1st February 2020, 03:40 PM
Procedure to apply for JK Polytechnic Entrance Test 2020
Hi Sir/Madam, I have heard that the application of JK Polytechnic Entrance Test is released for this year which is 2020. I want to apply for this entrance test. Kindly let me know what is the procedure to apply for this entrance test? Waiting for your response!
2nd February 2020, 11:09 PM
Procedure to apply for JK Polytechnic Entrance test 2020 is given below:
Official website: https://jkbopee.gov.in Application form can be filled through online mode only through website. Online form filling process will consist of various steps such as registration, paint application fee, filling details of the forearm am uploading of documents and printing of application form. At the time of filling the application form, candidates are advised to submit valid email address and mobile number. Candidates will have to upload following documents in PDF format with their online application form: - certificate of permanent residence - marksheet of qualifying examination issued by the concerned board - matriculation certificate indicating date of birth - candidates claiming benefit of any reserved category have to upload self attested copy of the category certificate The application fee is rupees 450. |
3rd February 2020, 12:19 AM
You can apply for Jammu and Kashmir Polytechnic Entrance Test 2020 by following given below process:
You can fill the application form by visiting official website that is: https://jkbopee.gov.in Give all the personal details such as your name, date of birth etc. Upload the documents such as 10th class certificate, category certificate, photograph and signature. Pay the application fee through debit or credit card application fee is rupees 450. Take out the print of confirmation page and keep it safe for future reference. |