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14th October 2020 07:15 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

25th November 2019 09:33 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Is it compulsory to appear for jmfc we have to be enrolled under bar council of India?
26th May 2018 12:16 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

If in bsl first year in SEM first one subject back and then it clear in second semester and complete bslllb above 55 percent then the person is eligible for jmfc as a fresher,please reply soon it's a hearty request
17th February 2018 01:08 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I am advocate practice three years and I have s c candidate now my age 40 year how can application jmfc exam
15th March 2017 01:07 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I am advocate and practicing from three years
I can't having 55 present marks I am below 35 years so I am eligible or not for jmfc exam?
2nd February 2017 07:20 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I have passed llb and I got 58 percent,but 6th semester I have ATKT in two subject. I have clear that subject in next semester. Is I am eligible for JMFC?
10th June 2016 08:19 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I am passed bslllb and I got 72 percent. I am 23 years old but I am fail 7th semester so can I direct able to give jmfc exam
25th March 2016 04:47 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I belong to obc passed llb with first class want to appear fresher advocate for jmfc exam but my age is 25 years 27 days is there any age relaxation to OBC category
6th March 2016 07:10 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I have 53% in last year.I am advocacy practicing last three year. But I want attempting in JMFC exam. Can I appearing in jmfc exam after three year.
31st December 2015 04:07 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

During whole BA.LLB course in my semester 5th exam I have A.T.K.T in one subject I have cleared that subject in next sem ,is I am eligible for JMFC?
5th August 2015 04:31 AM
Nishant Jai Patil
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I had been to MPSC office about a month and half ago, according to them the eligibility criteria for fresh graduates is 55% and without ATKT in your whole law degree.
So if one is interested in JMFC, he/she can go for second eligibility i.e. 3years of practice as an advocate in any court.
5th August 2015 04:17 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I had been to MPSC office before a month and as per the eligibility of the fresh law graduates, MPSC doesnt consider ATKT in whole LAW course. If one has ATKT then he/she can go for second eligibility i.e 3years of practice as an advocate. So as far as ATKT is concerned one is not eligible for JMFC (MPSC). Thank you.
4th August 2015 05:35 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Sir ,I m llb 7thsem. Student .m facing exam In atkt from 5th sem in CBS pattern but my strong will is there To face jmfc .m belonging from sc categari if unfortunately I will score 50%marks in final then m I eligible for jmfc?
22nd July 2015 12:29 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

sir I am passed bslllb but sir I was failed in 1 year as well as 2nd year so i am able to give jmfc exam
9th June 2015 11:38 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I am passed bslllb and I got 72 percent. I am 23 years old but I am fail 7th semester so can I direct able to give jmfc exam
19th December 2014 02:15 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Res. Sir,
I have appeared for JMFC Main Exam-2014 and I also gave Main Exam. In 5th sep. 2014 I have joined in Govt. service. Though now can i gave next coming JMFC exam-2015.....?
17th September 2014 12:55 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

If you have Kt Issues simply wait for three years and appear as an Advocate where marks are not considered.
12th August 2014 01:42 AM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Sir ,
I am completed BSLL.B five year course in a 2013 -2014 academic year with 60.8% in final year . I want to give JMFC exam, but I have fail in first
year of BSLLB but i am all clear 2nd , 3rd , 4th & 5th year can I appear for JMFC exam. Reply fast
8th August 2014 03:33 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I Have not attempted papers in first year but in 3rd year of LLB I have scored 66% so, am I eligible for jmfc exam ?
27th June 2014 06:20 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I HAVE CLEARED MY B.L.S/LLB and i had K.T's in the 9th sem but i have cleared it in the same year. Am i eligable for JMFC Exam because i had K.T's? I m a S.C Category student and i have scored less than 50% in my LLB.
13th November 2013 09:47 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I want give JMFC exam but I have fail in first year of BSL LLB but am all clear in 2nd 3rd 4th and in 5th year I get 56%.can I appear for JMFC exam
22nd March 2013 10:21 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

after doing correspondence l.l.b can we sit in jmfc?
5th December 2012 10:52 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

I am 4th BSL LLB student and I am willing to give JMFC exam but I had KT in 1st year 1st semester and 3rd year 5th semester but both subjects are cleared in that-that year final exams and if I get 55marks in 5th year then I am eligible to give JMFC exam?
3rd December 2012 08:04 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Lots Of Thanks For Giving Me Such Information But I am Having Some Query and That Is, I Am 4th BSL LLB Student And Having KT In 1st year And 3rd Year Now If I Will Get 55marks In 5th Year I Am Eligible For Giving JMFC Exams?
3rd December 2012 03:45 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Hi Guest,

The eligibility for JMFC exam is as follows:

Graduation in law with 55% and above

The age limit is 21 years to 35 years

The selection process is:

Written exam

Personal interview

Thank you,

All the best.
3rd December 2012 02:28 PM
Re: What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Originally Posted by Tulsee Solanki View Post
Eligibility To Give JMFC Exam After Completing BSL LLB Degree Or Is There Get Any Benefit Or Reservation For Cast?

JMFC stands for JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE FIRST TRACK COURT. This exam is conducted by state government. If you have at least 55% in your LLB then you can write this exam.

Benefits of reserved category is there in relaxation to age limit. Where for open category it is 35 years there is a relaxation of 3 and 5 year in case of OBC and SC/ST respectively. Also there are some seats reserved for the OBC and SC/ST candidates as there are in every government job.

There will be a written test and if you qualify it you will be called for a personal interview round after which you will be selected according to your performance.

Best of luck!
3rd December 2012 12:00 AM
Tulsee Solanki
What is the eligibility for JMFC exam after completing BSL LLB degree

Eligibility To Give JMFC Exam After Completing BSL LLB Degree Or Is There Get Any Benefit Or Reservation For Cast?

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