Thread: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals? Reply to Thread

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29th May 2014 09:08 PM
[email protected]
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

I am from Computer Science background.And I do work in some private company...Not able to find time in referring books...Please propse a gud practice book which covers all topics of gate as well as post some practice materials,and previous year questions...Will be very helpful for me....Please do propose a gud books which should cover conceptual knowledge and also should contain more practice exercises....

Thanks in advance....

15th May 2013 08:50 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

dear friend,,,,

Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals

1.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
2.Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.
3.Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly
4.Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)
5.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
6.Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly
7.Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.
8.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
9.Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)
10.power system by nagarth and khothari
11.Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.
12.Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly
13.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
29th January 2012 08:46 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Best books are listed below for clearing GATE problem solving fundamental:-
1)Network analysis : Van Valkenburg
2)Electrical machines : Nagrath and kothari
3)Power electronics :PS Bhimra
4)Automatic control system : Banjamin C. kuo
12th December 2011 06:32 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Dear pal,
GATE is a competitive exam and it is recognised by many university and companies. Qualifying which you are eligible to apply for your masters degree as well as for the public sector companies.
The GATE EXAM is based on those subject which the aspirant study in their bachelor degree course. The score is valid for a duration of two years. The exam is conducted as per the discipline of the aspirant.
For preparing for the exam the aspirant can choose any standard book which was followed by the aspirant during the degree course. Few books are below.
Network analysis- Van valkenberg
electromagnetic- willian H .Hart
electrical machinery - ps.Bhimra
power system- nagrath & kothari
while preparing for the exam write down the formulas and shortcut available to solve the problems. Refer more books to get complete understanding. Use previous year question paper and try to solve them. Try to solve them within the allotted time. Do not attempt wrong answers and avoid negative marks.
12th December 2011 04:17 PM
prashant more
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

According to me the best books for your preparation of gate for electrical stream can be
1.Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.
2.Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)
3.Electrical Engineering (Gate Solved Papers)Book
4.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
5.Electronic Instrumentation
6.Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly

I think all these books are sufficient for you .Try reading these knowledgeable books.They will help u a lot.
12th December 2011 01:45 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

I am a student of electrical engg branch. I am preparing for GATE 2012. Please suggest me best books for my stream to get success. If you can suggest me books for machine, analog electronics, digital electronics, circuit theory and signals and systems then i will be thankful to you. Thanks.....
17th November 2011 12:42 AM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

hi am srilakshmi,
Since am working,I cannot give more time for my gate exam preparations. Am from electrical engg. so please give me some of the valuable ideas so that i get good result in gate exam 2012.
7th October 2011 08:59 AM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Originally Posted by spratik08 View Post
hi priyambada priyadarshini,
it is very nice that you are going to appear for gate exam!
so, for you, it is an excellent book named GATE by G.K.Publications.
first you prefer that one.
after completing that one, you go for another book for GATE by HUNDA.
only 1st one is sufficient for your detailed studies & getting you a high scoring.
but also manage to go for 2nd one also.but at a time , you refer only one , first G.K. & then HUNDA.
Well if you are able to read the GATE 2012 book by G.K Publications it is very good and yes the other book mentioned name is A. HANDA... However I don't think jumping right into these books is not a good idea. If you don't understand the concepts of electrical engineering you won't understand anything in those books. First read the books suggested by other people in this thread, not like very deep reading, do a super fast reading , skip any theorems solving or other stuff like that as they are not needed in GATE, once you get a basic hang of the subject, then go for the Handa or G.K publishers GATE book, it will really help you score big in GATE.....
Last but not the least, if you're a 2nd year student, I don't think you are eligible to apply for GATE 2012, if you are planning to write GATE in 2014. ALL THE BEST
20th August 2011 12:46 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

hello sir
i m shivani m in btech 3rd yr ece nd i want to prepare for GATE please tell me which book i should prefer........
13th August 2011 02:19 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

list of good books for gate chemical engineering.
17th July 2011 11:23 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?


17th July 2011 03:01 AM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

How many times one can appear for gate exams?
1st July 2011 01:29 AM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

here i suggest you some good books to crack gate for electrical:
electrical machinery by ps bhirma
electrical power system by cl wadhwa
power system by nagarth and khothari
control system engineering by nagrath and gopal
good luck
28th June 2011 10:01 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Best books are listed below for clearing GATE problem solving fundamental:-

1. Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly

2. Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)

3. Electrical Engineering (Gate Solved Papers)Book

4. Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar

5. Electronic Instrumentation

6. Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.

You can go for another book for GATE by HUNDA.
thank you
28th June 2011 09:58 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Best books are listed below for clearing GATE problem solving fundamental:-

1. Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly
2. Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)
3. Electrical Engineering (Gate Solved Papers)Book
4. Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
5. Electronic Instrumentation
6. Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.

You can go for another book for GATE by HUNDA.
thank you
26th June 2011 06:37 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Originally Posted by priyambada priyadarshini View Post
I want some good collections of books to clear my fundamentals as well as problem solving skills(for GATE).PLEASE mention books with author's name.
2nd year
hi priyambada priyadarshini,
it is very nice that you are going to appear for gate exam!
so, for you, it is an excellent book named GATE by G.K.Publications.
first you prefer that one.
after completing that one, you go for another book for GATE by HUNDA.
only 1st one is sufficient for your detailed studies & getting you a high scoring.
but also manage to go for 2nd one also.but at a time , you refer only one , first G.K. & then HUNDA.
26th June 2011 04:55 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

According to me the best books for your preparation of gate for electrical stream can be
1.Performance And Design Of Alternate Current Machine Book.
2.Analog Communication By (Sanjay Sharma)
3.Electrical Engineering (Gate Solved Papers)Book
4.Electronics And Digital circuits By Anand Kumar
5.Electronic Instrumentation
6.Engineering Circuit Analysis By William h. hayt and Jack Kammerly

I think all these books are sufficient for you .Try reading these knowledgeable books.They will help u a lot.

best of luck .
25th June 2011 06:11 PM
Re: Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

Best books are listed below for clearing GATE problem solving fundamental:-
1)Network analysis : Van Valkenburg
2)Electrical machines : Nagrath and kothari
3)Power electronics :PS Bhimra
4)Automatic control system : Banjamin C. kuo
12th November 2010 02:56 AM
priyambada priyadarshini
Best books for clearing GATE problem solving fundamentals?

I want some good collections of books to clear my fundamentals as well as problem solving skills(for GATE).PLEASE mention books with author's name.
2nd year

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