Thread: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score? Reply to Thread

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29th October 2015 07:21 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Iam a mechanical engineering passed out 2015.I do want to know what are the courses for mechanical engineering available in BITS :)
28th March 2015 09:42 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Its it possible to gate admission to bits in mtech without gate score n without begin student of bits Pilani in engg
28th March 2015 09:42 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Its it possible to gate admission to bits in mtech without gate score n without begin student of bits Pilani in engg
2nd February 2015 09:21 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

IF we enter through BITS entrance examination for MTECH then will we be offered stipend of rs 8000-12000 or nly gate aspirants would get that???
9th August 2014 09:59 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Sir I am getting Earth system science and technology in IIT kharagpur for mtech through gate. Whether should I join it is there any scope in this course.please give advice sir .my mail id [email protected]
10th April 2014 01:48 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

As per bits pilani rules for mtech that one should score 75% in 12th for pursuing me is that necesary coz i hve 60% in 12th so is there another way to become eligible for bits entrance exam coz i want to do me in cs in robotics spclzatin
29th March 2014 06:49 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hi i am B.Tech final year student (ece). i had just cleared gate exam bt my rank is not good. When will be entrance test for admission in in BITS conduct?
please rep[ly asap....
thank u...
21st March 2014 08:55 PM
They have since been out

They have since been out to purify Africa with lemon scented Sunlight detergent, so Bobo can have a purer image to the lemon gods
16th February 2014 09:44 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

I would like to coures but their is no refference, I have complient
13th February 2014 07:35 AM
What people don't

What people don't realize is that everyone uses the techniques and tactics of persuasion each day
20th November 2013 03:00 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Dear sir ,
i m employed in army im the corps of of signals.i wanted to pursue higher education .can u tell me whether i acn do mtech from correspondance from BITS.
19th October 2013 01:50 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Plz give me any idea of own exam of bits pilani and also give the pattern of exa..
22nd August 2013 04:11 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

i am planning to do part time M.Tech(civil) in BITS
if available
how can i apply for this course in BITS?
pls guide me
9th May 2013 09:08 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

can anyone provide some sample paper of online entrance test for mtech in ece branch..
18th April 2013 07:27 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hii,I want to know cutoff for ME in bits pilani....
13th April 2013 07:17 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

do any student form any college is eligible for bits admission or only the engineering graduates from BITS are eligible?
5th April 2013 10:43 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

good evening sir, air- 827, gate score- 632, percentile 99.63
is it possible to get admission in bits through gate or have to give exam of bits.....?
what i should prefer new iits or top nits or bits....?
thank you sir
[email protected]
18th March 2013 01:57 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

sir please tell me Previous papers of BITS for the entrance of M.Tech. computer science, which topics to cover
10th March 2013 05:15 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

what is the syllabus for entrance exam in Bits Pilani????
8th March 2013 01:59 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?


Is courses for Mtech in instrumentation in BITS available?? because i am not able to find the instrumentation course in BITS for Mtech.
all i can find is BE course in Electronics and instrumentation..
Please let me know the details accordingly.
6th March 2013 09:10 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Sir i would like to persue in BITS PILANI.When will they start their admission for M.Tech?
2nd March 2013 11:22 AM
[email protected]
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Dear sir/mam, I wanted to know how to prepare for getting admission into BITS for M.E electricall.Like the sample tests or material anything with which i can prepare for the exam. kindly send the information to [email protected]

28th February 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score? aeronautical related courses will be there in bits pilani
22nd February 2013 11:16 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hello sir,
i want to do the from bits...
so i want to know the date for submission of form for 2013 session...
25th January 2013 06:42 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Dear sir/mam, I wanted to know how to prepare for getting admission into BITS for M.E civil.Like the sample tests or material anything with which i can prepare for the exam. kindly send the information to [email protected].


30th November 2012 07:02 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

dear friend
dont be frustrate bits pilani conduct its own exam for admission to degree .
if you dont have a good gate score card then dont worry try for bits pilani
all the best
11th June 2012 11:06 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hi at present i got seat in bits hyd ( m.e design engg) if any iteration is possible i can go to goa how r the placements for this course pls reply me to this mail add [email protected]
10th June 2012 12:38 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

sir, my gate 2012 score 225 in physics and air rank1926 what are the west option for for m-tech please reply meee
4th April 2012 03:15 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

When will the Bits 2012 for stream be conducted.
when the notification will be published ...????
20th March 2012 03:34 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

sir my gate score is 375 in CSE
my all india rank is 12485
percentile 92.06
in which college i can get admission
15th March 2012 11:06 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

my gate score is 343, air-16368,89.55percentile, 34/100 . cs. general.. any chances of getting in nits?
11th March 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

when will the exam for mtch 2012 will be conducted?
10th March 2012 04:37 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

