Thread: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed? Reply to Thread

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13th September 2022 03:13 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I have done Bsc Home science which are subject combination best for me in b.ed
7th February 2022 09:09 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have maths and economics subject in my graduation and want to become maths tgt teacher which combination should i opt in b.ed
11th December 2021 08:39 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Is sociology and english combination valid for b.ed?
28th October 2021 06:32 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Bsc 3rd year me physics and chemistry liya hai ;Kya Bed me cambination subject physics and mechanics le sakte hai
13th June 2021 12:20 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Best combination of subjects in B.Ed are as listed below:

1.Drawing & Painting
4.Geography, Hindi, History, Home Science, Mathematics
5.Economics, English Science-English
9.Physical Science-English
10.Physical Science-Life Science
11.Economics, English,
12.geography, Hindi, History, Home Science, Mathematics
14.Drawing & Painting
15.Life Science
16.economics, English
19.Drawing & Painting
20.Economics, English
5th June 2021 11:10 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Best combination of subjects in B.Ed are as listed below:

1.Drawing & Painting
4.Geography, Hindi, History, Home Science, Mathematics
5.Economics, English Science-English
9.Physical Science-English
10.Physical Science-Life Science
11.Economics, English,
12.geography, Hindi, History, Home Science, Mathematics
14.Drawing & Painting
15.Life Science
16.economics, English
19.Drawing & Painting
20.Economics, English
25th April 2021 02:17 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

i have done bachelors and masters in biotechnology.What combination should i choose to do B.d
2nd April 2021 04:41 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Please guide me to choose a subject with Hindi
18th March 2021 10:34 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have economics, english literature and philosophy .Are these subjects ok for b.ed
12th January 2021 09:53 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir,I have done are subject combination best for me in b.ed and in future.
31st October 2020 12:18 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I am and done b.ed in english and history is it right
15th October 2020 06:21 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sorry I'm and already done b.ed and my optional subject are English and history is it right.
7th July 2020 04:55 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

7th May 2020 10:02 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Hello i have done my graduation with elective english , classical dance and psychology so please tell me am i able to get admission in B.Ed
9th March 2020 11:05 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Hi I have M.A in Sociology and I want to do B.ed . Please tell me which are the combination subjects to complete b.ed.
17th February 2020 08:35 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have taken Hindi ,political science,in last in BA,so what will be combination in b.ed]
7th February 2020 04:07 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I am student of bsc economics.what is the suitable combination for b.ed
6th November 2019 09:01 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I am a student of bsc medical...and MA I want to do b.ed..which subject combination is beneficial for me
2nd November 2019 09:08 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

sir, I have completed my graduation from chemistry as an honours subject but my subsidry paper is physics and mathematics not biology than there would be any problem in subject combination? Plz give me fruitful guidance
15th October 2019 11:27 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have chosen my subject commerce with English...kya ye sahi hai???
9th September 2019 02:59 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have don'e economics hons ,subsidiary papers pol science, English ,hindi.I HV done 2 years b.ed method 1 economics n method 2 civics .am I eligible to apply forms for class 9 and 10 in jharkhand?
26th August 2019 04:07 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I have completed my graduation with mathematics honors with 72% which subject is best for me bed
21st August 2019 10:51 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I'm doing BA with subjects psychology and sanskrit. Are these subjects right combination for B.ed or not.
21st August 2019 10:51 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I'm doing BA with subjects psychology and sanskrit. Are these subjects right combination for B.ed or not.
21st August 2019 10:50 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I'm doing BA with subjects psychology and sanskrit. Are these subjects right combination for B.ed or not.
21st August 2019 10:29 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I'm doing BA with subjects psychology and sanskrit. Are these subjects right combination for Bed
21st August 2019 07:04 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

For b.ed combination selected according to your bachlore degree subject
Colleges gave you options according to.your interest you can choose
19th August 2019 05:52 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir... I have completed my ug as BCA and my pg as Msc Interior design and resources management... can I do B.ed... which combines suitable for me..
6th August 2019 08:46 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have done M. Sc in Food and Nutrition. Plz suggest me the subject combination for b. ed. Can I do b. ed in life science?
6th August 2019 05:15 PM
Suman jit
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have history, political science. Economics in B. A and I also have M.A economics. What subject we take in b. Ed
31st July 2019 10:44 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have completed my bcom which subject combination should I choose for b-ed
12th July 2019 05:47 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have completed my ba with sociology and geography . can i not apply for b. Ed
22nd June 2019 03:09 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have completed my BA in Arts which combination of subject should I take in B. Ed
Please help me elaborate answers,
13th June 2019 05:38 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have a B.Sc Life Sciences. My main subjects were Chemistry and Biology. I have also done Mathematics in my first year of graduation. What all subjects I can opt for B.Ed? I also have my masters in German. Please suggest
11th March 2019 10:47 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have done my bsc with subjects (botany, zoology and psychology)... And now I am doing MSc in zoology... And I want to do b.ed.. What combination I should take.. As I want to opt. For zoology.... But I have h confusion regarding ka subject combinations.... So please suggest me the applicable combination for b.ed
1st March 2019 01:10 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I've passed B.A sub-pol. science, sociology, Education can I take admission in B.Ed
10th February 2019 11:12 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have completed graduation with subject mathematics and chemistry so,can i do B.ed with both of these subject
26th September 2018 02:43 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I have completed ba with subject geography education and Hindi . This is a combination of subjects or not
22nd August 2018 01:27 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Sir I have done chemistry hons in graduation what subject combination required for b.ed
16th August 2018 08:28 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have these subjects in BA computer application economics and elective English. So which is best combination for me . Please tell me that.
2nd August 2018 01:34 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I am graduated from political science (honours) and my subsidiary subject is English and sociology which subject combination is suitable for me in doing B. Ed
25th May 2018 12:00 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

I have done b.a with subject history and Sanskrit which combination is suitable for me
6th April 2015 11:03 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

i am a graduate by mathematics (B.A honrs). and subsy papers are geography and economic. I want to take admission in b.ed which combination is suitable for me. please reply as soon as possible
22nd October 2014 06:59 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

i am graduate by the subject of political science & music instrument & i have done MA ist in english, which combination is suitable for me
10th May 2014 05:04 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

which subjects are best for b.ed when i passed bca from jamia hmdard university
3rd March 2014 05:41 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Hello sir............i have completed my bachlor degree in BCA nd i am doing the ma english... can i get the combination of english and computers
18th December 2013 10:11 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Hi... I have passed Bsc with 49% and present study runing of MA in psychology and PGDCA i need join a job but i am no experiance any work ,so sujjest me what to do?
27th May 2013 06:24 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

What is the optional subject if I take English as main subject
16th May 2013 10:15 AM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

hi sir after graduating bio-chemitry ,is there any chance of doing B.ED ?
20th February 2013 04:13 PM
Re: What is the required combination of subjects for B.Ed?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
required cobination of subjects for b.ed...please tell me what is it

To take admission in a good college for BEd you need to qualify NET. You can go for following combinations of subjects:
  1. Science/Language
  2. Physical Science/Life Science
  3. Physical Science/Maths
  4. Computer Education/Maths
  5. Compter Education/Language
  6. Commerce/Economics
  7. Social study/Language
  8. Economics/Maths
  9. Fine Art /Language
  10. Music/Language

In some colleges you can get following combinations:
•Computer Science

•Computer Science

•Computer Science

•Computer Science

•Computer Science

•Computer Science


All the best!
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