Thread: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438? Reply to Thread

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12th June 2013 01:52 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i have secured a rank of 822 in gpat 2013 whether i will get stipend if i choose padmavathimahilaviswavidyalayam ,tirupati
7th June 2013 11:29 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

dear friend,,,,

List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438

1.Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology
2.Gokaraju Rangaraju College Of Pharmacy
3.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
4.klr Pharmacy College
5.janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal
6.College Of Engineering, Andhra University
7.College Of Engineering, Andhra University
8.Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
9.Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal
10.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncher
11.College Of Engineering, Andhra University (AICTE Approved)
12.Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Waranga
13.Shadan Womens College Of Pharmacy
14.Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology.
15.College Of Engineering, Andhra University
16.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
17.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
6th June 2013 02:12 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

hi sir,
i have secured 4266 rank in PGCET-2013.plz suggest the colleges where i can get admission under sc category
6th June 2013 01:57 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i have secured 4266 rank in PGCET-2013.suggest the colleges where i can get seat under sc category
4th June 2013 08:07 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Hi Sir,
I have secured 7509 rank in PGECET- 2013. Can u suggest what type of universities or colleges can i get in OC category under sponsored category.
Thanking You,

Nagendra Panini Challa
29th April 2013 09:10 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?


List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438--------------

1.K L R Pharmacy College
2.Shadan Womens College Of Pharmacy
3.College Of Engineering, Andhra University
4.Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
5.Shadan Womens College Of Pharmacy
6.Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
7.Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology.

Nice to help you...................
25th April 2013 09:41 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

dear friend,,,,

List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438

1.Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
2.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
3.Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal of Pharmaceutical Technology (PCI Approved)
5.K L R Pharmacy College (AICTE Approved)
6.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
7.College Of Engineering, Andhra University (AICTE Approved)
8.janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9th February 2013 06:53 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

hello friend,

List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438

1.K L R Pharmacy College (AICTE Approved)
2.Gokaraju Rangaraju College Of Pharmacy (AICTE Approved) (PCI Approved)
3.College Of Engineering, Andhra University (AICTE Approved)
4.Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology (PCI Approved)
5.Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.
6.St Peter's Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
7.Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru

thank you & all the best....
30th November 2012 11:28 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
list the m.pharma colleges in andhra pradesh giving stipend for the rank 3438


Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.

Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal

St Peter's Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences

29th November 2012 09:57 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Some of the good colleges are as follows:-

1.) Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
2.) St Peter's Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
3.) Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
4.) Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.

Visit their official links to know more about them.
6th November 2012 07:39 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 4946 rank in pgcet but show me some colleges list
29th November 2011 01:04 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 2305 rank in pgecet and iam non-local , seat is not alloted in 1st phase can i get in 2nd phase ? please tell me
5th October 2011 03:12 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

List of M.Pharm colleges in Andra Pradesh:
1. College Of Engineering, Andhra University
2. Gokaraju Rangaraju College Of Pharmacy
Bachupalli Opp. B.B.Unit
Miyapur Ranga Reddy Dist
3.) Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
4.) Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.
best of luck
28th September 2011 03:35 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 9200 rank in pgcet, shall i m.pharm ceutics set in rayalaseema
29th August 2011 01:29 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

my rank is 6273 in gpat, shall i get M.pham set in stipend giving colleges?
27th August 2011 10:01 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 8198 rank in gpat-2011. please give me the infermation abt the list of colleges in hyderabad providing stifend for the rank 8198.
27th August 2011 01:39 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got pgecet rank 7498 ,will i get seat in mpharm cology in ap
16th August 2011 06:47 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

which coll of m.pharm given stipend regular?
plzzzz give me ans
9th August 2011 02:56 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir, i got 9,000rank in gpat-2011. please give me the information about the list of colleges in andhra pradesh provinding stifend for the rank 9,000
5th August 2011 11:27 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

vat is da counciling dates for da gpat...??
30th July 2011 06:38 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir ,
i got 2221 in gpat n 999 in pgecet .could u please provide details of all m.pharm colleges giving stipend for these ranks n kindly tell me whr can i get the seat probably...can i get seat in ou or jntu universities..awaiting early reply
29th July 2011 11:20 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

hi sir igot 9000 rank in gpat is there chance to get seat in hyd will u please provide details
29th July 2011 01:28 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

