Thread: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC? Reply to Thread

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29th April 2022 12:33 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

What if I have p 8 in physics,p 8 in chemistry,p 8 in biology ,c 6 in English,p 7 in mathematics, can't I qualify for a nursing course
10th April 2022 07:53 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I did my KCSE in 2018 I got Cplain mean grade,I had c plain in bio c plain both English and kiswahili c minus in maths d plain in chem and physics B minus in history and c minus in business do i qualify for a diploma in community health nursing in kmtc
10th November 2021 02:57 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I am joshua having AGP 41 MEAN GRADE C, ENGC-,KISC- ,MATHD CHEM C,BIO D, CRE B ,HIS B . will I qualify in diploma in nursing
6th February 2020 02:02 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

Can I pursue a diploma in pharmacy with a mean grade of c-
31st January 2020 12:40 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

i did my kcse exam2019 nd score B with 61points can i persue nursing
19th January 2020 03:32 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I did my kcse eggzam in 2019 and scored a C of 49 with C- in biology,C- in chemistry,C in maths,C in english,C in business studies,D in physics,Bplain in kiswahili and a Bplain in IRE.can I pursue a degree in nursing at KMTC?
12th January 2020 11:46 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I have AGP 41 ,mean grade C plain .ENG C ,KISW C ,MAT D ,BIO D CHEM D ,HIS B-,CRE B-,BUS C .
9th January 2020 05:03 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

what are the subjects combinations for me top qualify to do nursing with kmtc
3rd January 2020 02:53 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

This is very unhelpful. What is 12th you keep referring to in your replies?
27th November 2019 04:25 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

What if I got a d minus? Can I join kmtc?
16th March 2019 12:06 AM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I did my ksce 2018 i got a mean grade of c- AGP 38 points Eng c- kisw c bio D chem c- math Dplain Phyc Dplain Business c- Cre Bplain
26th December 2018 09:12 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I have done my KCSE 2018 . Mean grade of C- . Mat D-, Eng C , kis C , BIO C , CHEM D,AGR C, CRE C ,HIST C.Can I Get a chance in the KMTC?
21st April 2018 04:30 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I did my kcse in 2017 with a mean grade of C-.Eng D kisw D math D chem C Bio D what is eligible criteria of joining Kmtc courses
21st April 2018 04:24 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I did my kcse in 2017 and scored a mean grade of c- with Eng D Kisw D Chem C and math D so what can I do in certificate of any KMTC courses
9th April 2018 06:02 PM
Re: What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I have maths C- chemistry C phic B C/R B- buss C kiss C- Eng D Bio D can I qualify to do nursing or medical imaging... and if possible join this march
1st April 2016 10:20 PM
What is the eligibility criteria to qualify for Nursing or any other course in KMTC?

I hv a friend of mine who did kcse last year and scored a C. She had a C plus in Bio, C in chem and a C- in maths. and a C in ENG. Would she qualify for Nursing or any course in KMTC? Can you please provide me the details soon as possible.


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