Thread: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers? Reply to Thread

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13th October 2011 12:58 PM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

can you please suggest me where we can get PGCET questin papers for Ayurveda Entrance exam?
8th October 2011 12:32 AM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

writer of charak samhita
6th March 2011 05:37 PM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

i want to know how many seats in M.D. at bhopal/M.P.
and when take there entrance exam
1st August 2010 01:35 AM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

dear friend
you can get all the information about it ..
from their official website
27th June 2010 04:24 PM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

Dear friend,

Here are the best colleges for M.D in Ayurveda in the north zone:

The Principal Govt. Gurukul Ayurved College, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Gharwal University ,Shrinagar

The Principal Govt. Rishikul Ayurved College, Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Gharwal University,Shrinagar

The Principal Uttaranchal Ayurved College ,Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Gharwal University, Shrinagar

The Principal State Ayurved College Tulsidas Marg LUCKNOW,Lucknow University ,LUCKNOW

The Principal Rajkiya Lalit Hari Ayurved College, PILIBHIT ,Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, KANPUR

The Principal SRM Govt. Ayurved College BAREILLY,Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, KANPUR

The Principal Swami Kalyandev Government Ayurved College , MUZAFFARNAGAR ,Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, KANPUR

The Dean Faculty of Ayurved Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, VARANASI

The Principal Major SD Singh Ayurved Medical College & Hospital at Fatehgarh, FARRUKHABAD (UP),Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, KANPUR

The Principal Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha Ayurved College & Hospital VPO Sarabha ,Distt. LUDHIANA ,Baba Farid University Of Health Sciences, FARIDKOT

All the best!
14th May 2010 06:52 PM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

the list of m.d ayurveda colleges in north zone are below:

chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, hadia
government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
government ayurvedic college, Raipur
vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
luchnow university, luck now
guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsa
ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
ap singh university, rewa
government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
state ayurvedic college, hardwar
s Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
model previous paper are from the given link:

good luck...
3rd May 2010 01:51 PM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

Originally Posted by anupambillowria View Post
hi, I want to know abt all the M.D (ayd.) colleges in north zone & date of M.D exams all over india? and pls also send me previous years question papers?

you can download the M.D ayurveda previous year question papers from the mentioned below links :-



3) Ayurveda%20Vachaspati%20Final%20Nov%5B1%5D.%2009%2 0-...

downloas it and prepare well for the exam

all the best
3rd May 2010 01:02 AM
Re: M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

most of the ayurveda colleges are in southa nd centarl india however some of them arein north as well like:
1• Chatrapati shahuji maharaj university, Kanpur
2• Lal bahadur shastri government ayurvedic mahavidyalaya, handia
3• Rishikul state ayurvedic college, pilibhit
4• Luchnow university, luck now
5• State ayurvedic college, hardwar
6• S Sanskrit rajkiya ayurveda mahavidyalaya avam chikitsalaya, Varanasi
7• Sri dhanwantri ayurvedic college, Chandigarh
8• Dayanand ayurvedic college, jalandhar
9• Guru nanak ayurvedic medical college and hospital, muktsar
10• Sree lakshminarayan ayurvedic college, Amritsar
11• Ayurvedic and unani tibia college, new delhi
12• Sri Krishna government ayurvedic college, kurukshetra
13• Gaur Brahman ayurvedic college, rohtak
14• Sri baba mast nath ayurvedic college, rohtak
15• AP singh university, rewa
16• Government ashtang ayurveda college, indore
17• Government ayurvedic college, Gwalior
18• Government ayurvedic college, Raipur
19• Vikram government dhanvantri ayurvedic college, Ujjain
20• Rajiv Gandhi government ayurvedic college, kangra
24th April 2010 01:34 AM
M.D ayurveda colleges in north zone & previous year question papers?

hi, I want to know abt all the M.D (ayd.) colleges in north zone & date of M.D exams all over india? and pls also send me previous years question papers?

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