Thread: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy? Reply to Thread

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25th October 2020 12:59 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I am scored only 35in maths can I join pharmacy
23rd July 2020 07:47 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

If we have 51% marks can we apply for pharmacy in government college?? Kindly reply
24th February 2020 08:22 PM
Nadeem Neo
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

You should score at least 50% marks in 12th to become eligible for pharmacy courses.
10th February 2020 01:28 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks are required in 12 ,2020 to enter in the field of B.Pharmacy and which all subjects are counted?
13th August 2019 08:42 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

You should score atleast 50% marks in 10+2 exams to become eligible for pharmacy courses.
In 10+2, you must have passed Physics,Chemistry,Biology/Math as your compulsory subjects.
9th July 2019 01:35 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have got 42% in 12th ( pcm) can I Get admission In course
26th June 2019 12:52 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

12th exam 61.85 marks pcm 170 pcb 170 percentage 56.67 Kya muze d pharmacy me admission mil sakta hai
15th June 2019 10:35 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

12th exam 73 mark and CET PCM GROUP 68 PCB 18 Percentage please tell me my Admission B pharmacy
6th June 2019 02:57 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Sir I have 53pr in board and 128mark of pcb group so I can admissions in b pharmacy or d pharmacy of government college
5th June 2019 10:01 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have scored 58 percent in 12th and in cet I got 102/200, so could I get pharmacy
admission in mumbai government college without donations
5th June 2019 01:49 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Sir l have get in12th 57.69%mark and in CET l have get inPCB 21.72% but l have the admission for b Pharm. I have get admission or not for b Pharm and also in PCB in HSC have 48%.please give me answer
3rd June 2019 11:21 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Sir I have scored in Hsc 55 percentage my one problem B pharmacy or D pharmacy need PCB group
14th May 2019 09:25 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Sir I scored 48.88 in 12science and 38.25in gujcet even I eligible for b pharmacy
20th October 2018 08:37 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Sir I have subject only physic, chemistry and biology not math we can eligible to take exam in b. Pharma
5th September 2018 12:10 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have scored 61.0 8% in 12th standard my PCB grouping is 157 am I eligible to take admission in B Pharmacy course?
23rd July 2018 01:53 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks required in cet to get admission in government b pharmacy college in Maharashtra?
23rd July 2018 01:47 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks required in cet to tate admission in government B pharmacy college
3rd June 2018 04:54 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have got 57%in HSC and in cet I got 52/200 so could I get pharmacy can I take admission in pharmacy
31st May 2018 12:04 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have grouping 143 can I can eligible to take admission for b pharmacy in hsc I got 58.76 and in pcb I got 143 can I take admission in b pharmacy
21st April 2018 08:44 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks required in 12th board exam 2018 in PCB for admission of pharm-D course
25th December 2017 04:14 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks required in 12th board exam 2018 in PC b for admission of b pharmacy
7th July 2017 04:18 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have got 59 percentage in HSC board exam & 64 percentage in cet exam but group of pcb is 121 marks.I can eligible for b pharmacy admission ?
6th July 2017 02:41 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

My cut off is 157.5 my category is MBC can I get govt seat for b.pharm in this year 2017 -2018
7th June 2017 11:43 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have got 85.6 6percent in board exam and in gujcet got 83.34 percentile. Can you please me about the cut off mark in government college for pharmacy
5th June 2017 02:53 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have got 58.6 percent in board exam and in CET I got 74 marks only can you please tell me about the cut off of government college for b Pharmacy
5th June 2017 02:46 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have score 52% in 12th std and 62%in mhtcet i wish to choose B.pharm as my carrier option, I'm eligible to study B.pharm..?
23rd May 2017 06:39 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have secured 62% overall in 12th science (PCB) n have got 63.17 PR in GUJCET exam...can I get admission in pharmacy..?
6th May 2017 03:15 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

What are the procedures for getting admission to pharmD? Is there any exams for this
25th March 2017 10:48 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Which subjects' marks in in 12 science are count to get admission in pharmacy. which entrance exam i have to give for admission?
25th January 2017 02:28 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

