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15th July 2012 01:45 AM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

i have got 49% in b.b.a. can i go for civil services examination? how many percentage is required for civil services examination?
5th July 2012 01:53 AM
Audi A4
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

BBA is very booming course now a days. After completing BBA you have lot of opportunities. You can go for job and you can continue your studies with post graduation like
**You can go for the following courses
>> MCA
>> CA
>> Marketing
>> Human Resources
>> Financa

These are a lot better courses other than MBA.
4th July 2012 11:06 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

after BBA I am Bachelor of business Administration do i have to do B.A. to be a Graduate
27th June 2012 04:13 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

does doing from regular has same value as that of correspondence?
10th June 2012 11:08 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

people say that is better than bba after 12th but i have to do mba from top mangaement college of ahemdabad. So what to do??? Bba or
15th March 2012 11:57 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

MBA has many options which you can take as your specialization like...

MBA in Finance

MBA in Health (Pharmaceuticals)

MBA in Consultancy

MBA in Information Technology

MBA in Telecommunications

MBA in Media

MBA in Services

MBA in Human Resources

Total fees of MBA varies from institute to institute....

The total fee for institutes like IIM is around 15 lacs.

The total fee for institutes like XLRI, FMS is 5 to 8 lacs.

The total fee for other institutes are 2 to 6 lacs.

After passing graduation in B.B.A you have many option like:-
> I.A.S
> I.P.S
> I.F.S
> C.D.S
> Central Police Force
> Bank P.O

15th March 2012 11:56 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

MBA has many options which you can take as your specialization like...

MBA in Finance

MBA in Health (Pharmaceuticals)

MBA in Consultancy

MBA in Information Technology

MBA in Telecommunications

MBA in Media

MBA in Services

MBA in Human Resources

Total fees of MBA varies from institute to institute....

The total fee for institutes like IIM is around 15 lacs.

The total fee for institutes like XLRI, FMS is 5 to 8 lacs.

The total fee for other institutes are 2 to 6 lacs.

After passing graduation in B.B.A you have many option like:-
> I.A.S
> I.P.S
> I.F.S
> C.D.S
> Central Police Force
> Bank P.O

15th March 2012 10:19 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Nowadays, many students take up BBA course after their higher secondary mainly with a view to do MBA after completing BBA. Most of the career counselors also suggest MBA after completing BBA. But, some students have a doubt as to what to do after BBA other than going for MBA. Some of the suggestions for these students are given below:

• After completing BBA, the candidates can join as executive trainee/management trainee in any of the following sectors:
o Advertising agencies: Example- Leo Burnett, Mudra, etc…
o Banking, finance, consultancy: Example – HSBC, Citibank, etc…
o IT companies: Example – Compaq, Wipro, etc…
o Consumer durable companies and FMCG: Example – Marico, P&G, etc…
• The candidates can also do some professional courses like ICWAI, CA, etc…
• The candidates can do master degree courses like MCA.
• The candidates can take up part-time jobs and they can do some computer courses in the spare time. If they feel that their English communication skills is not good, they can go for some English speaking courses, which will be of great help to their future.
• The BBA graduates can get jobs in different sectors like human resources, accounting, finance, information systems, real estate entrepreneurship, etc… and the choice is endless.
• If the candidates can develop good programming skills, they will be able to get placement in multinational companies.
• If the candidates are interested in getting into government services, they can take up UPSC examinations like civil service examination, National Defense Academy examination, etc…
• If they are interested in bank jobs, they can take up bank examinations as well.

So, there is a wide range of opportunities left to the candidates after completing the BBA degree course and they can either opt for job or higher studies or even both by doing part- time jobs or by taking up correspondence courses.
15th March 2012 09:07 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

After passing graduation in B.B.A you have many option like:-
> I.A.S
> I.P.S
> I.F.S
> C.D.S
> Central Police Force
> Bank P.O

If you want to go for higher study then you can apply for courses like M.B.A etc.
15th March 2012 06:32 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.
After passing graduation in B.B.A you have many option like:-
> I.A.S
> I.P.S
> I.F.S
> C.D.S
> Central Police Force
> Bank P.O

If you want to go for higher study then you can apply for courses like M.B.A etc.

