Thread: Which career should I choose after SSLC? Reply to Thread

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21st October 2013 08:46 AM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

i will write my exams in this year i confused what the group i want to take after my exams which group is valuable for life long?
19th September 2012 02:18 PM
AshwinKumar S.Hallikar
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

History of fashion, pattern making, draping, surface ornamentation, garment construction, design collection, styling, marketing, menswear, knitwear

Mostly lab classes. It’s all hands on learning. Theory is basic and minimal so that we aren’t completely clueless in case we decide to start our own, independent clothing line.

After FD you get jobs like Assistant Designer in buying office, in export houses factories and retail places. Or you can work directly under a designer. Even styling and merchandising jobs are an option. Either you head a design team or start your own label or get into a different field like styling trend forecast etc

Exciting areas in the course: All the hands on stuff and subjects like portfolio or surf ornamentation where we were given a little freedom to do what we wanted.

Boring areas: Theory subjects. Necessary but not sucha blast. We probably don’t like to sit in one place n listen to someone speak. We’d rather do something active.

It’s a LOT of hard work but will always be fun if you like the smell of muslin and can listen to radio all day long and don’t wanna run home to mommy as soon as classes are over.

But pleeeeaase don’t just go for it because it’s considered as the top dept or the main one. Many people in my class regretted that during the orientation they just took it because they had a good rank and people told them to take it as it’s the best and its seats fill up the fastest. Go for the dept that you really fantasise yourself being in. You'll just know.

To have a look at a few 2008 FD design collections click here.
5th June 2012 02:09 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Is it possible to get a seat in Aeronautical engg.after completing computer science in 2
21st April 2012 09:22 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Originally Posted by Amulya.V.Patil View Post
Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".


A dashing career where one can procure due credits for style and creativity. Fashion designing is fast becoming a serious profession even within the conventional domains in the country filliped by the extension of the mass media.

Fashion Designers have their own creative style of dressing and believe in setting trends rather than following trends by others. If colors, textures and images turn you on, its about time to pick up that drawing board and let your imagination flow!

If one is creative and artistic enough to add some style to otherwise cognate items, one can take up a career in fashion designing.


The demand for fashion designers are on the rise with our societies coming in terms with urbanization where indigenous cultures and mores are taken over by people’s enterprising sense of adopting a refreshing lifestyle.

Fashion designers will never run out of work opportunities. One can find employment in a company that manufactures fashion items like buttons, scarves, broaches and hairclips. One can also find employment in a company manufacturing jewellery items. Gili, Enchante, Nakshatra, Oyzter Bay , Tanishq and De Beers are renowned names in jewellery designing.

Foot wear manufacturing companies employ designers to innovate new varieties of shoes for their companies.

Leather manufacturing companies that produce wallets, belts and handbags employ fresher in their companies.

So Choice is upto you
21st April 2012 05:45 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

2nd April 2012 10:30 AM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

My ambision is engeener,what should i choose
19th February 2012 11:09 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

After sslc to became rto incepector which course i should choose
29th December 2011 09:17 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

It's depends on your interest. so you did not worry about what's your parents. you interested in Fashion designing you should step in that way.

otherwise you should take your best and own decision

all the best and hope success through out your life
9th November 2011 02:56 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

hai friends.i completed my sslc.i am intresed in fashion parents told to me first you complet 12 th then you go for fashion designing.what i will do?help me
31st May 2011 01:54 AM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Originally Posted by Amulya.V.Patil View Post
Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".

Career option after SSLC

Your career is totally depend on you. In which field you want to go then
you can admission in that field. In which field your interest is more then
you can go in that field. It will be batter for you.

If you are interested in the fashion technology then you can takes
admission in the fashion designing college. NIFT is the known is the
best institute for the fashion technology. You need to appear in the
entrance examination for the admission in the fashion designing course.

Many institutes conducts the entrance examination for the admission
in the fashion designing course. So please appear in the entrance

Choose your career by own interest not by other interest.

30th May 2011 10:15 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

You have to study the sub which you are interested i'm this by my experience says it ,from seeing above i can you should learn from your interest it may be engineering or fashion designing its your career you should take self decion cuz your future is there.Best of luck for your
30th May 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Dear frind

Its your wish.

If you have interest in computers. You can opt for science stream with maths and computers. Further can go for Computer engineering.

If you select commerce stream, select maths. So that you can take up BCA/MCA further.

Diploma course will not help you so much, to get good job options in future.
all the best
30th May 2011 09:46 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Simple, just continue your studies in 11th std.

Take science stream as your option if you want to study physics, chemistry,

maths, biology or computer science as your career.


If you want to continue your career in accounts or management take

commerce stream in 11th std.


Some schools have vocational group also. You can choose them also.
30th May 2011 07:27 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Originally Posted by Amulya.V.Patil View Post
Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".
It depends on your interest !

Try to convince your parents with the help of good life

but don't take any wrong step now what ever you like take it as career. if there is no good future you create future for it.

all the best and hope success through out your life
30th May 2011 07:22 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Originally Posted by Amulya.V.Patil View Post
Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".
It's depends on your interest. so you did not worry about what's your parents. you interested in Fashion designing you should step in that way.

otherwise you should take your best and own decision

all the best and hope success through out your life
30th May 2011 06:28 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Originally Posted by Amulya.V.Patil View Post
Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".
It purely depends on your interest !! as your'e interested in Fashion designing you should step in that way.

Don't worry about which is top in the list definitely there will be a top one in every thing it is most important that do you have any interest in that or not.

for example I'll say you one thing
at present if we consider engineering is at the top place, your mom or dad insisted you to join in that ok ,but the thing is you don't have any interest and also the special effects you are not comfortable with maths .

is there any use to take engineering in this case you'll end up your studies with 8-10 backlogs jobless and time waste right !!

so never think for top rated things it may be top but what is the fun in choosing them if you don't have any interest.

so go for your orginal aim rather than wasting time in un necessary things convince your parents with the help of good counselors ok

but don't take any wrong step now what ever you like take it as career. if there is no good future you create future for it.

all the best and hope success through out your life


27th May 2011 05:41 PM
Re: Which career should I choose after SSLC?

hii, after sslc , go for puc, there you can select pcmb , after getting good rank you can select either Engineering or Medical field.
if you like arts, commerce go for that also you can do BA,BCOM, and masters.
try to convience your parents, take right decision.
14th April 2011 11:35 PM
Which career should I choose after SSLC?

Which career should I choose after SSLC
Which career has value now and which subject should I choose,
I am totally confused about my career and I don't have any idea too,
Actually, I have interest in everything accept FASHION DESIGNING my parents are supporting to choose "Fashion designing".
"So I kindly request you to send me information about my career".

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