9th October 2015, 09:07 PM
Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
I am about to take admission in Agriculture Diploma course. I want to know about the subjects which are there in this course?
11th October 2015, 02:03 PM
Re: Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
List of Subjects enlisted in Agriculture Diploma Course:
Some of the subjects may vary from college to college, but general listed subjects are provided for you below. * Soils and Fertility Management * Agronomic Principles, Practices and Meteorology * Computer Application * Farm Structures and Machinery * Fruit Culture and Propagation * Fundamentals of Livestock and Poultry Production * Principles of Plant Pathology * Irrigation and Weed Management * Agronomy of Field Crops * Vegetable Culture * Food Science and Nutrition * Energy and Environment * General and Economic Entomology * Commercial Agriculture * Crop Production * Breeding of Field Crops * Crop Diseases and Their Management * Crop Pests and Their Management * Commercial Flori culture and Ornamental Gardening * Agricultural Economics and Marketing * Study Tour * Language for Communication * Dry Farming and Agro-Forestry * Seed Production * Extension Methods and Audio Visual Aids * Spices Plantation and Medical Plant Culture |
11th October 2015, 05:10 PM
Re: Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
I Semester: 1.Agronomic Principles and Practices 2.Soils and Fertility Management 3.Fruit Culture and propagation 4.Farm Structures, machinery and post harvest processing 5.Fundamentals of Livestock and poultry production 6.Computer Application 7.Physical Education. II Semester: 1.Irrigation and Weed Management 2.Agronomy of field crops 3.Vegetable Culture 4.General and Economic Entomology 5.Principles of Plant pathology 6.Energy and Environment 7.Food Science and Nutrition III Semester: 1.Crop Production 2.Commercial Floriculture and Ornamental Gardening 3.Breeding of Field Crops 4.Crop pests and their management 5.Crop Diseases and their management 6. Commercial Agriculture 7.Agricultural Economics and Marketing IV Semester: 1.Dry farming and Agro forestry 2.Spices plantation 3.Seed Production 4.Extension methods and Audio Visual Aids 5.Study Tour 6.Language for Communication. |
14th October 2015, 06:41 PM
Re: Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
Diploma in Agriculture is a two years course which consists of four semesters having the following subjects.
1st Semester: 1. Soils and Fertility Management 2. Fruit Culture and Propagation 3. Agronomic Principles and Practices 4. Fundamentals of Livestock and Poultry Farming 5. Farm Structures, Machinery and Post Harvest Processing 6. Computer Application 7. Physical Education 2nd Semester: 1. Agronomy of Field Crops 2. General and Economic Entomology 3. Irrigation and Weed Management 4. Vegetable Culture 5. Energy and Environment 6. Principles of Plant Pathology 7. Food Science and Nutrition 3rd Semester: 1. Crop Production 2. Breeding of Field Crops 3. Commercial Floriculture and Ornamental Gardening 4. Crop Pests and their Management 5. Crop Diseases and their Management 6. Commercial Agriculture 7. Agricultural Economics and Marketing 4th Semester: 1. Spices Plantation 2. Extension Methods and Audio Visual Aids 3. Study Tour 4. Language for Communication 5. Seed Production 6. Dry Farming and Agro Forestry |
15th October 2015, 07:28 PM
Re: Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
subject in agriculture diploma is given below :
* Farm Structures and Machinery * Fruit Culture and Propagation * Fundamentals of Livestock and Poultry Production * Principles of Plant Pathology * Irrigation and Weed Management * Agronomy of Field Crops * Vegetable Culture * Food Science and Nutrition * Energy and Environment * General and Economic Entomology * Commercial Agriculture * Crop Production * Breeding of Field Crops * Crop Diseases and Their Management * Crop Pests and Their Management * Commercial Flori culture and Ornamental Gardening |
17th March 2019, 04:50 PM
Re: Which subjects are there in Agriculture Diploma?
Agriculture Diploma is 2 year course. Each year contain 2 semester.. minimum qualification class 10 pass with 50% marks..
The subject available for this course is Introduction to Agriculture Principles of Agronomy Field Crop Production (Kharif) Fundamentals of Soil Science Fundamentals of Entomology Economic Botany Principles of Horticulture Biomathematics Communication Skills Crop Production Soil Chemistry Principles of Insect Control Plant Pathology Live stock and Poultry Production Basics of Agricultural Engineering Principles of Agricultural Economics Agricultural Meteorology Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture Plant Nutrition, Manures and Fertilizers Principles of Genetics Pests and Pest Control Diseases of Field Crops Dairy Cattle and Buffalo Production and Management Production Technology of Fruit Crops Water Management Weed Management Diseases of Fruit and Vegetable Crops Crop Physiology Pests of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and their Management Production Technology of Vegetable Crops Post Harvest Technology Basics of Computer Application Farming Systems and Farm Management Agriculture Statistics Plant Breeding Agricultural Microbiology Basics of Soil and Water Conservation and Engineering Seed Production Technology Green house Technology Educational Tour |