Thread: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot? Reply to Thread

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26th December 2016 09:01 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

Sir I completed my in the stream of civil engineering with please inform me that am I eligible for loco pilot/assistant loco pilot?
30th November 2015 06:13 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

sir i completed my thenth with seventy five percent and 12 with 80 percent and continuing electrical engeneering can i apply for asst. loco pilot please mail to mahesh.metikala16
20th January 2014 07:31 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

sir i passed 10th with 85% and 12th 95% , now i am studying mechanical engineering . if i am elegible for the assistant loco pilot please mail me
6th December 2013 01:32 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

Hi Sir,
I've passed 10 2 in maths and physics (science) group. And B.Sc Computer Science finished. So am I eligible for the Assistant Loco Pilot?
29th September 2013 02:06 AM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

SIR, I am studying B.C.A. ,am I eligible for the post of locopilot.
9th June 2013 01:59 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

I PASS MP 78.2 AND HS 65 i GIVE iti electrician exam this year. am i eligible for the post of assistant loco pilot in this year.
3rd June 2013 03:28 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

Sir I have passed matric with 76% and H.S. with 67.59% and Graduation in Chemistry with 71% from EIILM University But dont have any techenical degree, can I appear in Loco Pilot Exam.
24th May 2013 03:29 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

i completed my IVC Intermediate vocational course. iam i elgiblefor ALP . pased with 52.8% & 75.2% in 12th
23rd May 2013 07:11 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

sir , i passed 10th with 72.5% &12th with 63.5%. at present time i am pursing my engineering with computer science branch. may i able to join this or not, please inform. me on my gmail account
3rd April 2013 11:35 PM
Re: Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

i am commerce student can i apply for the post of ALP
18th August 2012 10:10 PM
Am I eligible for the post of assistant loco Pilot?

Dear, sir
I'm looking forward to do AVTS course ,though i have no idea that what this course is all about ? So please tell me , one who complete this course . Is that student eligible for the post of asst. Loco pilot in all RRB BOARDS of indian railway.

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