Thread: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream? Reply to Thread

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9th June 2020 03:25 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Which stream should I choose or Commerce
18th March 2020 11:50 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

My interest in pcm but i took basic math what should I do?
11th May 2018 10:54 AM
Biter sora
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

I am really confused which stream should I choose after 10 I am very weak in mathematics but I want to choose science. ... in our school no pcm and pcb if I chosen science then I have to take both maths and science please give me some advice.
18th January 2016 06:55 AM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

If we go to commerce and our maths is not good than which kind of problems we have to face? Please answer me I have and my friends have to know that......
25th December 2014 01:44 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

I have taken commerce but I am interested in arts but no family support so dats y I HV choosed commerce.nw my dad is telling to cpt BT me nt interested as der is maths and I have taken sp/hindi so nw Wat to do...???:-(:-(
30th July 2014 03:40 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

is this true that after enjeneering jobs are rareor company provides us less salaryto an B.E.person.?
27th April 2014 04:10 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Uff.. Lot of confusion frns.. . Plz help me I am too much confused wether to take sci or commerce.. . Usually I am gd this much confusion.. . Plz help me to cum out of my confousion.. . Do commerce have job oppurtunites
23rd July 2013 11:32 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

which stream should i choose after 10th passed ? with 60% to 75%
5th April 2013 08:56 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

which stream i should opt in 1 after scoring 10 pts in board exams?
24th August 2012 01:27 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

hello dear,
i think u r confused Both subject are good in their stage this depend upon you what to take as your stream.
what is your aim,is u r aim is to become engineer or doctor or to become charter accoundent

if u want to become an engineer then u have to choose phy,chem ,math ,English,
Optional subject like Physical Education,Computer Science,etc
if u want to becomu a doctor u have to chose phy, chem ,biology,English and
Optional subject like Physical Education,Computer Science,etc.
if u wnt to become charter accountent then u have to choose Economics,Business Studies,Accounts,English,Optional Subject like Maths,C.s.

but as per my opinion u have to choose Science stream because it is the best stream. As it gives you more job opportunities in comparison to commerce or any other stream.
But its your decision in which area you have more interest.
23rd August 2012 08:55 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Hey!I'm also really confused what should i take?Please give some advice
19th August 2012 07:24 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

you should choose commerce stream. its better than science. there are more scopes for a better job in commerce than science and commerce can guarantee a job whereas you have to search for jobs if you choose science stream
12th July 2012 03:28 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

If you are really confused ..!!!

you are on the right way because it's very early stage to decide
Don't worry
the best option is to take Science Non - Medical

as you scored 70%
You could do pretty well in +2

and moreover you will have higher job opportunities as SCi person can opt for courses which a commerce or art person can do but reverse is not same

So go for Science

All the best !!
10th July 2012 09:56 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

I m vErY conFuSeD.......whic SuBjecT i cHooSe afTer 10Th ExAm....give me ANy suggeStiOn...:(plzz
9th July 2012 06:15 PM
Vikas hrc
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Hi friend..

After passing your 10th,you will have to select a certain stream in 11th with which you want to continue your future studies.
There are basically four options to choose in 11th:-
1.Science Stream with Maths.
2.Science Stream with Biology.

Now,I am introducing you about each stream in brief:-
1.Science with Maths.
This stream has many scopes in future and the motive of any student for joining this stream is to go for Engineering course after completion of 12th.
There are some more options other than engineering such as B.Sc,BCA,B.E.,Defence,etc.
The subjects that you will have to study in this stream include:-
V.Optional subject like Physical Education,Computer Science,etc.
So,if you think that you find the PCM subjects interesting,then you can go for this stream.

2.Science with Biology.
This stream is mainly focussed on Medical Courses and if you want to go in Medical field,you can go to it by opting this stream.
The subjects are same as that of Science with Maths.The only change is that Maths is replaced by Biology.
After your 12th from this stream,you can go for B.Sc Zoology,Botany,M.B.B.S,BDS,etc.

This stream has lots of scopes in today's world.
The subjects in Commerce stream are:-
II.Business Studies.
V.Optional Subject like Maths,C.s.
After your 12th,you can go for courses like B.Com,CA,CS,CWA,CFA,BBA,Eco. hons.

This stream is mostly concerned with theoretical subjects like Social Science,Political Science.
If you are interested in theory subjects only,then go for this stream.
I hope you are satisfied with the answer.
With Regards-

Action is the fundamental key to all success-Pablo Piccasso.
13th June 2012 06:40 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

12th June 2012 05:18 PM
ne moham
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

both streams have equal in their advise is join in you interest stream.
12th June 2012 02:25 AM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if we take commerce can we go in the sport fields?

As per my suggestion Science stream is the best stream. As it gives you more job opportunities in comparison to commerce or any other stream.
But its your decision in which area you have more interest.

It will be useless if you choose science stream but you don't have any interest in learning physics and chemistry.
So as per my suggestion choose that particular stream only in which you are more interested.

Both streams are good and various jobs are available in both of the streams.
So choose that stream only in which you have interest.
12th June 2012 02:22 AM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if we take commerce can we go in the sport fields?

hi dear...
Both subject are good in their stage.......
This depend upon you what to take as your stream.....
what is your aim...
Here i am providing you a chart from which you will get details information.....

good luck..........

11th June 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

if we take commerce can we go in the sport fields?
31st May 2012 11:28 AM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?


I think you are in confused state to choose after passing 10th with 70% ......

both streams have good future at present.....

Browse through the attachment i have posted with and get good idea....

30th May 2012 02:54 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

what is better to do engineering diploma than degree OR science 12th than degree?
17th May 2012 04:20 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

which stream should i choose after 10with 70% marks
7th April 2012 11:16 PM
Re: Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

Originally Posted by bhavna sain View Post
what stream should choose after 10th class with 70% according to my marks and commerce is better than scienci stream ?why?


This is the common place where everyone get confused of which stream to choose in higher secondary (11th & 12th ).

-> Now comparing Commerce with Science stream doesn't make any sense because both streams have its own advantages.

-> The first thing which you have to see is not to weigh which stream is better but to check where is your interest lies in that's more important because if you are going to take the one which you are interested in then for sure you will shine in your future.

-> Now if you are thinking in mind How will I know my interest? then probably you have to build one now.. if not you will loose the hope for finding the career which suits you in the future..

-> If you take commerce stream then probably you have to take the arts courses and if its science then Engineering or Medical.

-> Just check out the below flowchart it will explain you everything

-> Also attached it in this post for your future reference.. check it out if needed..

-> Any more queries, feel free to leave a post in our forum..

"For success, attitude is equally as important as ability."
5th April 2012 04:28 PM
bhavna sain
Which stream to choose after passing 10th with 70%? Is commerce better than Science stream?

what stream should choose after 10th class with 70% according to my marks and commerce is better than scienci stream ?why?

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