Thread: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details? Reply to Thread

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4th June 2015 08:18 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir i got 43 marks in jee main . please confirm in which top 10 Engineering college in odisha i can get admission in CS branch
23rd June 2012 01:35 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Hello Shadma ,
The list of best 20 colleges in Orissa are available with their details in the site :

also you can see from the official website of
here you can find yhe course fee n placement details

and KIET and ITER are alsu two good universiteis
thank you
23rd June 2012 03:52 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my ojee gen rank is 7470 can i get adm at silicon
Bro i hav got 197th rank in ojee...
Can i get silicon, in cse stream???
22nd June 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir my ojee rank is 6250 which colege wil i get
14th June 2012 01:52 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Hi dear,

Orissa has got a lot of colleges from where you can pursue your engineering career.

some colleges in orissa are famous for its quality education and good campus placement throughout the nation.

1) University College of Engineering
Burla, Orissa

2) Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

3) Silicon Institute of Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

4) College of Engineering & Technology (CET)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

5) CV Raman College of Engineering
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

6)Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement (GITA)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

7) Institute of Technical Education & Research
SOA University, Bhubaneswar.

8)Orissa Engineering College (OEC)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
These are the best engineering colleges from where you can do engineering and KIIT UNIVERSITY(kalinga institute of technology) is the best as per my thinking.

13th June 2012 09:46 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?


Orissa has got a lot of colleges from where you can pursue your engineering career.

some colleges in orissa are famous for its quality education and good campus placement throughout the nation.

1) University College of Engineering
Burla, Orissa

2) Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

3) Silicon Institute of Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

4) College of Engineering & Technology (CET)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

5) CV Raman College of Engineering
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

6)Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement (GITA)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

7) Institute of Technical Education & Research
SOA University, Bhubaneswar.

8)Orissa Engineering College (OEC)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
These are the best engineering colleges from where you can do engineering and KIIT UNIVERSITY(kalinga institute of technology) is the best as per my thinking.

12th June 2012 09:55 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

my b tech rank is 3055 which is the best college for me.
9th June 2012 11:45 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Re:Best colleges in orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?
sir my ojee rank is 5450 as an outstate candidate.i can get computer science and electrical engineering in top 10 engineering college like
krupajal, C.V Raman, silicon, orissa engineering college Bhubaneswar, Gandhi institute Gunpure National Institute of science and Technology
please help me
yours truly
Santosh kumar jha
8th June 2012 11:41 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Re: Best colleges in orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?
sir my ojee rank is 5450 as an outstate candidate. can i get computer science and Electrical Engineering in top 10 college like krupajal, silicon, c. v. Raman, National institue of science and technology, orissa Engineering college, Bhubaneswar, Gandhi institute of Technology,Gunupur
please help me
yours truly
Santosh kumar jha
7th June 2012 04:15 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

After getting the rank of 32000 which college will i get to read engineering?
19th May 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Which top 5 colleges is best for electrical&elecrtronics among rank.and what is fee detailed for 1 year total at
2nd September 2011 02:33 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

how to reach Gandhi Institute for technology, bhubaneswar from bhubaneswar rly station
26th August 2011 02:17 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
sir i get ojee outside state rank 9890.which is best college for orisha
you get high rank in your out state cota so you dont get good college
26th August 2011 02:15 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
i got 9353 in ojee will i get in oec or not in electrical trade.
you dont get sit in oec
26th August 2011 02:13 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
sir, i neha got 2195 in orissa jee in outstate category.can i get admission in silicon or niist college with a branch of electrics and electronics.plzzzzzzzzz reply soon.
i dont get a beter college in orissa becoz this is a high rank in ur out state cota
18th August 2011 11:02 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Fee structure of top 15 college of orissa
18th August 2011 09:03 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

i have got 56022 air rank in aieee 2011. can i get addmision in any good private engineering college in odissa or west bengal with this rank?????????????
plz also tell me the approx. fee structure of the college
7th August 2011 10:54 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

The best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering

* Orissa Engineering College (OEC)

* College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar

* Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement (GITA)

* University College of Engineering

* CV Raman College of Engineering

* College of Engineering & Poly Technique.

