14th June 2013, 05:22 PM
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Which is better between CS and CA?

I have passed 12th standard with commerce as main subject. I have scored 93%. I m in greater confusion whether to do CA or CS? Please tell me which field has greater scope in future? From which field i could get greater job security? Which field is suited for girls?

1st August 2013, 07:48 PM
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Talking Re: Which is better between CS and CA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have passed 12th standard with commerce as main subject. I have scored 93%. I m in greater confusion whether to do CA or CS? Please tell me which field has greater scope in future? From which field i could get greater job security? Which field is suited for girls?

Dear Friend ,

C.A & C.S are the very brighter & wilder scope of the make your professional career.

I have given below the brief information as under :-


$$ C.A stands for the Charter Accountant.

C.A is the very helpful & brighter scope of the makes your career.

C.A is the evergreen course in the corporate world.

C.A is the plays the major part in the companies , every companies has the required the C.A because of the every companies must required in the company even though they are the national OR M.N.C

Chartered Accountants are professional people who work in the field of business and finance and their job encompasses areas like audits, taxation, company law, financial accounting and general management of companies. They can either work as self-employed professionals, or work as employees in public or private sector. As an employee, a C.A.'s basic job is to maintain accounts, complying the regulatory requirements and provide inputs on financial managements.

After the competing the 12th std. you can join the C.A

C.A is the divided in to the 3 Level which are as under :-

C.A Course Levels :-

1. C.P.T Level

2. I.P.C.C. Level

3. Final Level

C.A is the conducted by the I.C.A.I.

C.A is the such too good scope of the make your career , If you have the interest in the account subject.


C.S is the very brighter & wilder scope of the make yours career.

C.S stands for the
Company secretary.

C.S is the most important part in the companies.

Company Secretary coordinates with various departments and ensures good corporate governance. They are experts in laws related to companies such as companies act and laws related to capital market. They advise the Board of Directors of a company and are responsible for all the regulatory compliance that the company has to adhere to.

Now-a-days, these professionals are also entering the capital markets and financial services industry. Their role is getting extended into the administration, management, planning and general running of the company.

"Behind great corporate progress there’s a strong backbone: The Company Secretary."

If you have the many talent like the good communication skills , good leadership ,good personality , Innovative , creative Etc.

Then you should apply the C.S courses.

C.A is the very demanded courses in the corporate & industrial sectors both are required.


=> I think the both courses are the equal important But, it's depends your interest.

=> Finally , the C.A & C.S both the very helpful courses in the developing as well as developed country.

with best wishes of Makes 25.
2nd August 2013, 04:24 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Gurgaon
Posts: 60
Smile Re: Which is better between CS and CA?

Both Courses are Professional Courses.
CS cover only Legal Advisory Services where as CA includes Legal and Financial Advisory Services and CA are only persons who are authorized to Conduct Statuary Audit.
Both Courses are Better but Choose Course according to your ability and Interest of Field.
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