12th March 2019, 02:37 AM
Procedure to apply for SDAT Sports Scholarship Scheme?
Hi Sir, I came to know that SDAT Sports Scholarship Scheme is available now. I want to apply for this scholarship. Kindly let me know that how can I apply for this scholarship. Please let me know about the procedure of application as soon as possible. Thank you!
18th March 2019, 06:47 PM
You can apply for the scholarship through their official website by following the below mentioned steps.
- Visit website of the fellowship program https://www.sdat.tn.gov.in/core/sche...m.php?month=12 - Fill the required information related to Sports discipline, District, Class, DOB etc. - Enter details of Aadhaar card number, Bank details, Bonafide Certificate, and other necessary information. - Finally submit the application form simply by clicking “Register". Contact Details: Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu 116 A, Periyar EVR High Road, Nehru Park, Chennai - 600 084 Phone: 044-28364322 Email: [email protected] |
19th March 2019, 09:00 AM
Procedure to apply for SDAT Sports Scholarship Scheme is mentioned below:-
—> Visit the SDAT official website https://www.sdat.tn.gov.in. —> Provide information on sports discipline, class, district, date of birth, Aadhar number, bonafide certificate, competition details and bank details. —> After filling all the details, verify them once again and submit the application. |