Thread: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope? Reply to Thread

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1st May 2018 11:21 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I have completed. My bca and i am not good in programming . So please suggest me which field i should take in mca and that field have any scope in IT companies
26th November 2015 07:29 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i wish all of you and i am interested in asking a question that i had taken bca course after completing intermediate. in inter i had taken bi.p.c as my optional group.
i have a doubt that the students who have completed inter with bi.p.c are not eligible for please give any suggestion about this. and also another doubt that which is the best
specialization in mca
5th June 2015 10:42 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I am interested in programming languages.
So please guide me which field will be useful and beneficial for my career.
17th May 2014 11:20 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

is every collage of MCA provides all courses f MCA
Systems Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Systems Development
Systems Engineering
Internet working
Application Software
Software Development
Hardware Technology
30th April 2014 12:05 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

6th April 2013 09:17 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I'm Sangram. I'm appeared for B Com exam. Can I come to this stream, I'm littele confused about career. Pls suggest me something.
31st March 2013 05:44 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

sir I have completed 12th commerce now I am interested in doing B.C.A then M.C.A
Does M.C.A have good scope in future
10th December 2012 12:15 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

what do main by system engineering i have no idea in this field?
30th November 2012 11:15 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Systems Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Systems Development
Systems Engineering
Internet working
Application Software
Software Development
Hardware Technology

24th November 2012 06:23 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

which field and job is suitable after MCA which have better job security and good package for who have less programming knowledge.
4th August 2012 02:14 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

hello sir , i am upkar joshi and i am doing bca 5th sem ... plz tell me which field is better for mca.
from which help i could get better package after mca.......
13th June 2012 08:09 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

hello dear friend

There are many fields an MCA can specialize in the last year/semester of his 3 year programme and you can opt any one the course of your interest -

Systems Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Systems Development
Systems Engineering
Internet working
Application Software
Software Development
Hardware Technology

So, all these given field are goods. Its totally depends on you, which field you like the most. So please choose specilisation according to your interest.

Because in now a days MCA is the good course and after completing this course you can work in consultancy firm such as TCS Or as a system developer in any organisation.
thank you
9th June 2012 03:07 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

sir,i hv get marks in 10 and 12th 57%,54% and bca 75% and even i m persuing mca from uptu so can u tell me ?? can i get good job in it companies further there will not be create any problem after mca to take 10 and 12 percentes
19th October 2011 08:52 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

only networking
30th September 2011 11:53 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

my dear friend
there are many fields are there
the following are the some of the important fields
1.system management information system
3.communication data base development
6.programming net
8.share point
and many more
but all are having same scope
good luck
23rd September 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I m doing bca in 4th sem.. I am good in cpp & java .. So can u tell me ..whice field is best for me..mca or mba
20th September 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I have done MCA But i am confused .i want to know that what is the scope after mca. After mca netwoking field is good or not and testing also .plz suggest me. my email id [email protected] . plz send me
12th September 2011 01:58 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Originally Posted by nk_rahul14 View Post
I am pursuing my BCA (third year) and i would be interested in doing MCA for my post graduation.
I have heard from many of my friends saying that there are many fields to be chosen from for doing my MCA. I wanted to know which are the different fields available in MCA and which field has maximum scope.
Basically i am interested in programming and that too more interested in Java and C++ so if you could guide me the further process that would be great.


If you have interest in programming language than its very good for you

because there is so much requirment and also scope for a good programmer in

IT sector.So its very good for you to choose java language.If you have

knowledge about the basic languages like c nad c++ langauges than its very

easy for you and also take less time to learn about java language.You have to

good knowledge about java language so its help you to get a good job.If you

want to choose any other language than choose but be focused on that field.

All the best.
8th September 2011 12:21 AM
manoj rajpurohit
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

YOU can go to these field in the MCA:-

management information system
database system
System engineering
ethical hacking
hardware technology. etc.

you can select any stream

best of luck.
5th September 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i am pursing mca in 5th semster..after that i am going to do project and for that i am not known in which arae i refer and also i am vey much intersted in database field,but in frontend part i am unknown either i go for java or .NET .so gide am in getting coaching in,suggest me as soon..
24th August 2011 01:40 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

hi , my name is sachin namdev. i live in gurgaon i did my bca from mdu rohtak haryana. and now i doing mca from mdu rohak from KIIT college
. so i want asking that which field is good for me and how many field are there in IT field if i have intrested in programming and i want choose another field in IT which one is good for me. please suggest me. i will wait for ur answer. ur friend sachin
31st July 2011 03:57 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i have took admision For MCA(Managment) In the year 2011-12...plz tell me..after completing mca..what i do..or which kind of job apportunity...plz i m in tense....Nilesh
3rd July 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

