Thread: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal? Reply to Thread

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20th June 2013 02:53 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

can i get ito nit durgapur after scoring 131 in aieee 2013 in obc qouta and i got 87% marks in wbchse board
17th June 2012 05:41 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

aieee collages for obc rank 11,000
16th June 2012 04:47 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

Sir my rank is15145 in which I able to get computer science please tell me.
23rd May 2012 03:25 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

sir when would counselling of wbjee 2012 be started?
21st May 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

for 42000 rank in jem what r the colleges can i get?
19th May 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

i got 65778 rank in wbjee plz tell which college i will get in west bengal.
21st July 2011 02:05 AM
raja hassan khan
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

admistion any collage after scoring 49 marks in aieee in genrl
21st July 2011 01:56 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

admistion any collage after scoring 49 marks in aieee in genral
20th July 2011 09:17 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

Sir i get 1013(st) rank in wbjee can i get goverment college.
2nd July 2011 07:24 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my wb rank is 42,309 and my aieee rank is 7,000,00 or around.which colleges are available for me in west bengal(in kolkata & dugapur) in these ranks?????????????
30th June 2011 11:40 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

hi,i've ranked 419(sc) in medical.can I get a govt. medical college for MBBS.plz rply
29th June 2011 02:25 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my rank is 43286 [engg.] ,how would i know my counselling date??
28th June 2011 09:11 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

Can u please tell me which is the best pharmacy college in kolkata to get admssion in!!!! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me....i m in a grt dilemma........
24th June 2011 01:55 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

23rd June 2011 04:12 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

sir my aieee rank of state is overall 4212 and catagory rank 3647. all india rank 123537 catagory rank 84562. can i chance good collage of WB. machanical engineering .
20th June 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

admission to state goverment institution in west bengal through aieee rank
18th June 2011 11:40 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

will i get a govt. engg. college in west bengal with a rank of 2647 in wbjee?
17th June 2011 09:56 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my WBJEE rank in engineering is 86. which stream is preferable for me ?
16th June 2011 10:30 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

sir i got 2lakh 14thousand in aieee and got 28thousand in wbjee.....
which stream and which college can i get????????
16th June 2011 08:38 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

i got 51460 rank in wbjee engineering.kindly inform me that which college & branch i 'll get?
16th June 2011 02:45 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my wbjee rank is 9266 & AIEEE rank:
Overall 54160 ------
Category 39573 ------
State Rank
Overall 1723 ------
Category 1541 ------

which college can i get in Kolkata??? pls reply soon
16th June 2011 12:17 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my wbjee rank 3148 wat would b d best option 4 me
16th June 2011 09:30 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

I have ranked 522 in WBJEE 2011 . Can I get a seat in ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMUNICATION ENGINEERING in BESU ?
16th June 2011 06:21 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my rank in wbjee is 25281 and aieee state rank is 8414. Pls help me with the list of probable college i can get into.
15th June 2011 10:27 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

can i get any private college in rank 42000 in wbjee
15th June 2011 08:09 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my wbjee 2011 rank is 3264. can i get chance in any gvt college in EE or ECE
14th June 2011 10:13 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

i got 28098 ranks in wbjee engeering exam.can you please help me find institute in kolkata accepting such a rank.
14th June 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my aieee rank is as follows
all india rank
overall - 162901
category - 108495
state rank
overall - 5479
category - 4707
state- west bengal. category- general. i want to do computer science. please help me finding institute in india?
14th June 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

I have got rank 64001 in wbjee 2011 and 490918 (HS 11493 gen) in aieee 2011. Can I expect any chance in WBUT councilling in 1st Phase since they are going to call upto 500000 lac rank holders in aieee. please inform me how the council ling done simultaneously or separately for both the cases?
14th June 2011 06:39 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

my ranking in WBJEE is 13312 I want to study electronic engineering In which college am I eligble
14th June 2011 06:33 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

in wbjee i have 13317 rank and in aieee i have 27900 rank. in kolkata whch colleges and whch stream is available for me???????????????? as best
14th June 2011 06:13 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

which college shall i get for my wbjee rank 2425(sc)?
7th June 2011 11:13 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

what is the closing rank of wbjee and all india closing rank of colleges in bengal?
7th June 2011 02:20 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

the closing rank for both WBJEE and AIEEE will be specified on the official web site of wbut.
most probably the counseling will start from 3rd july. keep a track of the ranks being filled up and keep checking the website. &
6th June 2011 03:44 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

