Thread: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer Reply to Thread

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9th January 2014 12:00 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

We are in need of five years question papers in chemical engineering for the post of management trainee in sail
my email id is-- [email protected]. What amount I have yo pay for this. Kindly intimate me so that amount mentioned may be sent to your office to get the question papers.
3rd September 2013 09:40 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

anyone please forward me the last few yrs ques paper and pattern of the exam conducted for GME by various collages... m now in final year of mech engg.
[email protected]
20th October 2011 01:12 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

bhel engineer trainee interview matterial for machanical stream
21st August 2011 04:45 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

can u plz send previous 5 year paper to [email protected] be highly obliged
15th August 2011 09:29 AM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

sir, could you please send me the format and previous 10 year question papers of mechanical trainee engineer of ecil, bhel and sail

my email Id is [email protected]
14th July 2011 04:21 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

which type of qustn are asked in entrance exam for T.M.E conducted by sci...
13th July 2011 02:55 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

5th July 2011 12:16 AM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

sir, could you please send me the format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

my email Id is [email protected]
29th October 2010 12:41 AM
Re: Format and previous question papers of


the exams are multiple choise and objective type.

there are both sections included in the exam.
1.technical questions
2. General questions( based upon reasoning)

the technical paper consist question from the

thermodynamics,industry,fluid mechnics,mechanics

and the paper from general consists of the mental aptitude type questions

All the best
28th October 2010 12:20 PM
Re: Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

dear friends,

the exams is totallly objective type.the question is multichoice.

the paper contains both the technical as well as the general aptitude.

the technical paper consist question from the


fluid mechnics,

heat transfer

hydrolic machine

27th October 2010 05:37 PM
Format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer

sir, could you please send me the format and previous question papers of mechanical officer trainee engineer
My mail id:[email protected]

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