Thread: Industrial Biotech as a career? Reply to Thread

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16th May 2012 07:26 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

hi,you know biotechnology are good as career because

The biotechnology industry is constantly growing; during the past 10 years the number of employees has increased by more than 90 percent! If you enjoy science, math, technology, investigating and solving problems, and making useful products, a career in biotechnology may be for you. To begin to prepare for a career in biotechnology, here are several steps to consider that may be helpful. Adsumo: A Life Sciences Career Website America's Job Bank America's Recruiting, Inc. American Society of Plant Biologists American Society for Microbiology BioHealthRx BioJobNet Biojobnetwork Biocom Biocom Workforce Bio-Link BioSpace Biotechnology Jobs, Seattle, WA Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education Hire Health LifeWorks Medzilla NASA Kids Science News Network Nature Jobs NIH Careers Pharma opportunities Biotech Jobs Science Jobs Tiny Tech Jobs Under the Microscope: Biotechnology Jobs in California Vault Wet Feet
16th May 2012 05:22 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how do you think industrial biotech as a carreer wud help!r u sure to get a job after your phd
BIOTECHNOLOGY is that branch of science with amalgamates biology and technology in order to derive productive results from biological organisms through technological applications.


- Drug and pharmaceutical research
- Public funded laboratories
- Chemicals
- Environment control
- Waste management
- Energy
- Food processing
- Bio-processing industries


- Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development, Imphal

- National Centre for Plant Genome Research, New Delhi

- National Centre for Cell Science, Pune

- National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi

- National Brain Research Centre, Manesar, Haryana

- Center for DNA Finger Printing & Diagnostics, Hyderabad
16th May 2012 03:26 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

Biotechnology is an important part of many jobs. This brochure explains the role that biotechnology plays in some of these careers.

To prepare for a career in biotechnology, a person should learn as much as possible about biology, chemistry, and other life sciences. A high school guidance or career counselor, the admissions office of a college or university, the personnel office of a biotechnology industry, and career handbooks found in the reference section of the local library can be used to determine the specific educational requirements for a chosen career. Additional sources appear at the end of this brochure.
Careers in Biotechnology Research
Researchers in agriculture, biology, genetics, and medicine are at the forefront of new biotechnology discoveries.
Life science researchers may work in an academic environment, such as a university, or for a company or a government agency. They may focus their work on animals, bacteria, humans, plants, viruses, or any other life form in which they have a special interest. The discoveries made in government, university, or corporate laboratories are the first steps toward genetically engineered products or processes like new vaccines, drugs, or plant varieties.
16th May 2012 02:13 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

what is the average salary that can we get after doing msc. in biotechnology?
3rd October 2011 08:29 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

I have diploma in medical technology where i studied hematology,pathology(histology) chemical pathology and microbiology. however my interest is in industrial microbiology. would it be helpful if i should get a Bachelor's degree in microbiology(industry).Thank you
12th September 2011 08:10 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

am currently doing my final year industrial biotechnology. I would like to know the masters program (abroad)which has chemical and biology part i.e biochemical engineering is more of chemical whereas biomedical is full biology.Is it like we should shift stream or are there options for Ind biotech?
25th August 2011 09:52 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

I am in 3rd year of B.Sc Biotechnology...after this i want to do my masters and start my carrier by doing a job...but have seen some good students who have done MSc in Biotech and are not satisfied....what should i do then that......... should i go for the same Biotech in my master or Industrial microbiology or clinical research....which one would be fruitfull???
10th June 2011 11:42 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

what are the opertunities for the course industrial microbiology and zoology
22nd May 2011 11:51 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

Biotechnology is completely research based sector. If you wanna to opt biotech, from industrial biotechnology then you must have enough experience as training and internship programs. Every research based company requires experienced employee, so masters in biotech will be only fruitfull for you, if you pertain the project works, internships and most important is training before recruiting in a company.
To be a lecturer, you have to appear in UGC-NET. For more information on exam you can
ok, best of luck.
22nd May 2011 09:05 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

i have planned to study mtech in industrial it a good course?.what are my career about becoming a lecturer in this field? what should i do to become a lecturer in biotechnology?
2nd May 2011 12:09 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

i wanted to do masters in industrial biotechnology or food boitechnology ... can u list me the best universities or colleges in abroad...and pls let me after doing ms if i cum back to india wat kind of jobs and in wat companies do i get jobs and wat will be my salary
23rd April 2011 12:24 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

