Thread: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank? Reply to Thread

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2nd June 2012 01:57 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

what is the max.rank that i should have to take admission in jadhavpur uni.,if i am from other state?
14th March 2012 06:30 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

you rank is not so good.

but you have little chance for engineering.

Good luck.........
7th November 2011 05:08 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

you have chances for BESU.

the departments are-

department- Architecture

department- mining.
9th July 2011 11:01 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

my rank is 55863 and sc couta rank is around 5000.which college shell i get ...?
7th July 2011 04:39 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir, my wbjee2011 rank is 8342(gen) & 430(sc). Can i get admission in JU or BESU?
dear friend,

you have chance in both college but the only Architecture department.

but you have chances in private engineering college in CS and ECE department.

all the best.
7th July 2011 04:37 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir,if rank 4593 in wbjee 2011 will i get fovt. engg. college where i will get chance in cse or ece or me or civil in west bengal
dear friend ,

you have chances in some govt colleges like

1) Institute of Jute Technology, Kolkata

department - Jute & Fibre Technology

2)Govt. College of Engineering & Leather Technology, Salt Lake, Kolkata

department -

Information Technology

Leather Technology

3)Govt. College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Berhampur,


Textile Technology

Comp. Science & Engg

4)Govt. College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Serampur, Hooghly

Information Technology

all the best
7th July 2011 04:35 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I ranked 10769 and,613(sc) in engineering(2011),can i get BESU in any trade?
dear friend ,

you have chances for BESU.

the departments are-

department- Architecture

department- mining.

all the ebst
7th July 2011 04:33 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if i get 43554 rank in wbjee 2011 in engineerning then will i get in collage in west bengal?
dear friend,

you rank is not so good.

but you have little chance for engineering.

you have chances is some new private colleges.

all the best
5th July 2011 09:30 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

my rank is 37000 what ar the college that i can get
27th June 2011 09:25 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

if i get 43554 rank in wbjee 2011 in engineerning then will i get in collage in west bengal?
21st June 2011 09:54 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

colleges i can get with wb rank 3700
19th June 2011 09:34 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

i am ranked 20103[eng]. i shall gat which college at councilling?
19th June 2011 09:31 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

sir,i am babita ranked 21021[eng]. which are the best college for me?
19th June 2011 09:01 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

when can i get wbjee 2011 rank card & counselling form ?
19th June 2011 04:28 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

I ranked 10769 and,613(sc) in engineering(2011),can i get BESU in any trade?
15th June 2011 12:07 PM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

sir,if rank 4593 in wbjee 2011 will i get fovt. engg. college where i will get chance in cse or ece or me or civil in west bengal
15th June 2011 08:53 AM
Re: Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Sir, my wbjee2011 rank is 8342(gen) & 430(sc). Can i get admission in JU or BESU?
26th May 2011 12:02 PM
Surajit Dalal
Is there any chance for me in 2nd counseling of WBJEE for CSE branch after scoring 3500 rank?

Sir/madam if i get 3500 rank(around) in wbjee, if not in the first counseling then is there any majority chance of me getting CSE in second counseling, also if there is any management quota in your institute may u please certify me?

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