Thread: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat? Reply to Thread

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29th June 2016 06:48 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I have got 91.2%(12th science-B group Gujcet) in march 2016 exam so can i get admission in MBBS in Government medical college? Not consider self finance college.
Please reply on my email ID- [email protected]
3rd December 2015 09:40 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

what is required percent of getting add mission for obc in 12th exam from CBSE board
15th June 2015 11:10 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

Will I get government seat i scored 77percent in 12th from maharashtra.
10th June 2015 12:50 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I have completed 12th gseb with 64% of marks and 32/120 in gujcet exam , so where i got admissiom medical college.
26th May 2015 04:29 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in govt. Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

My percentage is 89.3%. Plese sir tell me what i get admission in gujrat govt. medical collledge? My id is [email protected]
26th May 2015 04:27 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in govt. Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

My percentage is 89.3%. Plese sir tell me what i get admission in gujrat govt. medical collledge? My id is [email protected]
8th May 2015 01:40 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i have 50% merit.
will you show me self finance fess and colleges in st category in gujarat
14th December 2014 12:33 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I got 82.5 % in s.s.c board ,now i am 11th science student . So which exterence exams preparation i can do
4th July 2014 12:37 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I have 79.91in Gujarat board and 90.75 in gujcet.can I admission in Gujarat's any self finance MBBS college?
17th June 2014 08:14 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

if i get 78.73% merit in gseb board. i can get admission in gujarat in government colleges?
26th May 2014 01:19 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I hav scored 78.6% of merit...will i get admission in self finance college of gujrat??
14th April 2014 10:59 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how many % need to get admission in government college in gujarat for MBBS ?
22nd February 2014 10:14 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How many seats are available for medical admission ug for general category in gujarat medical colleges????
2nd February 2014 04:58 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

Sir my percentage is 54% i want the names of medical colleges in gujarat in which i can get addmission
4th November 2013 09:17 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

not undwrstand answer.about que
31st October 2013 11:13 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

[QUOTE=M joshi]How much % do I need to get in my 12th board exams (march-april 2014)to secure admission in a B J medical college in gujarat???

also give me merit list of mbbs seats both goverment and selffinace in gujrat 2013,general quota
10th August 2013 05:18 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How many sits sebc govt &self finans mbbs collage in gujrat?
6th August 2013 12:45 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How many gov. medical seats for OBC in gujarat ?
26th June 2013 12:36 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

My percentage is 87.3%. Plese sir tell me what i get admission in gujrat govt.collledge? My id is [email protected]
12th June 2013 02:04 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how much free seats are there in mbbs in gujarat and in india? plz helpppppppppppp
6th June 2013 04:53 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how many persantage are required to get admission in goverment or self finance medical college gujarat?
29th May 2013 03:57 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

my percentage is 81.75 .can i get admission in b.j
22nd May 2013 01:58 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am in the new semester system........i achieved 92% percentile rank including am i able to get addmission in mbbs college in gujarat in general category......??????please mail me at [email protected]....
hyy how did u calculate ur percantile rank overall ? any specific technique???????????????????/
20th May 2013 08:25 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i got 478/700 78.9 percentile and gujcet marks35.75/120 62.8 percentile can i got admission in gujrat goverment medical college.
20th May 2013 12:42 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

my percentage is 60 in theory and gujcet result declare today and my cast patel so can I take admission in government medical colleges in Gujarat and what is minimum donations for admission in M.B.B.S ?
17th May 2013 06:33 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

what is minimum donations for admission in mbbs?
14th May 2013 07:49 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?
14th May 2013 07:11 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How much prcentage is required in 12th board exam to secure a seat in medical colledges of gujarat? merit list of MBBS seats both in goverment & self fianance institutes in gujarat?

my name is pooja & i have got 64.4 percentile rank all over.... so am i able to get admission in mbbs colledge in gujarat in obc category.... & what is the fee sturcture??? plz mail me at [email protected]...
13th May 2013 11:09 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i am in the new semester system........i achieved 92% percentile rank including am i able to get addmission in mbbs college in gujarat in general category......??????please mail me at [email protected]....
5th May 2013 11:30 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how many persentej to get medical selfinance and goverment
6th January 2013 06:44 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

Am anmol tomar in 11th standard in DDPS muzaffarnagar uttarpradesh how much marks i have to get in 12th for secure seat in st.john medical collage & which exam i have to give for this collage
1st January 2013 07:32 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

persantage need from 12 to take admission in medical college ?
8th September 2012 02:00 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

What is the minimum percentage i need for getting a seat in a good medical college or even dental?
28th June 2012 11:02 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

My merit number is 1796 in gujarat h.s.c. exam in 2012 so which medical collage
attend my addmission???? Please reply..... Soon
20th June 2012 09:56 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how much %require in mbbs admission in gujarat in payment fee.&howmuch fee ?
9th June 2012 02:48 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i got 94.2% in s.s.c board now i am 11th student so which enterence exam's prepation i can do in 11-12 sci for mbbs.
how much % is to be required for getting government admission in mbbs?
my id is [email protected] so plz give suggestion me..............
21st May 2012 12:50 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i got 83% WITH 248\300 MARKS ( without practical) and i scored 35% in gujcet with 27\120 marks , am i able for clear gujcet 2012 and eligible to take admission in mbbs in gujrat . my total score ( gujcet hsexam) is 67%......... plzzzzzzzzzzz clear my doubt ...............thanks
17th May 2012 10:51 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

16th May 2012 01:52 AM
awani r kansagra
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how much percentage is required in 12 th board exam to get admission in mbbs in free seat?
what is the merit list of both private and goverment colleges of gujarat?
13th May 2012 12:55 PM
Ayushi pattani
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how i am found a admission date in medical collages
I have got 272/300 & gujcet 86 marks
so can I get admission in mbbs in govrnment college in free seat?
11th May 2012 09:08 AM
[email protected]
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i have 254/300 & 78.25/120 i will get admission in mbbs in gujarat?
10th May 2012 01:49 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

how many percentage is required for admission in MBBS?
4th April 2012 01:51 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

How much percentage is required in 12th cbse board exams to secure a seat in government
Medical Colleges of Gujarat?
8th January 2012 01:48 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

what percentage is required in 12 for getting an admission in medical collage?
15th December 2011 07:07 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i am studing 11th std .i took nursing much mark i need to get to get mbbs seat in merit.plzzz clear my doubt.
10th October 2011 06:49 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

I m studying in 11 science and i belong to general categorie please can you help me to know what will be the percentage required to get admission in government medical college according to new semester system please help me on my id '[email protected]'
24th June 2011 05:12 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

merit list mbbs 2011
23rd June 2011 03:34 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

i want to see meritlist for admition
22nd June 2011 02:28 PM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

2011 government medical college admission merit list?
22nd June 2011 12:14 AM
Re: How much percentage is required in 12th board exams to secure a seat in Medical Colleges of Gujarat? Merit list of MBBS seats both in Government and Self Finance institutes in Gujarat?

give the dates of medical merit list 2011 in gujarat
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