My AIEEE rank is as fllows
All India Rank
Overall 383093 ------
Category 231989 ------
State Rank
Overall 11533 ------
Category 9547 ------
My state is West Bengal and Category General. I want to study mechanical engineering or Electrical and Electronics engineering. Can you please help me find institute in India accepting such a rank.
4th June 2011 09:03 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

can i get ito niy durgapur after scoring 120 in aieee 2011 in obc qouta
31st May 2011 11:47 PM
hitendra kumar malik
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

in wbjee around 2000 rank will be last and in aieee 4000 rank general rank will be good colleges but in private colleges it can be 4000 in wbjee and 10000 in aieee....

all the best my friend
30th May 2011 09:18 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

what is the minimum marks i must score so that i could get into any of the private engineering collage
28th May 2011 10:34 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

Being a sc canditate for which rank i will get government colleges in west bengal?
28th May 2011 10:33 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

Being a sc canditate for which rank i will get government colleges in west bengal?
25th May 2011 11:48 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

please let me know admission in civil eng in this year 2011.
25th May 2011 06:55 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

rank list of all colleges in both WBJEE and AIEEE
25th May 2011 10:48 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

sir what is the eligibility for Agriculture Eng.
9th May 2011 10:13 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

I would like to have the schedule for WBJEE counselling rankwise and also AIEEE state ranking for the year 2011.What is the closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal? you can reply at [email protected]
6th May 2011 08:53 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

sir, can you please send me the opening and closing rank list of wbjee 2010 for medical ???
12th March 2011 05:13 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

why sunglass have not any power
25th February 2011 08:41 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

How can rank holders of aieee and wbjee apply in marine collages
17th January 2011 12:45 AM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

JGEC is the 2nd oldest state govt engineering college having civil engineering from inception with a very good infrastructure. Placing it beloe SIT,KGEC,MERI is not clearly understood. Dr. Buddhadeb Bhattacherjee
23rd December 2010 01:48 PM
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

In response to good ranks of students seeking good engineering colleges this is the list of the TOP 25 ENGINEERING COLLEGES in WEST BENGAL as per surveys conducted on infrastructure, faculty, and placement.

1) IIT,Kharagpur - (Indian Institute of Technology)
2) NIT,Durgapur - (National Institute of Technology)
3) Jadavpur University - (Faculty of Engg & Technology)
4) BESU, Shibpur - (Bengal Engg &Science University)
5) SIT, Calcutta - (School of Information Technology, West Bengal University of Technology)
6) KGEC - (Kalyani Govt. Engg College)
7) MERI - (Marine Engg & Research Institute)
8)JGEC - (Jalpaiguri Govt. Engg College)
9) GCECT - (Govt. College of Engg & Ceramic Tech)
10) IJT - (Institute of Jute Technology)
11) Burdwan University - (University Institute of Technology)
12) GCELT - (Govt. College of Engg & Leather Tech.)
13) IEM - (Institute of Engg &Management)
14) HIT Kolkata - (Heritage Institute of Technology)
15) HIT Haldia - (Haldia Institute of Technology)
16) Techno India Salt Lake
17) GCETT - Govt. College of Engg & Textile Technology
18) AEC (Asansol Engg College)
19) BPPIMT - (B.P.Poddar Institute of Management & Technoloy.
20) NSEC - (Netaji Suvash Engg College)
21) BCREC - (Dr. B.C. Roy Engg College)
22) BCET Durgapur - (Bengal College of Engg & Technology)
23) CEM (College of Engg & Management)
24) NPI - (National Power Training Institute)
25) NIT-Agarpara (Narula Institute of Technology)
31st July 2010 06:44 PM
[email protected]
Re: Closing rank in both WBJEE and AIEEE(state) to get Civil Engineering in West Bengal?

