1st October 2013 06:51 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? please tell me how to prepare MA english entrance examination of jnu? |
29th December 2012 11:08 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? However most of the sites claim that they have old papers of MA Eng. JNU but i will suggest visit www.jnu.ac.in and apply for those papers which will cost 120/-.It will be posted to ur address. |
8th October 2011 12:04 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? bhu pet privious year question paper ma bengali |
22nd September 2011 10:35 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i am a b.tech final year student,whether i eligible or not for pursuing MA ENGLISH |
30th July 2011 07:39 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want english letluture modle paper & its solution |
17th July 2011 02:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? jnu english entrance syllabus for ma |
29th June 2011 12:25 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i wasted my valuable time to search MA English papers.it is very disappointed me. |
31st May 2011 11:28 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want 5 years papers of m.a english part2 |
5th May 2011 02:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? yes i want to say that there is no easy option for getting the jnu's M.A. english entrance exam sample or questions papers on jnu's website.its very disappointing for the student who applied for the jnu's english entrance exam.I think jnu's must make it in easy way to find english sample papers. |
20th April 2011 11:33 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want previous question paper of MA in English. |
25th March 2011 10:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want the link to download ma english ,ma economics in world enterance paper of jnu on my side [email protected] Thanks |
15th March 2011 03:10 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want jnu previous year question paper for ma english |
14th March 2011 11:49 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? i want m.a English entrance exam question papers |
13th March 2011 04:52 PM | |
wagle |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? please visit these linkes http://www.indiastudychannel.com/exa...on-papers.aspx good luck........ |
12th March 2011 11:53 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? 5years papers of m.a english part-1 (punjab university) |
22nd February 2011 04:15 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? I WANT MA ENG PREVIOUS YEARS PAPERS |
10th February 2011 02:07 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? [QUOTE=Unregistered;343404]french 2nd year question paper[/Q UOTE] what was shaw's candida? |
27th January 2011 02:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? french 2nd year question paper |
4th January 2011 05:55 PM | |
imira |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? There are online sites which offer previous years question papers. Even though, it might be quite difficult to make available MA English question papers. You might find reference material in the library of the university itself. If not you can approach your seniors and ask for the previous year’s question papers. All university will have a ledger of previous question papers and any one can get hold of it by paying the required amount in the university registrar office. |
4th January 2011 03:08 PM | |
sandipk |
Re: Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? To find Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A go through this link: http://www.indiastudychannel.com/exa...on-papers.aspx good luck........ |
23rd December 2010 08:32 PM | |
partha parker |
Previous 5 year papers of JNU for English M.A? Can u please post previous 5 years admission question papers of Jawaharlal Neheru UNIVERSITY (JNU) for english M.A. ????? |