Thread: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books Reply to Thread

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30th August 2013 06:31 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hello Sir,
Can you please mail me the site for ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers. Please mail me at [email protected]
18th September 2012 04:44 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hello Sir,
Can you please mail me the site for ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers. Please mail me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
18th September 2012 04:40 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hello Sir,
Can you please mail me the site for ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers? Please mail me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
17th September 2012 09:15 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Can nyone please mail me some model question papers for ACIO grade II. I'll be very thankful to you. My email ID is [email protected]

14th September 2012 07:56 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
you can contect to me . my mobile no. 8009829066,9621236057
[email protected]
you can buy from the market, and you can
download the question paper from the website

good luck...
14th September 2012 05:36 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Could u please send model test papers, details of the reference books for the assistant central intelligence officer, grade II executive exam conducted by IB my email @ [email protected]
11th September 2012 11:50 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

sir please send me model papers of ACIO exam at ; [email protected]
10th September 2012 08:51 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Please help me,
I ACIO exam ,I donot know about the syllabus of ACIO exam. Plz give the syllabus and model question paper throuth following mail Id.
[email protected]

5th September 2012 12:06 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Pls send ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers. Please mail me at [email protected]
5th September 2012 08:16 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

please someone send me e-book for intelligence bureau acio executive exam........i have exam on 23 sep 2012......unable to find book in market .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,please help [email protected]


gaurav sharma
5th September 2012 08:03 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

please send me e-book for ib acio executive grade 2 if any one will be of great help to me .....i have exam on 23 september 2012 unable to find books ....please send me e-book at [email protected] will be thankful to u .......

gaurav sharma
5th September 2012 01:29 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Plz send me the previous 5year question paper on my id
my iod is [email protected]
31st August 2012 01:12 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Could u please send model test papers, details of the reference books for the assistant central intelligence officer, grade II executive exam conducted by IB my email [email protected]
29th August 2012 02:40 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

please send previous yr solved papers of ACIO GRADE II EXE as soon as possible at [email protected] please please please make it fast........
28th August 2012 05:24 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

PLEASE SEND ME SYLLABUS & PREVIOUS PAPERS OF ACIO-EXE. [email protected] is my mail id.
25th August 2012 04:35 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

plz send previous papers of acio exam mail id:[email protected]
22nd August 2012 10:42 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

pls can u just send me the previous question papers for ACIO exam?
22nd August 2012 12:52 PM
ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers

Respected sir,
I want the information about IB Model question paper or previous IB examination paper for my effective study. so please provide me proper source about this. i am waiting your reply

Mail ID: [email protected]
21st August 2012 11:26 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Can I get ACIO previous years exam papers ? Both paper 1 & 2...
16th August 2012 01:53 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

please let me know the syllabus for acio-ii..please mail me the details to my mail [email protected]
10th August 2012 11:56 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

sir, i am preparing for ib exam,please send question model paper on my [email protected]
and which book is more important to read ,to success in this exam.......
8th August 2012 07:43 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please send all the papers as soon as possible i am waiting for your reply

"thanking you"
your's faithfully
veeresh kumar
hey please send me too..
[email protected]
7th August 2012 12:13 PM
[email protected]
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by sunil raj View Post
Please help me,
I ACIO exam ,I donot know about the syllabus of ACIO exam. Plz give the syllabus and model question paper throuth following mail Id.
[email protected]
hi... will u plz send me some modal papers and suggest me some books...plz
7th August 2012 12:08 PM
[email protected]
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by Mukesh Mukesh View Post
Could u please send model test papers, details of the reference books for the assistant central intelligence officer, grade II executive exam conducted by IB my email [email protected]
hi...i m also appering in exam will u plz send me previous papers and some guidance
7th August 2012 11:07 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

[QUOTE=Sakshi Sethi;1385]Could u please send me previous years question paper
30th July 2012 09:53 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

sir,please mail me AICO executive grade II previous exam papers at [email protected]
26th July 2012 12:57 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Can anyone tell me that which book's should i preferred to ACIO-2.
Please send me e-mail on [email protected].