sir,can I do PG diploma in industrial biotechnology after in bioscience?which institution offers this course in west bengal?I am eagerly waiting for your kind reply.
15th August 2010 04:19 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

biotechnology is the field of human life its has much scope in all over the world

so you don need to worry about the job as if you work hard sure jobs,lots of

students are showing interest to become entrepreneurs. This is because of the

reason that industrial Biotechnology is having vast application in the food

processing industry. Anything from Fruit Jam till sandalwood oil can be produced

and preserved with the different preservative methods.
15th August 2010 02:45 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

there are near about 1000 seats in india,starting from punjab university to srm university.
from defence to it sector,from factories to machienry,you are eligible to work for many fields as biotech proffesional
minimum eligibility is 12th pass.
14th August 2010 01:55 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

I have completed B.Tech in Biotechnology.Now, I am thinking of Masters in food technology from Canada to get a good job?Is it a right decision? Please help....
29th July 2010 01:52 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

hello friend..
The vital component of all the Bio Technology enabled industries is, Industrial Biotechnology. With lots of companies with the food processing and pharmacy industry setting up their Research and Development (R&D) set-ups across the country, there is a large degree of demand for the professional researchers. To cater this demand, several Indian academic Institutes in India, offer separate industry oriented courses, especially in the Masters level. These programs train the students to replicate laboratory result in a huge industry set-up. MSc program in Industrial Bio technology is offered in many of the Indian Universities. There are courses available in the Industrial Biotech discipline in the Post-MSc level as diplomas. These are offered in many Institutes/Universities as cross disciplinary diplomas which greatly will support their MSc skills and get exposure more.

* Aspirants who are not having interest to pursue a specialised course in Industrial Biotechnology, they can pursue Mtech or MSc in Biotechnology. Another popular course in this discipline is Bio-chemical engineering that can be trained as chemical engineers with the extra-edge to apply their knowledge in biological products.
* Although huge number of jobs is available in India for these graduates, lots of students are showing interest to become entrepreneurs. This is because of the reason that industrial Biotechnology is having vast application in the food processing industry. Anything from Fruit Jam till sandalwood oil can be produced and preserved with the different preservative methods. As it requires very little man power and limited use of technology, entrepreneurship is being opted among these graduates, largely.
29th July 2010 01:06 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
how do you think industrial biotech as a carreer wud help!r u sure to get a job after your phd
why are you gettig worry about biitechnology it is most important stream of the world it has larg area of scop.
you may log on to
28th July 2010 11:31 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

hi friend its ma pleasure to informa you that biotechnology is the field of human life its has much scope in all over the world so you don need to worry about the job as if you work hard sure jobs on yo hand.... no never worry about that an prepare well for your bright checkout these website to know about the career an vacancies requireded

14th June 2010 07:46 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

There are many fields to choose from .do your graduation with bio chemistry, biotechnology, pharmacy, microbiology, life sciences, others. India is a booming market for well trained people and I think your place lies there.
7th June 2010 06:49 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

Institutes offering Industrial Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Program offered: MSc in Biotechnology

MS University, Baroda
Program offered: PG Diploma in Genetic Engineering and Bio-process Development

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Program offered: MSc in Biotechnology

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Programs offered: Mtech in Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology
MS in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (Research)

Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Programs offered: MSc in Biotechnology

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Programs offered: Mtech in Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
Programs offered: MS in Biotechnology

Institute of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology
Programs offered: Postgraduate course in Bioinformatics
17th May 2010 12:14 AM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

yeah indusirial biotech area is a good oppurtunity in the field of medical sciences it is the good thinking .........the scope of the biotech in the field of idustry is so excellent..........
4th March 2010 04:50 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

dear friend
it is a very interesting career prospect specially with the developments in the field of biotech and in the near future it is bound to be an important career prospect
best of luck
1st March 2010 12:56 PM
rahul k
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

There is great career opportunity in Biotechnology as the demand for trained professionals is growing in the global scenario including India.
26th February 2010 05:47 PM
Re: Industrial Biotech as a career?

When choosing a career in industrial microbiology or biotechnology, you should be prepared to embrace a multidisciplinary science. Very rarely will challenges be unidirectional, but rather will require investigation of several aspects of a process or production problem. In such circumstances, you will often need skills and expertise in additional fields such as molecular biology, bioengineering, or biochemistry......
26th February 2010 01:43 PM
Industrial Biotech as a career?

how do you think industrial biotech as a carreer wud help!r u sure to get a job after your phd

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