Thread: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board? Reply to Thread

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24th July 2022 03:49 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir I passed my class 10 from cbse board and i want to do class 12 from hbse board so I want to know that there will any problem in future or not ??
22nd July 2022 11:08 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Which bord is better of net exam sir I am confused please help me
15th May 2019 04:30 AM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Originally Posted by Rachna Bansal View Post
sir,i want to do coaching after tenth class i am study in haryana board,which board is better haryana board or c.b.s.e. board so help me to remove my this confusion i shall be heartly thankful to you.
CBSE board is better regards your career prospects as it will be helpful from entrance exam point of view
13th May 2019 01:46 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Which board is better for getting good percentage in 12th class from non-medical
3rd May 2019 03:57 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir I am from panipat and I want to do non medical so which board is helpful/good.cbse/hnse . I want good result in 12th but i can not do more hardener
I am mediocre student. So please tell me which board should I prefer remove my confusion.I shall be very thankful to you for this. Solve my problem as soon as possible.
8th April 2019 01:25 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir I am studying in 10 the class . Which board is higher percentage . please sir
3rd March 2019 02:35 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir what is the best board of 12th class haryana board or cbse board and make it good presentege
please help me
I am also confused
please help
22nd May 2016 01:00 AM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir ..,
I want to do NDA exam
But in CBSE board percent goes low
So I take hayana board plz you help to me which board I take
1st May 2016 10:11 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir I do the 10 th class in cbse bord noe noe no school give me non med only haryana bord give so wht can I do I want non med
17th April 2016 01:55 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

My name is kajol. I am study in 12th class. I want joing in MNS. pl send certaira.My date of birth 16 Jun 1999
16th April 2016 04:29 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Dear friend,

Comparison between Haryana and CBSE board is somewhat difficult for me.

Both boards have its own specification. selection between these board is depends on following factors:

1. Your interest
2. Your eligibility in English Language
3. Your future perspective
4. Future career perspective

After a long research and thinking I must say CBSE board is good than Haryana board by following reasons:

1. Good coverage of Syllabus
2. Competitive exams coverage
3. Good communication skill development etc.

If you are hard working then you must go for CBSE board.

Thank you
15th April 2016 06:55 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

I am from kaithaI district haryana i have passed 11 from cbse board now nd now i want to chnge my school and no school is giving admission in 12 in cbse board now what can i do now
23rd March 2016 03:54 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

According to me for NDA exam, you should choose CBSE because it covers most of the syllabus of DNA.

Good Luck
1st April 2015 01:57 AM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

If you compare CBSE board with Haryana Board, the certain advantage that CBSE board is that it is not a state board and is recognised Nation-wide in India. All states have CBSE boards, even though they have their own state boards.

CBSE board have very standard syllabus ideal for every student at any level of education. State boards tend to have big differences in the education levels while jumping from one class to another which can be frustrating for students. Most of the students appear in CBSE board. So, its also an ideal platform to check where you stand in comparison to others in the country.
31st March 2015 07:49 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

sir i want to know whether my son ,who has given 10th class xam,should continue cbse board or should he go for punjab board for getting good percentage in exams in non medical and also for iit n aieee e xams.
8th March 2015 02:55 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

which board should I prefer as per IIT JEE 's concern cbse or haryana board? please give immediate answer....
10th September 2014 05:24 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Dear Sir,

Please share the secondary class english solved previous year paper.

Kindly share it at the earliest because of my exam tomorrow morning.
21st June 2014 05:34 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

sir, i choose haryana board in 12 class.i am taking coachings for aipmt AND acc. to cbse level .is there any drawback of HBSE??
21st June 2014 05:26 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

sir, i choose haryana board in 12 cls. i m taking coachings for aipmt. Is there any drawback of haryana board
5th June 2014 08:44 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

There is less marks percentage in cbse and in hbse there is lots of the marks so which board is better please tell me
9th April 2014 05:54 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Sir, which board is better Punjab board or CBSE board, i heard that by joining Punjab board i may get a more good rank in JEE than in CBSE ? plzz clear my query..
4th April 2014 12:24 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

My daugter studies in class 9 haryana board should we choose cbse?
18th March 2014 09:44 AM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

SIR please tell me which board is better hbse ya cbse beacause iam totally confused
5th October 2013 12:19 AM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Originally Posted by Rachna Bansal View Post
sir,i want to do coaching after tenth class i am study in cbse board,which board is better haryana board or c.b.s.e. board so help me to remove my this confusion i shall be heartly thankful to you.
plz tell me on this topic
and which is better
3rd April 2013 08:19 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

can i do NDA by punjab board
19th March 2013 01:11 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

i am Manish chauhan from alayat can anyone tell me which board is good ? i am gave exam of 9th class now i am confuse in i take admession in haryana board ya cbse anyone please tell me which board is better?
11th March 2013 09:40 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

I want to give a paper of NDA
so please tell me
which board. Haryana board or CBSE BOARD
is more benifit for me to give that paper
30th July 2012 03:22 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Dear friend,

Both boards Haryana and CBSE have better scope of future.
But if you choose CBSE, then you will be in more benefit.

CBSE covers a large part of the syllabus of IIT-JEE, AIEEE and many other competitive exams.
So, if you are preferring for CBSE, it would be beneficial for you.
24th July 2012 12:26 PM
pardeep dhaliwal
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

hii dear ......

This is depend on your interest ....But in CBSE you have lots of opportunity in terms of higher studies and syllabus.
your knowledge will be more increase in CBSE board but in this board you need some extra hard work ....

so best of luck dear.....
2nd July 2012 06:45 PM
Re: Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

Hi Friend,
In CBSC you have lot of opportunity in terms of syllabus as well as higher studies.
you can explore ur knowledge in it.
But u need to put ur extra hardwork in it.

best wishes,
7th February 2012 07:54 PM
Rachna Bansal
Which board is better, Haryana or CBSE board?

sir,i want to do coaching after tenth class i am study in haryana board,which board is better haryana board or c.b.s.e. board so help me to remove my this confusion i shall be heartly thankful to you.

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