Thread: Is there any career option for Commerce+SP student? Reply to Thread

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13th November 2021 06:34 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

can we do business studies taking up commerce and sp....????
7th December 2020 02:41 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

In future what will be the salary of SP students
25th August 2019 06:30 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

Any career options for sp students because i am weak in maths
28th July 2015 06:12 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

Sir I have taken admission in 12th doing private and I have selected commerce is there any optional subject which I have to select please let us me know I have got 51 percent in 10th with subject is best for me commerce and future study also
5th June 2015 01:10 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
plz help me ......
i wanna do HR (human resources).
does HR has a good future
plz let me kno as soon as u can....

its really urgent plzzz
For Doing HR your stream is not required, but it is nessary for you to have qualities like publice speaking, you must have qulaties of confidence enough for speak and you must be understanding.
2nd June 2015 03:07 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

I have completed 11 commerce by taking maths but now I am confused becoz of maths my percentage is fallen down need ur help can I do bachelor in business management without taking maths in 12amd tell me what are the courier option by taking sp in 12
9th March 2015 10:47 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

plz help me ......
i wanna do HR (human resources).
does HR has a good future
plz let me kno as soon as u can....

its really urgent plzzz
15th January 2015 08:04 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

I have passed my 12th commerce with sp as my subject. what degree courses can i do further?
15th December 2013 07:57 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

guess my question is if i taking 11,12 IT,SP does i can do hardware networking software enginer or software tester ?
12th September 2013 08:08 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

what r courses after taking sp in commerce plz let me know
5th July 2013 10:58 PM
vivek kasare
is there any option for sp subject

i just passed 10th now i cant understand that sp or maths which 1 to take.1 problem is created with me that maths subject goes for higher percentage s ois there any option for sp subjet please let me no
24th June 2013 06:46 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

In commerce stream in maths field what can i be
9th April 2013 11:27 AM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

i have dn commerce 12 wth sp what should i choose fr best in future and i m average student of 75 is bma is best or any else plz suggest me various option
28th December 2012 06:27 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

i m in 11 n intrstd in sp subject wat i can do after 12 related to sp plz hlp
23rd July 2012 10:47 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

i taken s.p. subject in 11th std,then what i do after 10 2 in future?
16th June 2012 01:34 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

if i take sp then what all cn i do?pl teme i hva done my 10th n i am confused wat to take spo maths?
25th July 2011 10:48 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

what is the subject for spit
3rd July 2011 01:01 AM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce SP student?

Plz tel me course for sp students after 12th
8th June 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce+SP student?

In the commerce field you have the option to select either Maths or SP. If you are not comfortable in Maths then you can take up SP which will not affect your career prospects. You can still go in for courses like M.Com, MBA etc. You need to take a decision on the job profile you prefer. Based on that check out the options available.
6th June 2011 05:06 PM
Re: Is there any career option for Commerce+SP student?

You can do B.Com after your 12th. Then you can go for M.Com. Otherwise you can go for BBA and after that MBA. For MBA, you have give the entrance exam.
29th July 2010 11:41 PM
abhishek jaiswal
Is there any career option for Commerce+SP student?

respected sir,
I m mst abhishek jaiswal i have recently passed my 10th and i mtaking commerce+sp i 11th i want to know is there any careear option for commerce+sp student if u know plz let me know
your's faithfull user
abhishek jaiswal

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