Thread: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh? Reply to Thread

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12th March 2012 07:37 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?


you are wide number of options in govt. sector too.....
these are...

They are









all the best.......
11th March 2012 09:30 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir, my self Abhishek. Im frm Ap(hyd),im persuing btech 3rd yr cse.. My 10 aggregate is 63% n intermediate 50% n in btech upto 3-1 i hav 70.2%.. I wnt 2 apply post 4 central govt jobs. So is im eligble 4 central govt jobs, if im.. Wt knd f jobs are thr? Wt requiremnts i need 2 apply 4 post?
3rd March 2012 02:11 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

what are the jobs we will get with B.Sc microbiology please inform
26th February 2012 01:27 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

i m IT final year student please tell gov. job in IT
19th February 2012 08:05 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir my name is md saleem i had completed my btech computer science at 2011. my agggregate is 60% plz if any government jobs is there means reply to my mail [[email protected]]
2nd February 2012 12:22 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

i have 59% aggregate in computer science engineering..i would like to know government jobs openings this year.
4th December 2011 12:53 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

Sir iam nithin completed my btech in cse i want to do job in bsnl govt job sir when r the openings for cse sir
28th November 2011 08:12 AM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

i'm intresting abt the groups bt i dn't clear idea abt that.clarify for me(describe about groups)
7th November 2011 12:02 AM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir my name is Raavi.VeeraBrahmam i compleated final year with cse branch and with a percentage of 60.9% and wants to do a government job so plzzz help me.
4th October 2011 08:05 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

iam MCA student is there any job for MCA STUDENT in ap?
30th August 2011 09:09 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir ive been completing my b-tech final year in cse im interested in doing in govt jobs plz help me to choose the jobd
23rd July 2011 11:01 AM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir im completed my final year with IT branch and with a percentage of 59% and wants to do a government job pleace help me..........
12th July 2011 12:58 AM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by srikanthreddyb View Post
sir/mam , i written my btech 3rd cse exams . i want to prepare for govt jobs. so please tell me what are the govt jobs for me in andhrapradesh
hello friend

you can apply many jobs in gvt sector after B.Tech(CSE).

some of them are given below

1.airport authority of india.



4.bANK p.o.


6.Indian army.




all the best.
11th July 2011 05:55 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

i have 58% aggregate in computer science engineering ..can i give Bank PO Exam?plz Reply me soon
9th July 2011 10:10 AM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

3rd July 2011 12:21 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

how to get a job after 4th year in c.s.e in campus placements
1st July 2011 10:38 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir iam in final year with cse branch and with a percentage of 64% and wants to do a government job so plzzz help me.
24th May 2011 12:11 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

I am a B.Tech IT final year student .what r the job opertunity in ISRO for a B.TECH IT student
10th May 2011 12:09 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

If you want to do job in IT sector, then its better to do in private sector as there are not bright oppurtunities. You can join IT majors like IMB, Goole, yahoo etc.

But if you are adamant for PSUs then you can apply for job in electronics sectors like ECI, BSNL etc.
8th May 2011 09:58 PM
Re: What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

Originally Posted by srikanthreddyb View Post
sir/mam , i written my btech 3rd cse exams . i want to prepare for govt jobs. so please tell me what are the govt jobs for me in andhrapradesh
There are many job options after your Bachelors degree

the main interesting options what you have are

->Civil Service examination

by this you may become IAS/IPS/IFS or anything else




->SSC(Staff Selection Committee)

And many more opportunities

if you like any of the above options and want to Know more about the examination you are most welcome

you can post the question here or at my page


2nd May 2011 08:47 AM
What are the government jobs for B.Tech CSE students in Andhra Pradesh?

sir/mam , i written my btech 3rd cse exams . i want to prepare for govt jobs. so please tell me what are the govt jobs for me in andhrapradesh

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