Thread: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same? Reply to Thread

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12th June 2019 07:21 AM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

You can apply for UPSC Exams.
Ans Indian foresty exams. Also some public service Commission released vacancies for MBA Pass outs..
And a huge scope is available in BANKS. You can apply IBPS PO and SBI PO.
4th January 2015 04:59 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

My son has completed XII in 2013 & wants to do a course in Travel &Tourism .What are the job oppurtunities
19th October 2014 07:24 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

i am doing my graduation in tours and travel plz. tell me in detail how can i get a job in central goverment turism depatrment
20th February 2014 12:14 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

I am pursuing my MBA in tourism management.I want to get a job in the public sector in West Bengal
.Can you please tell me the procedure to apply
26th September 2013 04:59 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

I have about 5 yrs of core hotel exp & lookibg to transend towards the pulic sector in travel &trourism market. My exp includes all the operational areas of the hotel industry.
1st August 2013 06:12 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

Now i completed my B Sc Tourism and hospittality management. If i get any job in tourism relatted companies?
12th March 2013 05:13 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

i am completed my B.A.(TRAVEL&TOURISM MGMT.), P.G.D.hotel&tourism mgmt.& MBA (TOURSIM MGMT.).what are govt. jobs .
24th October 2012 04:10 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

Dear aspirant,
As belong to tourism related graduation, you have a lot of career opportunities in public sector .

At the same time UPSC conducts the following exam for tourism related graduates too:

Indian Forest Services(IFS)

It is an all india entrance exam.
It includes many optionals:

Go through the upsc website so that you will get the detailed revised syllabus of the exam.

Otherwise you can appear for the UPSC exam:

Paper1: General studies- 200 marks
Paper2: English -200 marks

Cut off for general:
Around 200

Main Examination

There are nine papers.

Scheme of the examination:

Paper-I & II: Two Language papers (One in Indian Language and one in General English, each carries 300 Marks)

Paper-III: Essay (200 Marks)

Papers IV & V: General Studies (2 papers ,each carries 300 Marks)

Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX: Two optional subjects (each having 2 papers and 300 marks for each paper)

Believe you can and you will on the half way.
Please do visit this website for your queries related to any entrance exam.
Best of luck
21st September 2012 05:00 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

Dear sir,
Where I can see the ad for job vacancy in MTDC I mean in which News paper, website? And please tell me how to apply for the job/
3rd April 2012 08:46 PM
Re: How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

can i get any job in gov sector after completing bts from ignou
29th January 2012 03:50 PM
How may I get a government job in tourism sector? List of entrance exams for the same?

Hi Sir/mam,
I have done PGDM in tourism management also i have 1 year exp in the same industry. Could you please suggest me or inform me about different examinations held for the entrance in Tourism Govt. sector.

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