Thread: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam? Reply to Thread

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5th March 2017 07:56 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Sir Please send me previous year papers of CIL for electronic
Email:[email protected]
28th January 2017 12:44 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Can anyone please provide me question paper with solution for sales and marketing stream?
my email id- [email protected]
24th April 2014 11:40 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hello sir ,
I want last years question paper of coal india limited .....i would be highly obliged if you send me the mail of that .....thanking you in anticipation
Email ID :- [email protected]
21st September 2012 07:56 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

kindly send previous year question paper for mt-mechanical at my mail id [email protected]
21st July 2012 10:44 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hello sir ,
i want last five years question papers of coal india limited .....i would be highly obliged if you send me the mail of that .....thanking you in anticipation.
mechanical engg.
e-mail- [email protected]
20th July 2012 03:56 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams
System Trade: Computer Science
Email is : [email protected]
18th July 2012 01:14 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

please send me question paper of computer science.
at [email protected]
17th July 2012 01:36 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

dear sir
plase provide me previous cil question paper
my emial id:- [email protected]
16th July 2012 01:11 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Please provide me the previous years question paper of CIL for Management trainee "Systems" with aptitude test papers.
My email id is - [email protected]
16th July 2012 12:59 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Please provide me the previous years question paper of CIL for Management trainee "Systems" with aptitude test papers.
My email id is - [email protected]
12th July 2012 08:31 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

please provide me previous year question paper mechanical engineering
12th July 2012 01:14 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Dear sir/madam,

Could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams
specialization: systems(computer science)
Email is : [email protected]
7th July 2012 11:29 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

everyone please send CIL 2011 Sales & Marketing quetion paper which was held on 8 august 2011.
Please help me out...My a Email-ID - [email protected]
Thanks in Advance ...............
6th July 2012 05:41 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hi Team

Could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams
System Trade: Computer Science
Email is:[email protected]
4th July 2012 11:16 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Could you please provide me prtevious year CIL management trainee question papers. My mail id is [email protected]
Thank you........
4th July 2012 06:24 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hi Team,

Can anyone plz mail the previous years paper of CIL for management trainee
Sales and Marketing
Email id: [email protected]
4th July 2012 06:11 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Dear team,

Can you please mail me the previous years paper of CIL for Management trainee for sales and marketing.

my email id is [email protected]

thanking you in advance
26th June 2012 01:58 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

please send me the previous question papers of cil this will help me alot,,,my email id is [email protected]
25th June 2012 10:58 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

R/Sir kindly provide the previous year paper or model papers and syllabus (GEOLOGY)for CIL MT mail ID [email protected]
22nd June 2012 06:22 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Please provide me the syllabus and previous years question paper of CIL for Management trainee "Human Resource" with aptitude test papers.
My email id is - [email protected]
22nd June 2012 03:36 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams of mechanical engineering

my email id is [email protected]
22nd June 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Dear All,

Could any one send me the CIL Sample question papaer, for MT 2012 Personnel and HR
My email id is [email protected]
20th June 2012 02:17 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hi,my self kunal nayan ,i am the student of MBA 4TH sem i want previous question of HR LEGAL plz send in my e mail id [email protected]
18th June 2012 10:13 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hii..I m Avijit, preparing for Coal India Recruitment test in sales & marketing, Please snd me the previous year question paper in my below mention email id: [email protected]
18th June 2012 06:44 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hello sir ,
i want last five years question papers of coal india limited please send me the mail of that .....thanking you in anticipation
Email ID :- [email protected]
11th June 2012 02:02 PM
Vini Pathak
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hello team
Can you please mail me the CIL management trainee previous year question paper, for General Aptitude, General Awareness, Specialisation: Environment.
E mail id: [email protected]

Vini Pathak
11th June 2012 01:42 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hello team