hii frnz i need ur help i m in 5Th sem of MCA and now i want to start my industrial training.Plz suggest me which field is best for training for eg JAVA,.NET,php,C,C ,linux,
plz help me to select.
In which field there will scope and career.
well i m intrested in JAVA but some of friends saying you cannot get job easily if u will go for traning in java .Is is right??should i opt for sum other language??
19th June 2011 05:21 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i have comlete my bca last year now suggest me what i should have to do 4 make my future best ,,,pls help me
18th June 2011 05:45 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

guys who are not that good in programmin then you can opt for the networking, harware , tasting and the ever green database (sql, oracle, mysql, sybase or db2)
18th June 2011 11:31 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Which is the best university for pursuing MCA???
15th June 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Originally Posted by nk_rahul14 View Post
I am pursuing my BCA (third year) and i would be interested in doing MCA for my post graduation.
I have heard from many of my friends saying that there are many fields to be chosen from for doing my MCA. I wanted to know which are the different fields available in MCA and which field has maximum scope.
Basically i am interested in programming and that too more interested in Java and C++ so if you could guide me the further process that would be great.

different field are:-

Communication database
software development
Systems Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Systems Development


all the best
11th June 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Hello,i have completed my BSc(IT) graduation,juz waiting for the results,so plz suggest me what should i do MBA or MCA,
i m even more interested in java and have done certifications from NIIT institute!!!
But even if i choose MBA ,so is there any software related field in MBA
7th June 2011 03:22 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

which of the most popular college for MCA in puna? whose give most advance opportunities & most advance,greatest and highest package and popular features.
31st May 2011 11:59 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I don't Have Maths in 12th and Grduation And I have done A Level From DOEACC, And I am really good in Programming
That's why I am Looking to do MCA, So I am giving special exam of 12th Class Maths, will I be eligible after Qualifying
this exam??
30th May 2011 06:57 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I have done doaecc O level and my BA as private Now I want to join A and B level What is scope after this? and How much i get?
22nd March 2011 11:26 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i am not so good in programming but want to go in java.what should i do?
13th March 2011 10:58 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I am pursuing mca second year and i am not good in langauges like java and c .So please kindly guide me what field should i choose to make mt career bright.
11th March 2011 12:40 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

i hve done bca as well as networking......whick course is better for me mca or mba. and in which specilization.pls help
31st January 2011 10:30 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I am doing BCA final year.Can u suggest me any other courses rather than M.B.A or M.C.A..
23rd December 2010 09:04 PM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

Originally Posted by nk_rahul14 View Post
I am pursuing my BCA (third year) and i would be interested in doing MCA for my post graduation.
I have heard from many of my friends saying that there are many fields to be chosen from for doing my MCA. I wanted to know which are the different fields available in MCA and which field has maximum scope.
Basically i am interested in programming and that too more interested in Java and C++ so if you could guide me the further process that would be great.

There are lots of different fields in MCA. Candidates are required to choose a specialization during the final year. The choice of subjects are, Systems, MIS, Systems Development, Systems Engineering, Networking, Internet, Application and Software Development, Hardware Technology etc. candidates can choose any one of these fields as specialization.
26th November 2010 10:34 AM
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

MCA is all about specialization in a particular subject like

Trouble Shooting
Ethical Hacking
Systems engineering
System Graphics
Hardware technology

and many courses like that.It all depends upon your interest.
You can even study courses like 3d technology and 3d graphics along side persuing M.C.A.

all the best
25th November 2010 10:33 PM
mini rani
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?


MCA students can specialise in a no. of fields like:
Communication database
software development
Computer graphics

If you are interested in programming then go for it. It is a good idea to select this course as it is an evergreen field. Java, c++, .NET are in great demand these days. You will find many job opportunities with bright career prospects.
25th November 2010 08:35 PM
rahul k
Re: Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

dear friend

There are many fields an MCA can specialize in the last year/semester of his 3 year programme and you can opt any one the course of your interest -

Systems Management
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Systems Development
Systems Engineering
Internet working
Application Software
Software Development
Hardware Technology

So, all these given field are goods. Its totally depends on you, which field you like the most. So please choose specilisation according to your interest.

Because in now a days MCA is the good course and after completing this course you can work in consultancy firm such as TCS Or as a system developer in any organisation.
19th November 2010 02:47 PM
Different fields available in MCA? Which field has the maximum scope?

I am pursuing my BCA (third year) and i would be interested in doing MCA for my post graduation.
I have heard from many of my friends saying that there are many fields to be chosen from for doing my MCA. I wanted to know which are the different fields available in MCA and which field has maximum scope.
Basically i am interested in programming and that too more interested in Java and C++ so if you could guide me the further process that would be great.


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