Thank You.
23rd July 2012 08:41 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

please can u suggest me some book to prepare the acio grade 2 .........mail me to this plsss [email protected]
23rd July 2012 01:38 AM
Biswanath paul
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Model Question Papers for Assistant Central Intelligencce officer grade-II(Executive)?.Plz send the mail id : [email protected]
28th April 2012 10:52 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

I will suggest you for books of 'pratyogita darpan' and 'arihant publications'
they are the best books.
6th March 2012 06:28 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

check more details regarding the online books on website and about the good refrence books try gupta's and arihant publications books and for magazines csr is the best
all the best and good luck for exams
29th February 2012 08:19 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

hello dude,
you can find more details regarding the online books on website and about the good refrence books try gupta's and arihant publications books and for magazines csr is the best all the best and good luck for exams
and all the best..............
27th February 2012 10:47 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

You can find more details regarding the online books on website and about the good refrence books try gupta's and arihant publications books and for magazines csr is the best all the best and good luck for exams.
25th January 2012 12:12 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Plz send me the previous year question paper on my id
my iod is:[email protected]
24th November 2011 07:00 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
pls sir ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers.please mail me sir [email protected] please send me sir
13th November 2011 12:40 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Refer to the books of 'upkar prakashan' or pratyogita darpan' they will provide you the complete and required study materials for it.

I will also advice you to refer to a news paper famous with name-Gazette.

Best of luck
11th November 2011 03:24 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Could u please send me previous years question papers , model test papers, details of the reference books for the junior intelligence officer, grade II(Wireless Telegraphy) exam conducted by IB.

my email-id:[email protected]
30th September 2011 11:09 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hi dear,

Refer to the books of 'upkar prakashan' or pratyogita darpan' they will provide you the complete and required study materials for it.

I will also advice you to refer to a news paper famous with name-Gazette.

30th September 2011 06:42 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Confirmed Date of RESULTs of ACIO Grade2 wil be oN OCTOBER 15 2011..ITS REAL
27th September 2011 06:19 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

plese send me the resul ib assistnt centrel intelegenc officer grade -2011
15th September 2011 05:43 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Can you please send me the mail site for ACIO exactive grade II exam previous papers. Mail: [email protected]
18th July 2011 01:02 AM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Originally Posted by Sakshi Sethi View Post
Could u please send me previous years question papers , model test papers, details of the reference books for the assistant central intelligence officer, grade II executive exam conducted by IB
Hi All Aspirants,i attanded the acio-11 exam on 8th july,there will be 100 objective questions covering almost every field and there will be an essay on a general topic like security threats to India/raise of India as a global power.You will be given 2 hours to finish th exam.Preparation for the exam is a must(unless u r preparing for other competitive exams like ias,like me).You can google for the refefence books.Question paper will be taken back,otherwise i would have uploaded the same. All the best. You can contact me at [email protected]
14th July 2011 04:04 PM
[email protected]
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books


Please tell me any best book police exam preparation iD [email protected]
12th July 2011 05:08 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

hi dear,
I will suggest you for books of 'pratyogita darpan' and 'arihant publications'
they are the best books.

11th July 2011 12:39 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

indian speak first laungve
9th July 2011 08:14 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

thank u
9th July 2011 01:09 PM
kartik kaushik
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Please provide me the samlpe papers/ previous years question papers of central assistant intelegence bereua grade ii (executive)
pls mail me [email protected]
7th July 2011 03:50 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

dear frends i need syllabus of ACIO exective grade II which is going to be held on 10th july,2011. anything like previous papers, syllabus, material for preparation etc. if any pls email me at [email protected] or call me at 9419708432 to suggest any website or any suggestions for preparation pls.
7th July 2011 02:27 PM
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hello Sir,
Can you please mail me the site for ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers. Please mail me at [email protected].

Thanks .
6th July 2011 10:02 PM
[email protected]
Re: ACIO executive grade II, IB, model test papers & books

Hello Sir,
Can you please mail me the site for ACIO exective grade II exam previous papers.

Please mail me at [email protected]. Thanks in advance.
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