How many marks can be required for getting admission in government college for B- pharmacy
5th March 2016 02:32 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Separate cet is required or not to admission in b. Pharmacy in years 2016
9th August 2015 12:49 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

how many marks in intermediate for apply B pharmecy?ktny marks hn kh hm b pharmecy m apply kr skn?
9th February 2015 01:13 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have scored 45.16% in 12th std i wish to choose B.Pharm as my carrier option, am i elligibe to study B.Pharm?

hello dear,
after passing 10+ 2 exam, if you want to do the pharmacy course, then it is required minimum 50 % or 55 % number in your 10 + 2 examwith physics chemistry mathematics or biologyotherwise it is difficult to take admission in b pharm even after you have pass any entrance examination for b pharm. this is difficult to take admission in b pharm mainly in any gov. college or any other reputed colleges.

but still f you want to do b pharmacy course, then you may contact some private colleges in India in there sponsored quota.

then i think you can find some pathway to do this course.

if you are interested, then from internet , you have to choose colleges according to statewise or your own choice. & you have to contact through their mail or phone no.

thank you dear, best of luck.
30th October 2014 09:19 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i have scored 50% marks in english,biology,chemistry,physic in 12th class,am i eligible to take admission in pharmacy?
17th June 2014 09:34 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have 59.30% in Diploma pharmacy, am i eligible to get admission in B. Pharm 2nd year?
5th June 2014 11:54 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have score 69percent in 12th science can i get admision in mumbai government or private colleges
4th June 2014 02:55 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i have scored 62 percent mks in 12th science can i get admission in mumbai goverment pharmacy colleges
4th June 2014 02:52 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i have scored 62 percent in 12th can i get admission in mumbai goverment college without donations?
23rd May 2014 02:47 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have gain 48 marks in cet iwill elligible for b pharmasy addmission or not?
29th April 2014 09:30 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i have got 43.2% in 12th i am eligible to get admision in pharmacy or not????????
30th March 2014 01:27 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

what is the minimum percentage to get admission in b.pharma in ahmedabad
24th February 2014 09:43 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i want to take admission in b.pharm college in out of india. so i want a good advise for my decision.
17th November 2013 10:40 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

i am in 12th i want to take addmission in farmacy course my exams in march much percent i required for admissionin pharmacy
7th November 2013 09:43 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

is entrance exam necessary to join b.pharm?
24th September 2013 11:04 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

My marks in fsc is 823.I want to know that how much dues are required for d farmacy and I have got any scholarship.
6th June 2013 01:48 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Am i eligible for pharmacy i have scored 50.33% in hsc and 41% in cet and 73% in pharmacy?
30th May 2013 08:17 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have scored 45.16% in std 12th.Am i elligible to choose B.Pharm as a carrier?
30th May 2013 08:14 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

I have scored 45.16% in 12th std i wish to choose B.Pharm as my carrier option, am i elligibe to study B.Pharm?
11th September 2012 12:01 AM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

What are the minimum marks required in 12th class for B pharmacy in pakistan
11th July 2012 02:54 PM
Re: Minimum marks needed in 12th to do Pharmacy?

Dear Pharmacy is a good course which give you opportunities,make career in medical field like pharmaceutical companies and medical stores etc.

> Requires a pass in10+2 or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Maths or Biology.
> Candidates who posses 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Maths (PCM) or Physics, Chemistry, Biology (PCB) or Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology.
> Minimum percentage are 50% in 12th class.

The main courses in Pharmacy are the:
1.) 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm)
2.) 4 years Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
3.) 2 years Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm)
4.) Ph.d programmes.

Best Pharmacy Colleges in India are:

1. NIPER,Mohali
2. University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Punjab University
3. Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal
4. Bombay College of Pharmacy, Kalina, Mumbai
5. JSS College of Pharmacy, Ooty
6. University College of Pharmaceutical Sci, Kakatiya University, Warangal
7. L.M. College of Pharmacy, Ahmedabad
8. Department of Pharmaceutical Sci, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar, MP
9. Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai (erstwile UDCT)
10. Pharmacy Group, BITS, Pilani

All the Best
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