Thread: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam? Reply to Thread

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13th August 2012 08:20 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

hi my name is bhola kumar i want to know that what will be the cut off marks of sbi associate clerks 2012 of rajasthan while there are 1400 posts only in rajasthan state and 280 posts for obc category candidate and i am an obc candidate so please anyone tell me the exact cut off marks that will be a 100% selection of me.
13th August 2012 10:02 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what was the cut off percentage of general candidates in recently conducted sbi clerk exam?
28th May 2012 01:46 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

how many marks should i get in SBI clerk exam i belongs to sc cota
27th May 2012 10:28 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is sectional cut off?{each subjet}
23rd May 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

please tell me the cut of marks for obc candiate for associat bank of sbi exam held on 27.05.2012 pls
23rd May 2012 10:02 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam held on 27-05-2012
19th May 2012 03:24 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is the exact cut-off of sbi clerk exam for 2012-13
19th May 2012 09:12 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is cutoff % for sbi clerical exam in ambala also tells time duration
19th May 2012 09:06 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

i am applying for sbi clerical exam in amdala.plz tell me the cutoff percentage and time duration quickly
10th April 2012 12:45 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is d cut off marks in sbibank clerk for sc candidate?
6th April 2012 11:19 AM
gyanu kumar
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is the cutoff of obc in sbi clerk exam?
22nd March 2012 12:06 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

SBI and Central Bank of India hasnt declare the cut off marks for their exam. The cut off score varies from exam to exam . Its not fixed but from the past result, you can pedict that cut off marks is some what fall between 50 - 60% of the total and section wise too. As one needs to clear all section .
16th March 2012 12:45 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Hi Dear

Cut off marks for Bank exam:-

Good Luck..........
16th March 2012 12:09 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Cut off marks in bank sector exams. :

For general 95- 100 marks,
For sc
-75 - 80 marks.
All the best.
15th March 2012 10:32 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

In sbi abank PO and clerical exams,cut off
marks/score will depend on following points:

1.numbet of students taken the exam,

2.number of students qualified,

3.number of posts are there,

4.Difficulty of exam paper.

Depending upon the above mentioned four factors, cutoff marks will decide.
All the best.
8th March 2012 03:23 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

When will be the second list of SBBJ Clerical Cadre will be published?
Venu Gopal
6th March 2012 06:33 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

sir OBC ka cutoff kitna h
3rd March 2012 08:48 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

how many person clear the ibps clerk exam result decler on 29 Feb 12
plz answer me by mail on
[email protected]
2nd March 2012 11:55 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

how many marks cut-off in ph candidates
25th February 2012 08:25 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

can u tell me when will be the result decleard
28th January 2012 06:47 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

sir plz send the syllabus of sbi clerk......
20th January 2012 05:37 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

my roll no is3507006179 i have pass written exam on sbt please say my markmy mail id [email protected]
18th January 2012 11:11 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

you should get 35 marks out of 50 questions.
29th December 2011 04:13 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?


Dear friend,
For SBI,
You will have to prepare 5 fields

=> Reasoning
=> General English
=> Quantitative Aptitude
=> General Awareness
=> Basic Computer Knowledge

In each section you will have to score minimum 40% marks
Otherwise you will be dis qualified.

You can see some sample papers below :
29th December 2011 10:40 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Why ask for a cut off when you are having a qualification exam. Let everybody participate and depending upon the marks qualify the candidate.After all this a job people are trying for.
28th December 2011 03:46 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

i got in 10cbse 50% and in 12cbse i got 55% whether i apply for sbi clerk exam
24th December 2011 12:19 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

When result of SBI associate bank exam will be declared
my email id is [email protected]
29th November 2011 11:41 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

plz tell me cbi bank clerk waiting list
my id is [email protected]
11th November 2011 01:03 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

i want to know cut oof
7th November 2011 08:09 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

cutoff marks of clerk sbi associate
6th November 2011 05:53 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

i m jitendra kumar sharma .tell me marks of clerical exam 16jan.2011
my roll no. is 6007022174
6th November 2011 05:02 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Please tell me the marks I got in written and interview separately in SBI associate banks' clerk recruitment exam - 2011 for State Bank of Hyderabad as I appeared from the state of Maharashtra. My roll No.was 5305003704. I also would like to know the cut-off for the OBC category for the state of Maharashtra. My e-mail ID is [email protected].
3rd November 2011 07:25 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

I gave interview for sbi associate bank. My roll no. is 5107016455 and date of birth is 15-02-1985 my interview was held on 16-01-2011. please give me my all RTI detail on this e_mail
[email protected]
1st November 2011 08:15 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

is there any second list in the central bank clerical result...? when do u release the result...?
31st October 2011 09:36 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Sonu kumar. I want to know cut off marks for clerk selection my roll 4605003874 regst. 529861 email- [email protected], mob.9279560875
31st October 2011 08:28 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

cut off marks in sbi associate bank clerk exam in 2011?
27th October 2011 07:30 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

hi dear...

expected cut off will be 110 of general
100 OBC
88-92 SC
74-81 ST..
thank you..
27th October 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

sir,i have known that most of vacancies in central bank of India clerk has not filled. if there is a possiibility to announce a second list from the previouse interview list?
22nd October 2011 10:28 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

is the result of clerk in associate bank of sbi held on 23/01/2011 has declared ?
20th October 2011 11:27 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

15th October 2011 05:41 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

when result of state bank of patiala clerk exam on 16th february 2011 in lucknow?
15th October 2011 04:06 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam in rajasthan s.t category .....
15th October 2011 12:15 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

please tell me what is the cutt off marks of bob clerk held in 17th apr-11
13th October 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Roll no 6113042772 Satyendra Naraian Prasad appeared in associate sbiat Jaipur .Pl send marks
13th October 2011 02:17 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

Roll no 6113042772 Satyendra Naraian Prasad appeared atJaipur inAssociate SBI2011.Please send marks in all subject on my address
8th October 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

what is the pay scale for clerical jobs in various banks?
7th October 2011 07:04 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

What is the mark distribution for Central Bank Of India Clerical exam held on Feb 2011? i.e.,
1. Max. Marks, Cut off mark for written examination.
2. Max. Marks, Cut off mark for interview.

Is there any additional being published?
7th October 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

What is the cut-off mark for obc?
5th October 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

when is SBI going to publish the marklist
5th October 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Cut-off percentage for SBI associate bank clerk exam and Central bank of India clerk exam?

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