I have got 7000 rank in gpat please can u list colleges where i can get an admission
27th July 2011 03:54 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

why andhrauniversity is not giving stifund for gpat qualified students?will u please provide details regarding this
26th July 2011 09:14 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 4320 rank in pgecet is there any chance to get the seat in hyderabad or else where i get iam belonging to oc plz send information to [email protected]
21st July 2011 06:55 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

which colleges can i get for 3,167 rank in gpat and can i join pharmd and which colleges are having pharmd course
16th July 2011 06:09 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

List of M.Tech colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 235 in pgecet for eie?
14th July 2011 08:45 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

List of mpharmacy colleges in AP I got 3294 rank in GPAT?
14th July 2011 03:21 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 10400 rank in gpat.will i get seat in good college in hyd or around hyd
12th July 2011 01:09 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir i got 2983 rank in pgecet can u say that will i get the seat or not, and give me a gland about the m-pharm colleges, where i will get the seat, please give rly me sir
11th July 2011 10:22 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir i got 5799 rank in g pet belong to general category,in niper my rank is 1900 ...i m from m.p..... what college i cn get?
9th July 2011 04:29 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir, i got 5447 rank in gpat-2011. please give me the information about the list of colleges in andhra pradesh provinding stifend for the rank 5547
8th July 2011 01:37 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

ID:[email protected]
7th July 2011 07:58 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

I got 7000 rank in pgecet i had no reservatiom any phara college is there in a.p. to join in m.pharm any branch
7th July 2011 01:20 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir, i got 7838 rank in pgcet 2011, can u say that will i get the seat or not, and give me a gland about the m-pharm colleges, where i will get the seat, please give rly me sir
6th July 2011 10:02 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got rank 2398(sc) in pgecet pharmacy which collges i will get with stipend?
5th July 2011 10:18 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

plg can you give the information regarding m.pharm clgs in hyd giving stipend for the rank of 4179
5th July 2011 06:50 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i need the seat allotment(pharmacy) order based on their ranks of pgecet send it to my [email protected]
5th July 2011 02:18 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 4579 rank in gpat. And i also have Bc/b reservation. Please inform me the list of Mpharm colleges giving stipend for my rank plsssssssssssss.....
4th July 2011 11:35 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Pl give me list of M Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 5000?
4th July 2011 06:38 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 2500 rank in pgcet(pharmacy) cen u tell ,wr i cen get seat in hyd?
4th July 2011 03:15 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 7000 rank iam intrested in pharmaceutics can u say me the better cleges which provide styfund. and the members qualified in our state in gpat plz
4th July 2011 12:57 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

list of m.pharm colleges in a.p providing stipend for rank of 10038
3rd July 2011 11:08 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 5055 rank in pgecet 2011.can you give information about rank wise seats available in pgecet.i belong to general categary.
27th June 2011 12:39 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

list of m.pharm colleges in a.p providing stipend for rank of 3596 with reservation?
26th June 2011 11:02 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

i got 5489 rank in gpat 2011. can u give information about colleges that are giving stipend for my rank?
i belong to general category. i am intrested in pharmaceutical analysis.
24th June 2011 10:12 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Member Join Date: May 2011
Location: PURULIA

Re: List of M.Tech colleges in AP providing stipend?
22nd June 2011 06:30 PM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

sir, i got 8,700 rank in gpat-2011. please give me the information about the list of colleges in andhra pradesh provinding stifend for the rank 8,700
15th June 2011 12:27 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
list the m.pharma colleges in andhra pradesh giving stipend for the rank 3438
Some of the good colleges are as follows:-

1.) Shadan Womens College Of PharmacyPeruncheru
2.) St Peter's Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
3.) Vaagdevi College Of Pharmacy, Warangal
4.) Janagaon Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal.

Visit their official links to know more about them.

14th June 2011 01:52 AM
Re: List of M.Pharma colleges in AP providing stipend for the rank of 3438?

List of M.Pharm colleges in Andra Pradesh:
1. College Of Engineering, Andhra University (AICTE Approved)
2. Gokaraju Rangaraju College Of Pharmacy (AICTE Approved) (PCI Approved)
Bachupalli Opp. B.B.Unit
Miyapur Ranga Reddy Dist
3. Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology (PCI Approved)
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam,
4. K L R Pharmacy College (AICTE Approved)
Behind Contractor Colony
Palvancha Khammam Dist
5. K.V.S.R. Siddharatha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AICTE Approved) (PCI Approved)
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