Thread: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam? Reply to Thread

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1st August 2019 08:59 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

What is the maximum age limit for government employees to apply Karnataka Group Insurance scheme
8th October 2018 01:56 AM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

Why is there an age restrictions on hiring for any govt job. I am 41. trying to search something suitable for me but age is always a problem for me. Despite of having that calibur in me for that requisite position. God knows when the systems n processes would change.
18th August 2016 09:36 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

What is age limit of group 'D' employee in entering central government service.
4th July 2014 11:16 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

I'm working in crpf for the lasy 12yrs.i want to know the age limit for tnpsc group1,2& upsc
5th March 2014 12:52 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

Iam 38 years old working for an insurance company belong to general category can I apply for upsc exams
10th February 2014 11:33 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

My date of birth is may i apply groip 2-A exam
5th June 2013 10:06 AM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

I am now 33 years. Can I write exam for Civil services?
19th November 2012 11:32 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

what is the age limit for Group I State Govt. Employee of SC candidate
3rd November 2012 11:20 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

I have completed BSc (MPCs) degree from Sri krishna devaraya open university.
Am i eligible for group II .
21st August 2012 10:04 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

What is the upper age limit for general cast government employee?
10th July 2012 06:49 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

i am completed degree this year but i can get provisional certificate later six or seven i am eligible for VAO tnpsc exam?
10th July 2012 01:25 AM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

iam 45 years old (mbc)..can i apply for group examination?
20th May 2012 11:13 AM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

what is the age limit to apply to group 2 in andhra
1st May 2012 08:07 PM
Re: What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the age limit for Govt employees for Group 2 entrance examinations. And is there any age limit for Govt employees. Thanking you
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission conducts Group II exams for Various Posts like Assistant Commercial Tax Officer, Assistant Section Officer, Junior Employment Officer, Assistant in Law Department, Audit Assistant in Highways Department and many other various Post.

Group II exams: Criteria & Eligibility
The minimum age limit is 18 years.
The maximum age limit is 33 years.
For government employees there is no relaxation. It is the same as for normal citizen.

Eligibility criteria for Group-1 & Group-2 exam are as below given:
- Candidate should be between 18 and 30 years of age as on July 1st.
- Though there are certain services for which the lower and upper age limit
may be different. There is no upper age limit for reserved categories.
- Educational Qualifications vary according to the service the candidate
applies for and will be available with the admission notification.

Also as the qualification & eligibility criteria is different for different post i would suggest you that please do refer Employment Newspaper for notification.
For further details you can refer the below given website:
16th April 2012 09:55 PM
[email protected]
What is the age limit for government employees for group II exam?

What is the age limit for Govt employees for Group 2 entrance examinations. And is there any age limit for Govt employees. Thanking you

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