16th February 2012 12:45 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

when is the entrance exam for mtech in BITS. As my gate score
is not so good i m waiting for BITS entrance exam. so please tell
me all the related dates regarding this entrance exam.
Thanking You.
7th January 2012 10:52 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score
Programme wise eligibility criteria:
Normal Input:
M.E. Biotechnology – Any integrated first degree of BITS or its equivalent with adequate preparation in Bio-chemistry and Microbiology.
M.E. Chemical; Civil; Computer Science; Mechanical – Integrated first degree of BITS in the respective discipline or its equivalent.
M.E. Communication Engineering, Electrical with specialization in Power Electronics & Drives – Integrated first degree of BITS in Electrical & Electronics/Electronics & Instrumentation or its equivalent.
M.E. Design Engineering; Manufacturing Systems Engineering – Integrated first degree of BITS in Mechanical or its equivalent or M.Sc.(Tech.) Engineering Technology of BITS or its equivalent with the requirement of taking certain additional courses.
11th November 2011 06:02 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

you have to appear for entrance exam conducted by bits pilani.......the forms are available for online submission on the official site of it that is

but now the form submission process is if you have not applied till now you have to wait for the next year.......or you can apply for some other engineering exams also.........
4th November 2011 09:52 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

if i want to do mtech frm bits pilani through gate score
thn when i have applied??? just now, or after the result been declared in march??
28th October 2011 02:12 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hi dear friend,
do not worry,
bits pilani conducts its own test for admission in,
so you can give the exam,
and after getting good score you can take admission in bits pilani for course.
o k
good luck
thank you
27th October 2011 03:14 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

sir can 3rd year student apply for m-tech in bits pilani
11th October 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hiii.i want to know the important dates for applying the mtech2012 in can i know these details?????
1st October 2011 01:50 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

dear friend,

See my dear according to me I think it will be better to drop one year and prepare for this fully. If you prepare for this from a good institutes or any good coaching centers then it will be very helpful to you also. If you want to make a good score then please read the following books very well :

1. GATE 2012 by G.K.Publishers
2. GATE 2012 by Handa
3. Quantative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwall

For more you may also visit the following site :

for more about GATE visit:

all the best.
30th September 2011 11:39 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Hi dear,

you have to appear for entrance exam conducted by bits pilani.......the forms are available for online submission on the official site of it that is

but now the form submission process is if you have not applied till now you have to wait for the next year.......or you can apply for some other engineering exams also.
30th September 2011 08:04 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

bits pilani conducts its own test for admission in,
so you can give the exam,
and after getting good score you can take admission in bits pilani for course.
so you can work hard and can easily get wishes
30th September 2011 04:13 AM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Originally Posted by hitechsingh View Post
hello sir/madam
i want to do my mtech degree fron bits,pilani but as my gate result is not so very good ,how else i can be able to get admission in bits,pilani
hi dear,
your gate result is not so very good? Then you are depressed ???
do not take extra headache, because every problem have a solution!
Here you can get an another chance, I mean bits pilani take entrance
Exam for admission in , so, prepare for this, if you get good score,
Then you can get admission here.

Best of luck>
29th September 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Is there any college providing admission in mtech in the month of january
28th September 2011 06:04 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Dear friend,
You mentioned that your GATE score is no at all satisfactory enough to apply for BITS,Pilani.
As we all know that BITS, Pilani is a very reputed institute.
You can obviously try for admission in BITS, Pilani.
All you need to do is to appear in the entrance exam of their own.
If you are able to clear the exam and the Personal Interview then you can get the chance to take admission in BITS Pilani.
All the very best.
21st September 2011 09:51 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

I hv completed by mechanical engg. interested in BITS pilani ME course.can any one guide me abt hw to prepare for the xam as it seems to be sum wat unique..
20th August 2011 04:04 AM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

dear friend,
You just don't get upset for your GATE score.. You can still take admission in in Bits pilani through their own conducted written test..
If you get qualified in the written test then they will call you for the interview..
After qualifying in interview you will get a chance to take admission in Bits Pilani for course..
So, prepare yourself for the written test..
All the best..
19th August 2011 10:46 PM
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

Dear friend

For your admission to Higher Degree programmes leading to M.E./M.Pharm. candidates have to appear in the Online tests conducted by BITS at designated centers in different cities.Shortlisted candidates will be required to come for an interview at Pilani/Goa/Hyderabad at their own cost and the admission is made on the basis of the performance in the online test and interviews.The forms are available for online submission.

You can visited on to the sites to get online form and also get more information about it.



19th August 2011 08:26 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: Admission in bits pilani for mtech degree without good GATE score?

hi dear..
do not worry,
bits pilani conducts its own test for admission in,
so you can give the exam,
and after getting good score you can take admission in bits pilani for course.
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