Thread: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam? Reply to Thread

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24th September 2017 12:54 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

I have completed my engineering with good score above 60%. But my 12th percentage is 49%. I want to prepare for CAT exam. Am I eligible to answer this exam?
5th August 2017 01:45 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

I'm doing my bcom hons. 1st year & wanted to do cat course . So from which year is better to start the same?
17th January 2017 08:43 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

1st July 2013 01:30 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?


you may refer to the following books

Arihant publication
Arun sharma
R S agarwal

These books are good when you want to prepare on your own.
Alternatively you can join any good coaching institute
coaching institute would provide you material which would be sufficient to clear all your concept

Try solving as many mock as possible.

All the best
1st July 2013 01:29 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?


you may refer to the following books

Arihant publication
Arun sharma
R S agarwal

These books are good when you want to prepare on your own.
Alternatively you can join any good coaching institute
coaching institute would provide you material which would be sufficient to clear all your concept

Try solving as many mock as possible.

All the best
22nd June 2012 02:06 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

first go for engg first because aggregate is mostly asked by all of the colleges when u reach 7th sem look for the prep of cat xams get study materials from pinnacle or times coz 7th and 8th sem are quite easy...after that if u need join times coaching institute and then crack cat best of luck...
7th April 2012 08:26 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

I am in F.y. Bcom and am want to give CAT entrance exam which book should i refer for CAT entrance exam & which author for maths, physics
3rd March 2012 08:53 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

hello ... i am Md. Asif in BBA 4th sem. plz help me out from this question .?

which authur is more useful in cat reference books ?
30th December 2011 09:49 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

Hai iam Anusha studying in 4 semester please suggest me for preparing CAT exam online. and some good reference books
26th November 2011 03:08 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

hellosir,my name is lakshmareddy sir Iam studying 1.B.Tech;1sem ;in LBRCE college in EEE branch;sir how to prepare for CAT exam?
12th November 2011 05:31 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

Hello friend,
The three main sections of Common Admission Test are Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability. There are quite a number of books available for the students to prepare all the three aspects of the competitive examination.

Quantitative Ability: In order to do well in this section you need to practice High School Level Mathematics and certain chapters of higher secondary. You can purchase NCERT books of standards 9th to 12th for taking CAT preparation. O.P. Sinhal books are also recommended for students preparation for CAT.

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation:
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma are some of the books which you can buy for strengthening your preparation. You can also order your books online.

Verbal Ability: You can purchase Wren and Marten to start your preparations. A good dictionary would also be of great help.

CAT Study Materials
The study materials offered are designed keeping in mind the various aspects of the examination. Students are expected to go through the study materials and even practice the model question papers provided on a regular basis. Mock tests are also organized by the institutes to judge the preparation status of the students. The mock test questions are prepared following the pattern of questions set in the common admission test
6th October 2011 09:02 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

how to start prepration for exm.
25th September 2011 05:12 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

i am the student of bcom 3rd year student. i want to prepare cat suggest best book and creteria .
13th August 2011 12:51 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

my name is abhijit hire, i m in
i want to prepare for all entrance exams of mba, pgdm or any master degree.
plz suggest me which books are use full for me & also should have easy to understand & how to prepare?
m waiting for reply.
16th July 2011 08:11 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

i am fms student. just read newspaper
15th July 2011 10:22 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

i m study in 7th sem b.e..when the cat exam starts?
25th June 2011 03:39 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

I am 29 yrs of age, don't have any work experience Graduated in 2004 with 61% marks, if I take admission in any MBA institution, what will be the % of getting a job?
23rd April 2011 07:01 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m in 3rd yr...........
so please tell me for CAT preparation which books should i prefer????
and how to start preparing for next year CAT entrance paper??
arun sharma books is available for all 3 sections and all are very good books for CAT.
so,buy all 3 books
and for quant i suggest one more book is
Quantum Cat by survesh verma
it is best book for english.
all the best
23rd April 2011 06:06 PM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

as you are third year
so don't worry all the best.
dont get tenseD
to crack cat exam
i suggest you to go for coaching at TIME institute and follow them every day.
regarding quant and reasoning books provided my them are more than enough.they also provide AIMCAT which are most helpful for main exam.
for english you nedd to refer some additional books like wren n martin.
cat questions are generally easier if you practice their practice papers but the main thing is time management.
23rd April 2011 05:45 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

Hello friend,
The three main sections of Common Admission Test are Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation, Verbal Ability and Quantitative Ability. There are quite a number of books available for the students to prepare all the three aspects of the competitive examination.

Quantitative Ability: In order to do well in this section you need to practice High School Level Mathematics and certain chapters of higher secondary. You can purchase NCERT books of standards 9th to 12th for taking CAT preparation. O.P. Sinhal books are also recommended for students preparation for CAT.

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation:
Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for the CAT by Arun Sharma are some of the books which you can buy for strengthening your preparation. You can also order your books online.

Verbal Ability: You can purchase Wren and Marten to start your preparations. A good dictionary would also be of great help.

CAT Study Materials
The study materials offered are designed keeping in mind the various aspects of the examination. Students are expected to go through the study materials and even practice the model question papers provided on a regular basis. Mock tests are also organized by the institutes to judge the preparation status of the students. The mock test questions are prepared following the pattern of questions set in the common admission test
23rd April 2011 12:23 AM
Re: Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

here is the list of books for CAT preparation.

1. For Quantitetive Aptitude for the CAT Common Admission Test
Author : Arun Sharma

2. For Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning for CAT
Author : Arun Sharma

3. For Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT

Author : Arun Sharma & Meenakshi Upadhyay
8th October 2010 01:24 AM
Which books should I refer for CAT entrance exam? How to start preparing for upcoming CAT entrance exam?

i m in 3rd yr...........
so please tell me for CAT preparation which books should i prefer????
and how to start preparing for next year CAT entrance paper??

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