Thread: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream Reply to Thread

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18th August 2013 06:29 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

pls send me DRDO syllabus and Model Papers for STA-B electronics & electronics engineering

8th May 2013 07:57 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Sir, tell me exam syllabus STA-B for diploma subjects only
plz send me details to mail
28th June 2012 07:42 PM
pravallika manepalli
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

dear sir,
could you please send me the syllabus and model question papers for ceptam-05 examination
19th June 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

i am applied for the post of technician 'A' (electronics) in drdo ceptam 05. pls send me the detailed syllabus and model papers for the written exam of drdo ceptam 05.on my email id
18th June 2012 01:58 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Hello Sir/Madam,

I am Neha, applied for the post of STA-B (Electrical engg) in DRDO CEPTAM 05. Request you to send me the detailed syllabus & model papers for the written exam of DRDO CEPTAM on my e-mail id

Thanking you,

28th March 2012 04:49 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

The syllabus will be basically from your core subjects of ECE stream.You need to go through each and every topic of the following subjects which are mentioned below

Network Analysis,Electronic Devices and Circuits,Linear Integrated Circuits,Digital Integrated Circuits,Signals and Systems,Control Systems,Electro magnetics,Communications.

Hence go through each and every topic of your core subjects which have studied in the Engineering course.
25th March 2012 07:54 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

sir i have applied for sta b ece please guide me how can i get success in it please sir.
my email id is -
15th August 2011 08:02 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream is provided below.

*)Network Analysis
*)Electronic Devices and Circuits
*)Linear Integrated Circuits
*)Digital Integrated Circuits
*)Signals and Systems
*)Control Systems
*)Electro magnetics
15th August 2011 12:43 PM
kiran chand reddy
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

is there any notification released for 2012
28th July 2011 11:48 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Hi dear,

The syllabus will be basically from your core subjects of ECE stream.You need to go through each and every topic of the following subjects which are mentioned below

Network Analysis,Electronic Devices and Circuits,Linear Integrated Circuits,Digital Integrated Circuits,Signals and Systems,Control Systems,Electro magnetics,Communications.

Hence go through each and every topic of your core subjects which have studied in the Engineering course.
3rd June 2011 02:13 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
DRDO syllabus and model paper for STA-B Electronics & communication ?
Kindly send the model paper of DRDO STb exam.
2nd June 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

PLZ. SEND THE PREVIOUS question paper sta-b in electronic comm. engg...
2nd June 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

please send me the syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream
29th May 2011 01:39 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Syllabus for DRDO STA Exam ( electronic & communication ) 2011
Syllabus for DRDO Exam for Electronics and Communication.
  • Networks
  • Electronic Devices
  • Analog Circuits
  • Digital Circuits
  • Signals and Systems
  • Control Systems
  • Communications
  • Electro Magnetics
29th May 2011 11:05 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

sir, please send me the previous question papers of STA-B(ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION) exam.
My email-

Neethu. R
28th May 2011 09:54 PM
subhani. shaik
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA Bexam for Electronics and Communication stream

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
syllabus for ece for drdo sta-b
what is the syllabus for DRDO STA-B entrance test
28th May 2011 01:15 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

26th May 2011 04:44 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

19th May 2011 02:09 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

hello sir ,
im rajeswari. i want drdo sta modal question paper and syllabus for electronics and communication ( diploma engg). kindly send to my e-mail id:
17th May 2011 08:03 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

model question paper for sta-b(electronics),& syllabus
13th May 2011 02:32 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

i want to know previous year question paper for stab elecronics and comm bsc
2nd May 2011 02:56 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Sir ,i m chandra.give drdo sta-b syllabus & model for electronics & telecom. Engg(diploma engg)
17th April 2011 06:45 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you please send me the previous solved question papers & syllabus of DRDO for the post of STA-B (electronics & communication), at
my email-id is
with regards
10th April 2011 03:31 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

hi dear, The syllabus will be basically from your core subjects of ECE stream.You need to go through each and every topic of the following subjects which are mentioned below

Network Analysis,Electronic Devices and Circuits,Linear Integrated Circuits,Digital Integrated Circuits,Signals and Systems,Control Systems,Electro magnetics,Communications.

Hence go through each and every topic of your core subjects which have studied in the Engineering course

10th April 2011 01:26 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream:-

1) Network Analysis,
2) Electronic Devices and Circuits,
3) Analog Electronics
4) Control System
5) Electromagnetics
6) Communications
7) Signals and Systems
8) Digital Electronics
9) Microprocessor

So prepare all these subject for STA exam.

