Thread: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible? Reply to Thread

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12th August 2012 07:15 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

sir i have 70% (agrigate) in diploma of industrial electromics and 60% (agrigate) in electronics engineering. am i eligible for psu exam?
24th March 2012 10:11 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Instrumentation and Control Engineering student eligible?GATE qulified in Instrumentation with AIR-1277,M.O-28.
20th February 2012 04:28 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

Hey i wanna to knw how many goverment sector exam conducted for cse student n wht r their criteria n qualifications n also psu exam??wht is the cut of marks for obc stdnt n wht r the salary for these jobs??inform me at my mail id [email protected]
20th February 2012 04:26 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

Hey i wanna to knw how many goverment sector exam conducted for cse student n wht r their criteria n qualifications n also psu exam??wht is the cut of marks for obc stdnt n wht r the salary for these jobs??
22nd January 2012 04:15 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

15th January 2012 06:44 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

The list of PSU's for civil eng. Which provide job for freshes's .
12th October 2011 04:43 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

List of No cgpa criteria PSU companies for civil engg. .......??
9th September 2011 01:37 AM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

I have been doing my B.Tech from production engineering branch by 2012. In which PSUs are there seat for me? I have 68% in 10th and 61% in 12th and expecting to get around 7-7.5 CGPA in B.Tech. Prashant...
27th July 2011 05:46 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

what scopes in psu with 10th70% & 12th 59% & 65%
23rd July 2011 03:23 PM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

which company provides the highest package for civil engineer as fresher among different psu and what is it??
17th July 2011 12:22 AM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

b.e in electronics & communication with 61percent
mba with it major with 70 percent is elegiable for mt suggest
8th June 2011 01:57 AM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

are any vaccancy in pgcil for electronics diploma holder?
5th March 2011 10:49 AM
Re: List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

yes , they r eligible.

BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center)

A premier multi-disciplinary Nuclear Research Centre of India having excellent infrastructure for advanced Research and Development with expertise covering the entire spectrum of Nuclear Science and Engineering and related areas.A direct interview call for GATE qualified students.Stipend Offered -20, 000/- PM.Eligibility- B Tech (min 60% marks)GATES qualified or qualify the test conducted by BARC

ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is the primary body for space research under the control of the Government of India, and one of the leading space research organizations in the world. It was established in its modern form in 1969 as a result of coordinated efforts initiated earlier. Taking into consideration its budget, it is among the more efficient space organizations on the globe. Under the guidance of a number of scientists, ISRO has conducted a variety of operations for both Indian and foreign clients. ISRO's satellite launch capability is provided by indigenous launch vehicles and launch sites. In 2008, ISRO successfully launched its first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, while future plans include manned space missions, further lunar exploration, and interplanetary probes. ISRO has several field installations as assets, and cooperates with the international community as a part of several bilateral and multilateral agreements.


BE/B.Tech or equivalent in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available)

Candidates who are slated to complete the BE/B.Tech course in the academic year 20010-11 are also eligible to apply provided final Degree is available by 31.8.2010

Pay band of Rs. 15600-39100 + 5400 (Grade Pay).

DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation)

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) (Hindi: Rak?a Anusandhan eva? Vikas Sanga?han) is an agency of the Republic of India, responsible for the development of technology for use by the military, headquartered in New Delhi, India. It was formed in 1958 by the merger of Technical Development Establishment and the Directorate of Technical Development and Production with the Defence Science Organisation. DRDO has a network of 52 laboratories which are deeply engaged in developing defence technologies covering various fields, like aeronautics, armaments, electronic and computer sciences, human resource development, life sciences, materials, missiles, combat vehicles development and naval research and development. The organization includes more than 5,000 scientists and about 25,000 other scientific, technical and supporting personnel.

SAIL(Steel Authority of India Limited)

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest state-owned steel makers in India. With a turnover of 48,681 crore (US$10.95 billion), the company is among the top five highest profit earning corporates of the country. It is a public sector undertaking which trades publicly in the market is wholly owned by Government of India and acts like an operating company. Incorporated on January 24, 1973, SAIL has more than 131,910 employees. The company's current chairman is C.S Verma. With an annual production of 13.5 million metric tons, SAIL is the 16th largest steel producer in the world. Major plants owned by SAIL are located at Bhilai, Bokaro, Durgapur, Rourkela, Burnpur (near Asansol) and Salem. SAIL is a public sector company, owned and operated by the Government of India. According to a recent survey, SAIL is one of India's fastest growing Public Sector Units.
Recruitment Notification:

GAIL (Gas Authority of India Limited)

GAIL (India) Limited, is India's flagship Natural Gas company, integrating all aspects of the Natural Gas value chain (including Exploration & Production, Processing, Transmission, Distribution and Marketing) and its related services. In a rapidly changing scenario, we are spearheading the move to a new era of clean fuel industrialization, creating a quadrilateral of green energy corridors that connect major consumption centers in India with major gas fields, LNG terminals and other cross border gas sourcing points. GAIL is also expanding its business to become a player in the International Market.
Recruitment Notification:

BHEL(Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited)

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is one of the oldest and largest state-owned engineering and manufacturing enterprise in India in the energy-related and infrastructure sector which includes Power, Railways, Telecom, Transmission and Distribution, Oil and Gas sectors and many more. It is the 12th largest power equipment manufacturer in the world. BHEL was established more than 50 years ago, ushering in the indigenous Heavy Electrical Equipment industry in India. The company has been earning profits continuously since 1971-72 and paying dividends since 1976-77. 73% of the total power generated in India is produced by equipment manufactured by BHEL

IOCL(Indian Oil Corporation Ltd)

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, or Indian Oil, is an Indian state-owned oil and gas company. It is India's largest commercial enterprise, ranking 105th on the Fortune Global 500 list in 2009. Indian Oil and its subsidiaries account for a 47% share in the petroleum products market, 40% share in refining capacity and 67% downstream sector pipelines capacity in India. The Indian Oil Group of Companies owns and operates 10 of India's 19 refineries with a combined refining capacity of 60.2 million metric tons per year.
Recruitment Notification:

HAL(Hindustan Aeronautics Limited)

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL) based in Bangalore, India, is one of Asia's largest aerospace companies. Under the management of the Indian Ministry of Defense, this state-owned company is mainly involved in aerospace industry, which includes manufacturing and assembling aircraft, navigation and related communication equipment, as well as operating airports. HAL built the first military aircraft in South Asia and is currently involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of aircraft, jet engines, and helicopters, as well as their components and spares. It has several facilities throughout India including Nasik, Korwa, Kanpur, Koraput, Lucknow, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The German engineer Kurt Tank designed the HF-24 Marut fighter-bomber, the first fighter aircraft made in India
5th November 2010 04:26 PM
yatindra kumar
List of various PSU's in India? Date of PSU exam and their eligibility criteria? Is B.Tech Civil Engineering student eligible?

Various PSU Exams in India? When are they conducted and what is their eligibility criteria?Is civil engineering student is eligible for that

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