in the entire test. But there are many short cut methods which will help students to be masters in the quantitative exam. As to learn the short cut method it is better to join a coaching center. Students will only understand this if it is taught to them.
1st April 2011 09:18 PM
rahul k
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Originally Posted by vinayak.k View Post
Can you please give me shortcut methods for bank clerks quantitative aptitude questions?

Please reply

There Is No Shortcuts, Practice Is Only The Way To Solve Quantitaive Aptitude Questions Quickly. If You Daily Solve The Aptitude Question Daily, Then Definitely, You Will Be Able To Solve The Quantitaive Question On Time.

To Crack The Quantitaive Aptitude Test, You Need Practice, If You Practice The Sums Daily, then Your Accuracy Improved.

So, I Will Suggest You, Just Purchase The Book Of R.S.Aggarwal And Keep Practice It Regularly, Only Then You Will Be Able To Attempt Quantitative Question. After Completing This Book, You Will Be Solved Any Quantitative Questions On Time.

And If You Find Any Difficulty To Solve Quantitaive Questions, then Please Join Some Good Coaching Centre Near By Your City, Only They Will Tell You The Best Method To Solve The Quantitaive Questions On Time.
1st April 2011 08:32 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

The below link will take you to the Quant section os banking examination.

and if you can read the nook Vedic Mathematics, It will be well and good.
1st April 2011 08:20 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

There are no traditional or fundamental short cut methods to solve the aptitude questions in bank clerk exams or any other competitive exam.

Short cut method in the sense solving the problem in quick span of time or just by mind calculation which you can get that by practice.

Practice,practice,practice. The more practice you have, the less time it will take for you to solve the problem. Practice brings accuracy while solving the problems.

R.S.Agarwal is the good book in order to prepare for the quantitative aptitude for bank clerk exams.

If you are not able to solve problems on your own or you find it difficult, then try to join in any good coaching institute.

They will let you know how to solve the problem and the various ways in which a similar problem is being asked and many other aspects.
28th March 2011 02:28 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

hai pls tellm to me arthimetics shortcuts for competative exams.

My mail id :- [email protected]
27th March 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

I want to get succes soon
3rd March 2011 12:18 PM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

short cut methods for quantitative methods
28th February 2011 04:05 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

there is no such Shortcut methods for Maths in Bank PO exam.
you have to practice a lot to crack the exam.
It is my advice to you that read the question thrice and anlyse what the ques. is saying.
then think about the formulas used in the questions.
think of the logics that can be applied in the ques.
I am sure that by doing this one can easily get success.
28th February 2011 03:52 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Practice practice practice
Practice and accuracy are the only key to success.
Dont waste time looking for shortcuts.

you wont be able to apply them in exam... there is much less time

to consciously do anything... do whichever thing comes first to your mind.

for that you should follow what you learned whole life.

shortcuts are not much useful.

if you want you can learn vedic ,maths .. they may be a little helpful.

Join some good coaching they will teach you all that is needed.

and practice a lot as much as you can .. in limited time

mock/practice papers etc. They will boost you confidence and help you eliminate

your flaws.
18th February 2011 06:14 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

One of the main subjects in the bank exam is the quantitative aptitude test. Most of the students find this section very hard and is considered to be the weaker portion in the entire test. But there are many short cut methods which will help students to be masters in the quantitative exam. As to learn the short cut method it is better to join a coaching center. Students will only understand this if it is taught to them.
17th February 2011 12:07 AM
Re: Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Numerous books are available for shortcut methods in aptitude problems like BSC Quicker Maths and RS Agarwal,etc.
13th February 2011 06:09 PM
Shortcut methods for Bank Clerk Quantitative Aptitude Questions?

Can you please give me shortcut methods for bank clerks quantitative aptitude questions?

Please reply


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