6th June 2019 08:38 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir send me the previous 3 year msc physics entrance questions of Utkal University. my email is...... shikhasahoo1234@gmail.com |
30th March 2019 12:30 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please sir send me the previous 3 year questions and also reference book for msc physics. my email...... mohantaniranjan143@gmail.com |
30th October 2018 05:59 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir, send me all previous years pg question paper with answer of chemistry...my email...Pratikshyasethy0201@gmail.com |
11th August 2018 12:11 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir give me the previous year question paper of m.sc. physics entrance of utkal university. Also reference book for m.sc. entrance in physics. my email is dillippal555@gmail.com as soon as possible sir, please |
14th April 2018 11:03 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir give me the previous year question paper of m.sc. physics entrance of utkal university. Also reference book for m.sc. entrance in physics. my email is ckanhu450@gmail.com as soon as possible sir, please. |
28th January 2018 12:28 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir, send me 3 yreas questions papers with answer of utkal University MSc physics entrance exam at arpriyadarshinee1998@gmail.com |
3rd June 2017 06:08 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send me the answer sheet of previous years msc physics entrance questions at Banajamishra95@gmail.com |
19th April 2017 09:16 PM | |
L@lita |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir give me the previous year question paper of msc physics entrance of utkal university. Also reference book for msc entrance in physics. |
6th November 2016 08:21 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir plz give me the previous yr msc physics entrance question papers and also the syllabus for the entrance 2017 and my email id is sudiptakumaripanigrahy166@gmail.com |
7th May 2016 06:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University plz sir plz send me utkal university MSC physics entrance exam questions of previous years my email Id-mishrasagarika37@gmail.com |
18th March 2016 07:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Plz send me last 3yr pg entrance question paper of physics with solution & my email id is deepsikhaphy@gmail.com |
2nd March 2016 06:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please Sir send me last year pg entrance question paper (physics honours ) .my email id is -dibyanayak1998@Gmail.com |
12th December 2015 12:06 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send previous physics papes to my gmail I'd inapakurthi.srivalli @gmail.com |
11th May 2015 01:25 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir plz send me the previous year physics question papers of PG entrance of last 2 years..My email id is Subhashreeb1@gmail.com |
3rd May 2015 11:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir,plz send me msc physics entrance previous question paper of utkala university,my emial id is suvashree736@gmail.com |
3rd May 2015 11:45 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir plz give me physics entrance question for last 5 years of utkala university,my emial id is suvashree736@gmail.com |
11th February 2015 05:40 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir, Plz send me M.Sc.physics Entrance question of last 3years of Utkal University to my E-Mail ID is somanathswain15@rediff.com |
29th July 2014 02:07 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir plz send me previous math msc entrance question papers my gmail is biswarajesh97@gmail.com |
6th July 2014 11:00 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University On which ground (entrane or career mark) one can get admitted into MSc. Physics in Utkal University? |
6th July 2014 01:07 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send me M.SC.physics Entrance Examination of Previous Years of Utkal University to my E-Mail ID e2chaitanya@gmail.com |
20th June 2014 02:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send me M.SC.physics Entrance Examination of Previous Years of Utkal University to my E-Mail ID rajatmo@gmail.com |
20th June 2014 02:16 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send me M.SC.physics Entrance Examination of Previous Years of Utkal University to my E-Mail ID rajatmo@gmail.com |
3rd June 2014 01:23 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Please send me MSC physics entrance exam syllabus my emailid is bapunpanigrhi2@gmail.com |
30th May 2014 09:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University sir i want last two year uestion paper of mac physics of utkal university at my e mail id sudiptapani1994@gmail.com |
21st May 2014 06:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Sir,, I want previous years question paper of PG entrance of botany of utkal university,, plzz send to my email Id.... dushmanta13@gmail.com |
25th April 2014 10:28 AM | |
Ipseeta Hota |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Zoology entrance of Utkal University plz, sir give me the previous year question paper of msc zoology entrance of utkal university.also reference book for msc entrance in physics.[/QUOTE] |
16th March 2014 05:22 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Pls give me previous question papers of msc Entrance phy at poojasahoo007 |
15th March 2014 04:16 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Plz,send me previous year question paper of PG entrance exam to Sangitasen.in@gmail.com.plz,plz,l request u. |
1st February 2014 12:19 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Previous year question paper of msc physics entrance test of kuk |
1st February 2014 12:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University Previous year question paper of msc physics entrance test of kuk |
23rd September 2013 12:43 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University sir plz send me the previous 10yrs qustion paper for msc physics entrance of utkal university my id:ellyjena@gmail.com |
18th August 2013 02:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University plz send me the previous 10yrs question paper for msc physics entrance of Utkal University my email id: smitaranihota.dkl44@gmail.com |
5th July 2013 11:04 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University sir,please send me the previous year question paper for msc. physics entrance and my email id is bijayapanigrahi93@gmail.com |
2nd June 2013 10:08 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University sir,pleage send me previous year pg entrance question of physics and my email id is pragnya94.dkl@gmaul.com |
24th May 2013 12:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University sir,please send me previous year question papers for msc. physics entrance question papers and my email id is pragnya94.dkl@gmail.com |
30th March 2013 03:23 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University whene will be the entrance exam for msc phy held and what will be the syllabus? |
14th December 2012 12:49 PM | |
tuku1234 |
Previous question papers of MSc Physics entrance of Utkal University plz, sir give me the previous year question paper of msc physics entrance of utkal university.also reference book for msc entrance in physics. |