All the Best..
9th April 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you please send me the previous solved question papers & syllabus of DRDO for the post of STA-B (electronics & communication), at
my email-id is
with regards
9th April 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

If any one having the model papers for STA-B(electronicsa and communicatiuons), please send me to my e-mail. My e-mail id is
30th March 2011 01:04 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you please send me the previous solved question papers & syllabus of DRDO for the post of STA-B (electronics & communication), at
my email-id is
with regards
28th March 2011 11:19 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you please send me the previous solved question papers & syllabus of DRDO for the post of STA-B (electronics & communication).
my email-id is
with regards
Niki Tewari
26th March 2011 07:17 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you pl send me the syllabus and previous solved question paper for ceptam 2011 for the post of sta-b (electronics and communication)
my email id is
with regards
Nidhi Tewari
18th March 2011 02:09 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

when is this exam .... i applied but i didn't get the hall ticket ... so what to do useless fellows
14th March 2011 02:15 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream


Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream are as follows: -

1. Basic Electronics
2. Power Electronics
3. Signal & System
4. Advanced Electronics
5. Communication Engg.
6. DataBase System
7. Digital Processing System
8. Digital Electronic
9. Anntena

Best of Luck
13th March 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

pls send syllabus for ceptam-2011 electronics and communication
my mail id is
thanks sir,
with regard
ravinder kumar
13th March 2011 01:44 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

pls send me DRDO syllabus and Model Papers for STA-B electronics & electronics engineering
Reply With Quote
8th March 2011 12:15 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

could you please tell me the syllabus of senior technical assistant-b for electronics and communication stream
23rd February 2011 02:02 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

freind hi,

--If you’ve applied for any post in DRDO CEPTAM 2011 notification, here is the examination pattern and Syllabus that

you should be aware of. Selection for all the posts will include written test, Interview. Some posts require

additional selection rounds like skill test etc.

For Senior Technical Assistant (STA) B and Technician A, the written test consists of following sections:

General awareness, General Intelligence, General science and Reasoning ability – 50 questions

Questions from concerned subject – 100 questions

Assistant Hindi

General awareness, General intelligence, reasoning and Numerical ability – 50 questions

English and Hindi language – 50 questions each (total 100)

Admin Assistant A and Store Assistant A

General awareness, general intelligence and reasoning ability – 75 questions

General English – 25 questions

Hindi or English language (choice) – 50 questions

Civilian driver A, Security Assistant A, Fire Engine driver, Fireman

General awareness, Reasoning, Arithmetic and Numerical ability – 100 questions

Hindi or English language (choice) – 25 questions

Job related – 25 questions

Note: For STA B and Technician A, the subject questions will be from the qualifying exam (B.Sc/ Diploma or ITI

respectively) and no separate Syllabus booklet will be given.

Selected candidates will be called for Interview, trade test/ Skill test (if applicable for your post) and your

original certificates will be verified on the same day.

all the best
22nd February 2011 07:47 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

syllabus for ece for drdo sta-b
22nd February 2011 06:23 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Syllabus for DRDO STA Exam ( electronic & communication ) 2011
Plz send me Previous years exam paper for electronics & communication DRDO STA-A
18th February 2011 02:18 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

please send me the sample question paper for drdo ceptam 2011 entry exam..........or guide me to visit proper site to get the above.

18th February 2011 02:03 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

i want to syllabus of drdo sta-b, ceptam-04 plz sir
18th February 2011 12:51 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

please tell me where could i get detailed description of the syllabus for ceptam-04(electronics and comm) for sta-b.
15th February 2011 11:51 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

yes u r eligible for drdo ceptam 4
14th February 2011 08:11 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

sir if we are eligible to write in engineering 3rd year
12th February 2011 12:57 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Where do will I get the syllabus and model questions for DRDO-STA Electronics and Communication stream exam
11th February 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
DRDO syllabus and model paper for STA-B Electronics & communication ?
9th February 2011 06:42 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

The syllabus will be basically from your core subjects of ECE stream.You need to go through each and every topic of the following subjects which are mentioned below

Network Analysis,Electronic Devices and Circuits,Linear Integrated Circuits,Digital Integrated Circuits,Signals and Systems,Control Systems,Electro magnetics,Communications.

Hence go through each and every topic of your core subjects which have studied in the Engineering course.
9th February 2011 09:51 AM
pankaja k
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

Dear sir/madam
i'm studying in final sem of engg electronics branch. My scores till now is 58%. I wanted to know if i'm eligible to apply for ceptam 04 drdo exam. Pls tel me. Thank you
9th February 2011 09:43 AM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

i'm studying in final sem of engg electronics branch til now my scores are 58% can i apply for ceptam 04 drdo exam. pls answer me.
thank you
8th February 2011 04:40 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

syllabus sta-b electronics and communication
8th February 2011 01:44 PM
Re: Syllabus for DRDO STA exam for Electronics and Communication stream

i wan't to syllabus of ceptam 04 drdo entey 2011 for ece branch.
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