21st November 2019, 03:10 AM
Course syllabus of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in Naraina College of Engineering and Technology?
Hello everyone, I have heard that Naraina College of Engineering and Technology is offering Diploma in Mechanical Engineering course. I would like to know about the syllabus of this particular course of this institute. Please tell me about the course syllabus as soon as possible.
24th November 2019, 02:23 AM
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is a 3 year duration course and is divided into 6 semesters. The detailed syllabus is given below.
Semester I Engineering Mathematics Engineering Physics Engineering Drawing/Graphics Practical Communication Skills Semester II Engineering Mathematics Applied Mechanics' Material Science Mechanical Drafting Basic Civil Engineering Semester III Manufacturing Engineering Fluid Mechanics Thermodynamics Strength of Materials Applied Electronics and Electrical Engineering Computer Aided Machine Design and Drawing Semester IV Manufacturing Engineering Thermal Engineering Theory of Machines CADD Metrology and Instrumentation Plant Maintenance and Safety Semester V Thermal Engineering Design of Machine Elements Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Design Cost Estimating and Contracting Elective subject Project Work Semester VI Computer Aided Manufacturing Tool Engineering Industrial Manufacturing Elective Subjects Project Work |