14th March 2012 11:29 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

I am a bba graduate and also did PGDin fashion designing... Can i get job in event management or I have to go for event management course first?
6th November 2011 05:26 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

After graduation in BBA, you can go for you MBA, directly. Its the next step itself, and also side ways, you can opt for B.Ed degree. This would enable you to take a career in teaching as well.

So MBA, is the next degree for you.
Or else you can start working so that you gain experience and then later do your MBA.

Good luck !
21st October 2011 12:01 PM
sumit singh thakur
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.
if i am not want to do m.b.a.
30th August 2011 07:19 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

after completion of BBA you can apply for many courses ,MBA OR MCA is the better options as your PG course..
For taking admission in MBA you have to appear in entrance exams like CAT/MAT/XAT..
After doing well in the entrance exam they will call you for the GD session and interview..

If you want to take admission in IIM's then you have to crack CAT exam. Which is one of the toughest exam in the world..
So, you have to work hard.. Try to increase your vocabulary..

You can also take some coaching classes to prepare for CAT exam..

All the best..
30th August 2011 06:59 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

because you do BBA,now this is almost be completed so, for you MBA IS THE BEST OPTION.
MBA is Masters of Business Administration.

It is a 2 years course and suitable for those who want to join the corporate world.
and after it in which course you are intersted you have to choose this one
30th August 2011 05:35 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.
There are so may course are offer after completion of bba course . i provide the career option after the bba course .

Course Offers for BBA Graduation :

MBA { Master of Business Administration }

Basically every BBA students are apply only for MBA course . If you interested in management filed then , then you pursue for the mba course bu , you have to fished the entrance examination like mat and cat . if you qualified in the entrance exam then your eligible to apply for mba course . { Master of Commerce }

If your interested in account or manager job then you will apply for course . there number of institution are offers this course .

C.A { Charted Accountant }

If you want to become an auditor then you apply for ca course . The Examination is divided into ,

>>Foundation examination

>>Intermediate examination

>>Final examination

ICWA { Institute of Cost and Management Accounts }

If your interested in taxation and management then you pursue for icwa course . the there is very good scope for icwa course

MCA { Master of Computer Application }.

If your interested computer course then apply for the mca course , there is good job opportunity for the mac course in private as well as public sectors
30th August 2011 09:47 AM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

is there any sit for BBA from indian embassy stypent
for nepalese student
3rd August 2011 07:53 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

I got only 50% marks in my graduation (BBA) ,am i eligible for FMS enterance exam?
26th July 2011 03:39 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

What can I do afetr B.B.A. leaving MBA , can i appear in civil services exam?
24th July 2011 08:50 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

dear friend

best option after BBA is MBA

so you have to do lots of practice for qualifying CAT so that you can get chance in IIM

best of luck
22nd July 2011 11:56 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Dear friend,
As you are pursuing BBA , then after completion of your BBA you can go for MBA as your PG course..

As you have done graduation in BBA ,so it will help you to pursue MBA..

For taking admission in MBA you have to appear in entrance exams like CAT/MAT/XAT..
After doing well in the entrance exam they will call you for the GD session and interview..

If you want to take admission in IIM's then you have to crack CAT exam. Which is one of the toughest exam in the world..
So, you have to work hard.. Try to increase your vocabulary..

You can also take some coaching classes to prepare for CAT exam..

All the best..
22nd July 2011 11:00 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.
you should do mba
because you are in mangement course now doing any other uncessory course will be suitable for you and the wastage of time .
do m.b.a from good university and your future will be bright.
best of luck
22nd July 2011 10:56 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.

No, Its Not Like That, Any graduate Candidates are eligible to apply for CAT/MAT/XAT/GMAT entrance examinations. So If you have completed your Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University, Then you are eligible for MBA Course.