* Orissa School of Mining Engineering

* National Institute of Science and Technology

* Eastern Academy of Science and Technology

Thank you
7th August 2011 01:19 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

20th July 2011 02:03 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

plz Fee structure ghanshyam hemalata
17th July 2011 09:15 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

80000 to 150000
16th July 2011 10:49 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

my ojee gen rank is 7470 can i get adm at silicon
14th July 2011 01:25 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Plz tell me the fee strcture of IT & CS in Silicone institute of Technology ,Bhubaneswar for 2011
12th July 2011 02:43 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Originally Posted by View Post
Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

please reply
dear friend,

1. University College of Engineering
2 College of Engineering and Technology
3 Silicon Institute of Technology
4 Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology
5 C. V. Raman College of Engineering
6 National Institute of Science and Technology
7 Gandhi Institute Technological Advancement
8 College of Engineering
9 Orissa Engineering College
10 Krupajal Engineering College
11 Gandhi Engineering College
12 Trident Academy of Technology
13 Gandhi Institute for Technology
14 NM Institute of Engineering and Technology
15 Eastern Academy of Science and Technology

12th July 2011 12:51 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Hi dear,

Orissa has got a lot of colleges from where you can pursue your engineering career.

some colleges in orissa are famous for its quality education and good campus placement throughout the nation.

1) University College of Engineering
Burla, Orissa

2) Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

3) Silicon Institute of Technology
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

4) College of Engineering & Technology (CET)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

5) CV Raman College of Engineering
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

6)Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement (GITA)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa

7) Institute of Technical Education & Research
SOA University, Bhubaneswar.

8)Orissa Engineering College (OEC)
Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
These are the best engineering colleges from where you can do engineering and KIIT UNIVERSITY(kalinga institute of technology) is the best as per my thinking.
11th July 2011 07:32 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

OEC or CEB , which clg is better in dis 2 clgs.....??????????????
9th July 2011 10:24 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir i have got OJEE 2011 rank 885 (outsider) and aieee 69000. tell me the best engg college in orrisa according to my rank for MECH/EE/EEE . along with fee structure. plzzz reply soon on my id
9th July 2011 10:17 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir, i have got ojee rank 885(outside) and aieee 69000. tell me the best engg. college in orrisa for MECH/EE/EEE according to my rank along with fee structure? plzzzz reply soon on my id
8th July 2011 07:17 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir i have 941 out state rank which college i will gate
6th July 2011 12:21 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir i have got 8823 outsider in orissa jee can i get top 10 colleges ? sir pls reply soon pleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sir.
2nd July 2011 04:37 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

hi! i'm akash prusty .actually i want to know abot aeronautical college in orissa and details of that all
1st July 2011 07:44 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

which pvt collg in odisha has highest placement record??
1st July 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

which pvt. college in odisha gives highest placement.....
28th June 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir,i got 11355 outsite rank in orissa jee ..can i get admission in top 20 college of orissa????
plzzzzzzzzz reply........
28th June 2011 11:56 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir my outside state rank in ojee is 4985.which collage can i get
28th June 2011 10:38 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

My rank is 992 zz cani get top 5
28th June 2011 12:58 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

drems collage of b.te for fee
27th June 2011 04:30 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

i have got 5082 rank in womens quota..Can i get admission in UCE,CET,Silicon,CV Raman,GITA or OEC????pl rply
25th June 2011 11:40 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir my outside state rank in ojee is 3832.which colg can i get
23rd June 2011 04:02 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

i hav got 5085 out state rank in ojee.Which college can i get???????????
23rd June 2011 04:00 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

please tell me the overall fee structure of top colleges of orissa.Can i get bank loan through top affliated colleges??????????
23rd June 2011 03:37 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Sir i get ojee outside state rank 3826. which college is best for me in Odisha.
can I get top 10 colleges? plz reply soon.

sir pls help me.
22nd June 2011 07:28 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Sir my ojee rank is 3826 as an outstate candidate. Can i get Mechanical/Electrical engg. in Top 10 engineering college like
C.V.Raman, Silicon, Orissa engineering colledge, Bhubneswar, Gandhi Inst. Gunpur

Please help me
Yours truly
Rajat Kumar
20th June 2011 08:44 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

Sir,my outside state rank in ojee is 3809.whch colg can i get?
19th June 2011 10:41 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir, i want know that what would be the fee structure of orissa engineering college bhubaneswar,orissa???
19th June 2011 01:51 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

plzzzzz tell me the date of filling of online registration form. also tell me the date of offline counselling>
19th June 2011 01:45 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir my rank in ojeeis 1849 what is best for me?????
19th June 2011 12:20 AM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir, i have got 580 rank out state in orissa jee . can i get silicon or c.v. raman or CET colleges? plz reply soon.
16th June 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir ,i have got 2195 rank in orissa jee. can i get admission in niist college with branch electronics and communication? plz reply soon.
15th June 2011 10:49 PM
Re: Best colleges in Orrisa for Engineering? Fee structure and placement details?

sir my ojee rank is 4150 as an outstate candidate. can i get electrical engg. in silicon inmstitute of technology?
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