hello friend
Name/Address Activity Course Offered Seats
Narula Institute of Technology
81, Niljunj Road, Belghoria, Kolkata
West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Communication Engineering 60
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology Madwdaha, Dag No.-327, Katin No-95-96,
G.L. No- 108 West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Vidya Sagar University Electronics & Communication Engineering 60
Dumkul Institute of Engineering & Technology Mouza Ramna, Etbar Nagar, Basantapur, Murshidabad West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 60
Asansol Engineering College
Sen Rateigh Road, Kanyapur,
Asansol-713304 West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Burdwan University Computer Science & Engineering 90
College of Leather Technology
Block-LB, Sector-III, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Calcutta University Computer Science & Engineering 40
Netaji Subhash Engineering College Technology City, P.O.-Panchpotha, Garia West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Kalyani University Information Technology 90
Government Engineering College
Kalyani, Dist.- Nadia West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Mechanical Engineering 60
Bankura Unnayani Institute of Engineering
P.O.- Bhagabandh, Pohabagan, P.S. & Dist - Bankura West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Burdwan University Information Technology 40
College of Engineering & Management
P.O.- KTPP Township, Dist.- Midnapore
West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Vidya Sagar University Information Technology 40
Jadavpur University Jadavpur,
Calcutta West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Jadavpur University Civil Engineering 40
Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College Dist.- Jalpaiguri West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to North Bengal University Information Technology 40
Marine Engineering & Research Institute (Previously Directorate of Marine Engineering & Training), Calcutta, P-19, Taratolbra Road, Calcutta West Bengal Engineering Marine Engineering 120
University College of Science & Technology
92, APC Road, Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Calcutta University Information Technology 40
College of Textile Technology
12, Willuam Carry Road, P.O.- Serampore, Distt.- Hooghly West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Calcutta University Information Technology 40
Institute of Engineering & Management
Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Sector-V, Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering 60
University of Kalyani
Dist.- Nadia West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Information Technology 40
MCKV Institute of Engineering
243, G. T. Road, (N) Liluah,
Howrah West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Vidya Sagar University Electronics & Communication Engineering 60
B. P. Poddar Institute of Engineering & Technology
Poddar Vihar, 137, VIP Road,
Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering 60
Birbhum Institute of Engineering & Technology
Post - Suri, Dist.- Birbhum West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Burdwan University Computer Science & Engineering 60
RCC Institute of Informatation Technology College of Leater Technology,
Old Campus Canal South Road,Beliaghata, Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Jadavpur University Computer Science & Technology 60
Siliguri Institute of Technology
P.O.- Sukhna, Siliguri, Distt.- Darjeeling West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of North Bengal Information Technology 60
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
P.O.-Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Dist.- Nadia West Bengal Engineering Agricultural Engineering 40
Bengall Institute of Technology Bamanghata,
On Basanti Highway, Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering 60
Bengall College of Engineering & Technology
Bidhannagar, Sector-28 West Bengal Engineering Electronics & Communication Engineering 60
Bengall Engineering College Boranic Garden,
Shibpore, Howrah West Bengal Engineering Computer Science & Technology 20
Institute of Jute Technology
35, Ballygunj Circular Road, Kolkata West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to Calcutta University Jute & Fibre Technology 30
Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology
Banjetia, P.O. - Cassimbazar Raj, VIA Berahampore, Murshidabad West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Information Technology 40
Saint Thomas College of Engineering
4, Diamond Harbour Road, Calcutta West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electronics & Communication Engineering 60
JIS College of Engineering
Block-A, Phase-III, Kalyani West Bengal Engineering Affiliated to University of Kalyani Electroncis & Communication Engine

you must checl out on the official site
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