Can you please send me the CIL management trrainee previous year question papers.
Specialisation: Environment
Email id: [email protected]
10th June 2012 09:39 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

m a student of MCA. will u plz send me the previous years papers for computer science FOR CIL management trainee xam.....
plzzz send me as soon as possible.....thnxx
[email protected]
9th June 2012 06:57 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

dear sir/madam,
plz,tell us the pattern of cil exam and previous sample papers
7th June 2012 01:37 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hello sir.... please mail me ,CIL previous year question papers for management trainee (chemical), my id is [email protected]
7th June 2012 11:00 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

sir, could you please provide me the previous year question papers for CIL management trainees email is [email protected]
7th June 2012 10:49 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

sir, could you please provide me the previous year question papers for CIL management trainees email is [email protected]
6th June 2012 11:36 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

i want last five years question papers of coal india limited .....i would be highly obliged if you send me the mail of that .....thanking you in anticipation
Email ID :- [email protected]
4th June 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Dear Sir,

Kindly Provide me previous years question papers of HR management Trainee ....Thanking You

Email ID [email protected]
3rd June 2012 11:20 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

I want the last five year question papers of Coal India Limited of management training . I am applying for the post of Human Resource. So I want HR questions and apti and general awareness questions last 5 years and samples . My email is [email protected]. Please send them to me. Ill be really grateful.
1st June 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams
System Trade: SYSTEMS
Email id is:[email protected]
31st May 2012 01:02 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Hi, could you please send me previous years question papers and syllabus for the post of management trainees in Coal India Limited? I shall be highly grateful to you.
my email i.d.- [email protected]
specialization- environment
30th May 2012 05:10 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Can u please send me last 10 yrs CIL question papers for management trainee-Systems . Ur help will be highly appriciated. Please send the question papers to [email protected].
29th May 2012 02:00 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

please can u provide previous question papers of cil for mechanical branch.....

at [email protected]
28th May 2012 11:13 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

please provide me the question papers of last 10 years of management trainee HR CIL....or any other PSU
my email id is [email protected]
21st May 2012 07:48 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

kindly send me the previous years question paper with answers (if available) for the computer science exam(Coal india limited management trainee exam) and also aptitude papers if possible at [email protected]
16th May 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

8th August 2011 08:08 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Coal India ltd. paper held on august 7,2011. It consist of two section first general and second is related to your stream. I have done my degree from computer science so i had applied for system. i am writing some question which were come in actual exam.Each section had 100 question. There was no negative marking
General paper
first 25 question is from English
1 and 2 question there are two small passage.
3,4,5) idioms meaning
6,7,8) synonyms of rendezvous
10,11,12)antonyms of trite, anonymous,
and 2 question of fill in the blanks:
and grammar question
then aptitude question start
Q) there are two circle of 10 and 8 diameter respt. touching internally. what is the distance between there centers.
Q) ABCD is parallelogram and ab=9cm and bc=7 and ac=8 cm bd=?
some general knowledge question like
Q) who is chief honorable coal minister
Q) which of the following car's company is french 1) renault @) GM 3) toyota 4) i forget
Q) which company's advertisement has following comment "Distinctly ahead" !) Bajaj 2) hero honda 3) honda 4) tvs
Q) who is largest coal producer
Q) where is hanging garden
and etc question
section two has programming question from c and c++, some question from SDLC and some from data structure
4th August 2011 01:17 PM
Firdaus Zaman
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hello sir, mam i need last year sample question paper of CIL management trainee (HR). so plz send me on my e-mail ID [email protected]
4th August 2011 01:35 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

pls provide me the syllabus and material for environment or previous papers.

ID; [email protected]
3rd August 2011 04:37 PM
maloth tanay
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee(HR)Papers

[QUOTE=Unregistered;721057]can u please send me previous mechanical papers of CIL management trainee (HR) papers..
my email id is [email protected]/QUOTE]
3rd August 2011 02:43 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

hi,can u provide previous year question paper of cil management trainee.

my email-id is [email protected].
3rd August 2011 01:19 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

could you please provide me the previous year paper or pattern for CIL management trainee exams
trade - finance

[email protected]
2nd August 2011 12:16 AM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Plz provide me with CIL question papers.
1st August 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Previous years papers or exam patter for CIL Management Trainee Exam?

Any one can please send me previous year question papers of coal india limited for the post of management trainee (System) to the given mail -id

[email protected]
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