Thread: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job? Reply to Thread

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9th July 2017 01:30 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

I am biology student and I want to do bsc applied physical science so can I do this course without maths and from which college?I have passed my 12th with 83.2%in best 4 subjects.
29th May 2017 12:05 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

Hello sir I am ashutosh, tommorow my result was declared and it was very poor only at this time I am very depressed.I want to clear NDA exam. So please suggest me sir/mam what can I do for best post in civil services??
21st October 2015 08:36 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

I am final year bsc student ,I want to GT gud government job in Mysore .so what is Ur advice fr my question pls do answer
26th July 2014 10:19 AM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what are scope in bsc phycal science with chemistry frm du ? Wat are subject invovle in whict. pls rly now
9th September 2013 05:03 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

Can i do mbbs after bsc nursing? What is procedure to join mbbs after bsc nsg?
11th June 2013 07:12 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

Can i get direct admission or migrate to puchd from under pu college?plz rply
23rd May 2013 09:06 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

Somebody please tell me What's the advantage of honour's course over bsc physical sciences and what scope do i have after bsc-medical other than msc.
10th July 2012 08:19 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what can i do after 12 ?
which subject is best for bsc? rpl me
15th May 2012 07:01 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what is scope in bsc physical science? plz tell
31st January 2012 01:58 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

i am deepak and i have completed 12th class in pcm and i have dropped one year after that. now i want to do from du,so please explain me about the scope of in different streams and according to u which course is best to pursue.please please suggest me.
18th January 2012 02:32 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

sir my name is mukesh and i m pursuing my studies with physical science with electronics, will i be elligible for government job aftercompleting this and what will be my pay scale
10th January 2012 07:46 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what is the procedure to join scientist course after bsc
10th January 2012 07:42 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

to join scientist course after bsc what is the prosidure
1st November 2011 02:48 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what kind of work or jobs can i get after doing bsc physical sciences electronics ? what does bsc physical sciences really mean?
31st October 2011 07:50 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what are the streams available for bsc nowadays?
19th September 2011 05:57 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

What is the scope of bsc physicall education?
16th August 2011 01:43 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what can i do after pass in 12 by 53.8%
20th July 2011 03:00 AM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what is the scope of physical science. And how is hounars differnt from physical science
10th July 2011 04:05 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

I have taken bsc physical science-computer science in du. I want to know what is the scope after bsc?plaese reply as fast.
8th July 2011 04:00 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

dear sir,madam ,hi,my aim is to do ,but my father forced me to do BCA ,which i dont like,but forcibelly i completed my BCA one year with fail result,i had taken science in PUC with 68%,in physics with 80 marks,but forcebelly today i fill the BCA second year form,plese give me a advice so that i can do,bu my aim to do BSc
2nd July 2011 12:07 AM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

phyical sci'.k scope btao
22nd June 2011 10:40 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

i want to do chem hons but due to high cut off i m nt eligible ti get admsn in delhi uni. plz suggest me wat shud i do nw?
22nd June 2011 05:21 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

there is any scope in phy science..?
22nd June 2011 11:36 AM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

what is BSc physical science? pls, tell me................
21st June 2011 03:24 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

i passed 12 with 61% i want to get admission in any college of delhi university what i can do for it?
16th June 2011 10:13 AM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

How to make BBA so easy and interesting? :-)
15th June 2011 01:31 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

i want to do bsc which cutoff should i see?
15th June 2011 01:00 PM
Re: What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

bsc phy sciences ma con sa subject hota ha explain me
10th June 2011 12:24 AM
Vinod Dhiman
What is the scope of BSc course nowadays? How is the BSc Physical science course different from BSc Honors course? Will this affect in pursing higher studies or during job?

Can anyone please tell me the scope of BSc (Pass/General) course now days which is known as BSc Physical Science. How this course is diffrent from BSc Honourse course and students give first priority to honours over regular program?
Will this affect while pursuing higher studies or during job?

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