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4th May 2013 07:46 PM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

hello sir ! I read the answers given by you to polytechnic students who want to appear ias exam. I have a question , I want to top ias exam in the very 1st attempt. I am also student of polytechnic ( mechanical engg.). Sir please tell me basic books tobe reffered for peronality development, introduction to administration, constitution under the light of recent changes in ias exam syllabus( specially GS4 & GS3). As an introductary part of ias exam please suggest me .......I am waiting .......
22nd March 2012 11:13 AM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

i have completed my 12th
how wil i start study for ips?
which book to refer?
31st December 2011 11:14 PM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i am studing in polytechnics how con i start studies for it. & when i'll start ?
guide me for books and study.
I am sorry to say that you are not eligible for I.A.S exam.

If you want to appear in I.A.S exam firstly you have to complete your graduation.

I.A.S exam exam is conducted by U.P.S.C once in a year.

Qualification:- Pass graduation with any stream fron recginiced university.

Age limit:-
For Open category:- 21-30 year
For OBC category:- 21-33 YEAR
For ST/SC category:- 21-37 year

Number of Attempts:-
For open category:- 4 attempts
For ST/SC category:- 7 attempts

3rd July 2011 03:12 PM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i am studing in polytechnics how con i start studies for it. & when i'll start ?
guide me for books and study.
sir i am happy to see your curiousity about your future and would like to appreciate your courage sir you have to work hard a lot for this you have to be graduated as you are doing poly tech so its good and do it with all your effort and side by side do practice for IAS EXAM.
every gk books is available in market you need go with that and newspaper . every books shopkeepar has a magzines which contains practising questions of every exam . and it is updated every year government you need to preapare with history books as well and knowledge available in
3rd July 2011 11:48 AM
raja badam
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

First of all,All the best for you.

You have good future in your life.

If you Want to Crack the IAS exam.You follow below tips.

IAS exam is an Civil Service Exam conducts by UPSC.

Eligibility for This Exam is as follows

Any graduate from Recognized university is eligible for This exam.

Age limit is not less than 21 Years and not more than 30 years for general Students.

For Reservation Students who are SC/ST/DA Age relaxation is Applicable up to 5 years.

Procure of This Exam is As follows:

First,you have to write a Preliminary exam

preliminary exam have 2 papers those are first one is General Studies Paper-I Second one is CSAT is an PAPER-II.

Preliminary exam is an Objective type questions.

If you are qualified in preliminary exam you are eligible for MAINS EXAM .It is an descriptive Exam.

You have to Select 2 Optional subjects from total 27 Optional Subjects.

After MAIN's you have to attend for Interview.

I think ,you understand for exam details.

So First you have to become an graduate.

Now on wards,you have must read News paper every day.every point of news paper must be read.

Refer 10TH class below Social Studies books and Maths Arithmetic syllabus that is very use full for Preliminary exam syllabus.

You have to get awareness from Current Affairs.

only reading Number of English books,use full for Reading comprehension in CSAT Exam.

Now on wards make friend ship with Civil Aspirants.

First collect the material from Several sources from News papers ,Magazines,from Inter Net etc.

Best Magazine about Civil service is CSR(Competition Success Review)

Official website is

All the best for you..
3rd July 2011 11:46 AM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

first you have to be a graduate .then only you can sit in IAS
3rd July 2011 10:17 AM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

dear namita,i appreciate you for your choice but i will tell you that first you should know about our country's econmic and political condition and you should also go for skill development like words skill of luck
3rd July 2011 08:50 AM
Re: How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
i am studing in polytechnics how con i start studies for it. & when i'll start ?
guide me for books and study.
Selecting IAS as your target is really appreciable. The preparation of IAS requires maturity in you. It is not that simple like IIT JEE or AIEEE entrances it is known difficult.

At this age it is difficult to understand the importance of IAS exam why it is useful how it is useful not for you but it is important for the development of the country.

So don't be too anxious about Preparation directly for IAS but have in mind that your goal is to get IAS. It will be the driving force.

and get started with your preparation for IAS Not the actual preparation prepare yourself mentally and physically.

and then you should understand why you are writing IAS exam
Why you should feel responsible writing this exam
Why india is still Developing
Explore the reasons for writing the exams
learn epics
learn basic concepts of various countries
how the foriegn countries are called as developed countries.

All these questions have to be answered by you.
Follow the News paper News channels some good books etc.., and get ready for the orginal preparation of IAS when you complete your graduation at the age of 21

Then you are all set to prepare for IAS

All the best


1st July 2011 08:34 PM
[email protected]
How can I start preparing for IAS entrance exam while studying in Polytechnic?

i am studing in polytechnics how con i start studies for it. & when i'll start ?
guide me for books and study.

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