Its better to do MBA only.......
22nd July 2011 10:35 PM
Simmi Katiyar
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Hello, You can do higher studies and job also after completing your BBA.
But in my point of view, you must do higher studies i.e., you can do MBA, M.Sc. or any postgraduate courses in specialized subjects in which you have so much interest and you want to do job related to that particular subject.
If you will do MBA then it will give you better chance to do job in various fields like retail, finance, event management, hospitality, hotel management etc
You can also opt for civil services after graduation because the minimum eligibility for it is graduation in any discipline.
You can do part-time courses also if you have so much need of job presently.
After completing your BBA you can join any BPO company for call-center job.
After MBA you can do PHD also for teaching job in various MBA colleges.
22nd July 2011 10:32 PM
Simmi Katiyar
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Hello, You can do higher studies and job also after completing your BBA.
But in my point of view, you must do higher studies i.e., you can do MBA, M.Sc. or any postgraduate courses in specialized subjects in which you have so much interest and you want to do job related to that particular subject.
If you will do MBA then it will give you better chance to do job in various fields like retail, finance, event management, hospitality, hotel management etc
You can also opt for civil services after graduation because the minimum eligibility for it is graduation in any discipline.
You can do part-time courses also if you have so much need of job presently.
After completing your BBA you can join any BPO company for call-center job.
After MBA you can do PHD also for teaching job in various MBA colleges.
22nd July 2011 10:10 PM
Rohit Vashisht
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

As per tradition you must be thinking of MBA, which i think best option available after graduation. As you are planning to continue your furthur studies and must be looking for some professionsl/job oriented course. If you belong to commerce stream than you may choose CA, CS, CWA as your career ( non-commerce students are also eligible for most of the programmes). You can take of advantage of graduation and can get direct admission to second stage of these programmes.

If planning to find a good job than think off civil services examinations, more job opportunites will be available for you after PG.
22nd July 2011 09:59 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

you can do MBA as it will make you better in your field. Or else you can get into a job there are many job waiting for you people. You can go for job based on your wish .mba itself has many discipline to do you can choose it based on your interest
22nd July 2011 09:02 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

after graduation the best choice for you is doing MBA from correspondence doing a job side by side so that you may add experience to your qualification
in today's world MBA in finance is a good option
best of luck
22nd July 2011 08:50 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

after graduation the best choice for you is doing MBA from correspondence doing a job side by side so that you may add experience to your qualification
in today's world MBA in finance is a good option
best of luck
22nd July 2011 08:49 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

after graduation the best choice for you is doing MBA from correspondence doing a job side by side so that you may add experience to your qualification
in today's world MBA in finance is a good option
best of luck
22nd July 2011 08:47 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

i suggest u to do mba from a good university so u should prepare for cat n mat n other exam.
22nd July 2011 08:33 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

hello dear

see, you can do many courses after graduation in BBA. but whose will not be very good effective for you.

it will be better if you can do MBA after doing BBA.

but one thing you should remember, when ever you will go for pursue the MBA, you must do it from good renound university or college.

otherwise you will not get valuation.

so you must prepare for the CAT/MAT exam.

and try to get good percentile. otherwise you will not get good college.

all the best............
22nd July 2011 08:23 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

YOU can go for MBA which is a nice course and demanding.You will get a good job in any good company and gain experince there for more better chances.
22nd July 2011 08:23 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Hello friend,
Since you are pursuing bachelors of business administration, it must be followed by MBA. BBA is like the foundation program for MBA and therefore, what you will learn in these three years of your bachelors degree program will help you to understand the basics of business administration and there is nothing better than mastering in the area of your interest and expertise.
After qualifying the BBA final year exam, you must try to get admission in any of the best institutes offering MBA because, the better the institute, the better will be your placement.
22nd July 2011 07:43 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

There are so many lines after graduation in BBA Course.

In my opinion it will batter to go MBA Course as first because by this you make your Career bright in management Field.

The duration of MBA Course was 2 Year And To get admission in this course you need to complete your Graduation with minimum 50% marks in any discipline from a recognised University.

But to get admission in top MBA colleges you have to apper with CAT/MAT Entrance examination and if you may crack these Entrance examination with good Performance, then you will eligible to apply for Group Discussion and Personal Interview Session in top Business Schools and after clear GD and PI you will get admission in MBA Course.

The CAT Examination is held one time in a year and MAT examination is held 4Times and eligible candidates may apply for CAT/MAT examination online by visit the official website.

Best of luck.
22nd July 2011 07:15 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

hi friend
after bba the best option for you for a bright career is MBA
it has a lots of scope and placement opportunities and good salary package
MBA has many subjects but now a days MBA in human resource is quite in demand
all the best
22nd July 2011 06:56 PM
rahul k
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

Originally Posted by h.uppal View Post
good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.
After Completing Your BBA Course You are eligible for Many Courses.

So, If you are Interested in Further study, then I will suggest you Please go with MBA Course Because You have completed your BBA Course then MBA is best Option for You. So If you are Interested to make your Career bright in management Field, then Please go with MBA course.

The duration of MBA Course was 2 Year And To get admission in this course you need to complete your Graduation in any discipline from a recognised University. But to get admission in top MBA colleges you need to apply for CAT/MAT Entrance examination and If you will crack these Entrance examination with good Percentile, then you are eligible to apply for Group Discussion and Personal Interview Session in top Business Schools and after clear GD and PI you are eligible to get admission in MBA Course.

So, If you are Interested In MBA Course, then please apply for MAT/CAT Examination and to apply for CAT examination you need to complete your Graduation with minimum 50% marks in any discipline and for MAT examination any graduate passed candidates may apply. Final Year Candidates are also eligible to apply for these examinations. The CAT Examination was held one time in a year and MAT examination was conducted 4 Times, Eligible candidates may apply for CAT/MAT examination Online By visit the Official website.

You can also Go with Course But after you will not get good Jobs in Top Companies, So MBA is the best Course for you after completing BBA Course.If you are Interested to make your career in Accounting Field then you can do CA, ICWAI and CS course after So You have Lots of Options after completion BBA Course, So please think and then choose best course for you according to your Interest, Only then you will get success in your Career.
22nd July 2011 06:37 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

The best option for you is MBA.

MBA is Masters of Business Administration.

It is a 2 years course and suitable for those who want to join the corporate world. It is best for you because you have already formed the base by doing BBA which is required for MBA.

It is a highly demanding course and growing too fast.

Anyone who has completed his or her graduation in any field is eligible for MBA.

To apply for MBA you can sit for the following entrance exams in India:

CAT(Common Admission Test) is the most toughest entrance exam in India by IIMs for MBA.

besides CAT you can also give other exams which are less tougher as compared to CAT. they are:

MAT(Management Aptitude Test by AIMA)

XAT(MBA Entrance Test by XLRI Jamshedpur)

JMET(Joint Management Entrance Test by IITs)

SNAP[Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP)]

ATMA(AIMS Test for Management Admission)

MAH-CET(Maharashtra MBA Common Entrance Test)

FMS Delhi University Entrance Test Faculty of Management Studies

IGNOU OPENMAT - Indira Gandhi National Open University Management Admission Test

IBSAT - ICFAI Business School Aptitude Test.

MBA has many options which you can take as your specialization like...

MBA in Finance

MBA in Health (Pharmaceuticals)

MBA in Consultancy

MBA in Information Technology

MBA in Telecommunications

MBA in Media

MBA in Services

MBA in Human Resources

Total fees of MBA varies from institute to institute....

The total fee for institutes like IIM is around 15 lacs.

The total fee for institutes like XLRI, FMS is 5 to 8 lacs.

The total fee for other institutes are 2 to 6 lacs.
22nd July 2011 12:30 PM
Re: What to do after graduation in BBA?

We will do MBA.
3rd January 2011 02:10 PM
What to do after graduation in BBA?

good morning i would like to ask a question regarding my carrer as i am pursuing my graduation in final semester in bba and could you suggest what i will do after my graduation.

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